Overwatch Loot Crates

What was your best drop from a Loot Crate?

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I got a legendary hit skin and an epic bastion one all in one crate.

>Barbarossa skin
>Explorer skin
>hit level 10
>nothing but skins for Reaper and Hanzo and sprays
>hit level 30
>more junk

First it giveth

This is my only legendary skin. How'd I do?

someone actually bought 250 of them, it is not hard to get rare stuff.


I prefer the recolours.

i still havent fucking unlocked the store, is this a fucking joke

For gods sake you guys. You people keep bashing TF2 and the hat system, just to hop off on another franchise with the exact same methods to make dosh.

What the fuck.

Are you me? Only legendary I've gotten + 1 legendary currency.

I have opened 40 boxes and only got one Legendary skin for D.VA who I don't even play plus loads of duplicates.

Fuck the loot crates.

>Sup Forums is 1 person, everyone who is this 1 person makes every shitpost in every ow/tf2 thread ever to exist and will exist

>spending over 200 dollar for skins

>not watching the video

I got three blues in one box.

Yes, that's it.

not sure what i expected

>250 boxes
>15 legendaries
>For $200 dollars

>I'm level 20
>5 legendaries
>Haven't spent a dime

Get fucked

This is the only Legendary I've unboxed.

So lucky.

I got Torj's biker one but that's the only noteworthy thing I've gotten.

I'm level 30.

I've gotten Okami hanzo and Gambler Mcree from one box, then after about an hour I got mach t tracer and Sparrow Genji, and then Frogston Winston.

>neo/v/ is too autistic to sit through 30 seconds of a video to see it's a joke

>pointing it out
you are just jealous that you aren't rich enough to buy 250 boxes.

Phara and Mercys original skins are better than any of their other ones, including legendaries

Just got Junkrat's Hayseed skin with Symmetra's Insignificant taunt, 50 credits and a spray for McCreed.

Fuck you, im in love with Mercy's Valkyrie skins

I'll probably spend $20 on crates considering I bought the $40 version of the game and already put 10 hours into it. The game is a ton of casual fun that delivers fast results.

>got 4 sprays
>3 are dupes

what's the source on that d.va?

Open beta week, 3 legendaries

Live, an emote for bastion

Got five legendary skins so far, all of them are pretty good.
>Siberian Front

best loot box so far, level 32

Last cr8 I opened I got: A Profile Picture, Zenyatta Focus Taunt, Amber Mercy, and Blackbeard Torbjorn.

Feels pretty gud.


cry more, broke neet permavirgin hamfisted neckbeard stub dicked cuck

For real though it's the new vegan.

yes i vape

But do you crossfit?

they defiantly nerved the droprate. I haven't dropped a legendary since launch.

I feel like I am the only one who has gotten enormously lucky with the lootboxes
ie; I got a gold skin in my first loot box, then a second one when I reached level 9

Not very lucky, but at least currency drops form time to time, so I bought some skins.

Not until you learn my pro-nouns, shitlord.

guess the character xe is playing

Mei "Rescue Me"
i don't even play Mei

too bad Mei is so bad, that outfit looks cute

That cumrag skin for tracer

Pretty worthless

its called bait & switch
those enticing box buying options eh

Why is the hair on the d.va legendary so bad, would buy it if it weren't for that.

Level 30

I've gotten:
Junebug D.Va
Odette Widowmaker
and enough currency to by Arctic Zarya

I don't buy loot boxes but this is blatantly untrue. Overwatch doesn't have any of the bullshit unique special unnatural strange bullshit attached to it, it's actually literally impossible for you not to get any skin you want provided you play long enough for it. And it's all cosmetic stuff (no stupid weapons that change how a class plays) that isn't overbearing like TF2's bullshit effects that are obnoxious as fuck to look at.

Fuck off blizzjew I'm not playing your shirt moba


Holy fuck.


>buy 10 in loot boxes because the drop rate actually got to me
>get 4 dupes and 8 sprays

Definitely either Ifrit Zenyatta or Scarecrow Junkrat

>Buy 48 cause I am awful with money and somewhat impatient, up to level 20 and 0 Legendaries, 2 Epics from 19 boxes while some friends have gotten 3+ with no money spent
>It was 48 cause in 2 waves of 20, 2 boxes isn't that big a deal to me, I wanted to see my luck after 1 set
>Me after 43 boxes is Torbjorn Biker and Genji Nomad, 800 coins, which is insanely low for that many boxes
>After the total 67 boxes, I have 2K coins for 2 Skins I grab, and also the Symmetra Goddess and a bundle of mediocre Epics+Intros, no Taunts
>I got exactly 3 Legendary Drops from 67 boxes, no Coin piles, no repeats in legendary, just lots of repeat Epics and Epic coins
Seriously, why is the drop rate so mediocre.

Because you are a retard, if you are willing to spend - why would they let you have what you want?

Spend more retard, spend more.

My only legendary, actually made me wanna play reaper.

The only legendary I've ever gotten is that Mei fireman outfit and that was in the beta I haven't gotten anything good since...

>Mei is so bad

you're an insane person

>Spend more retard
I'm content having wasted an (additional) 40 on the game, emphasis on wasted. None of my earned boxes have dropped a Leggo, just a number of Epics, 9/10 are just a blue and 3 whites.
And my Bought boxes were barely better, yet I hear of people getting 5+ Legendaries from their first dozen boxes and I'm just sitting there flabbergasted.
I got the shit I want, though, so I'm happy to subsist from now on.
Yes, I have a problem, but it's not totally out of hand.
In fact, these are the 2 I got with my 2K Coins.

Funny enough the two shitty weeb-bait characters are both pretty trash

Your luck is horrid. I've gotten 33 loot boxes, 31 of them from leveling, and I'm at something like 12 legendary skins, plus I've earned enough credits to buy 2 more. I don't even know how many epics I've gotten. At least one every other box.

my "best drop" fucking hate both of these, it's my 4th and 5th leg

can you faggots not make a fucking general in /vg/ and stop spamming your stupid esport vulgarities you call game?

Mei legendary, epic tracer skin, legendary genji skin and a rare skin for pharah.
I don't even know what the chances of getting two legendaries are, but I'd assume I could have as well won the lottery.

Cause they are supposed to be rare? If this was any other Blizzard game, you'd be farming for YEARS to get a single legendary. 1 every 22 boxes is decent.

>got the hanzo lone wolf skin

I guess I'm joining the hordes of sniper cancer now.

mandatory viewing for people who buy crates

I'm sure you'll be able to twist your mind enough to justify buying more or atleast that it was all worth it and you didn't totally eat into their scheme.

Atleast you can sleep well, knowing you are part of their main audience.

>Insanely bad luck
>Insanely good luck
>Faggots can't make up their minds

>Duplicate Leggos only dust for 1/5 of their cost
My fucking god.
That's awful.

Junkrat's scarecrow outfit. Otherwise I haven't gotten any outfits that aren't just recolours.

>started out well, with legendaries and good rares
>last few levels have all been 1 Blue + 3 Garbage

BLizzard did this intentionally, didnt they?

I've gotten basically shit. 4 purples total, 2 of them were coins, others were a mei emote and torb skin. No yellows. Only one of my friends group who doesn't have any. One friend has 4-5 yellows, but I'm pretty sure he's bought a bunch of crates, he's super loose with his money. Spent close to 1k on LoL crates to get the hextech annie skin. Claims he's very frugal with his money.

>Lv. 34
>only Legendaries I have are Arctic Zarya and Chopper Torbjorn, not really into either of those characters
>currently have 870c and planning to get Rescue Mei or Valkyrie Mercy when I hit 1,000

Nevermore for Reaper

is currency set to drop from boxes at certain ranks or is it random?

Random. It's all random.

aww yeah

thought they'd have some pity on me and give me money at least

Lucky bastard. That's the skin I want most out of all of them in the game.

>Level 25
>Get my first legendary skin
>Probably the ugliest Tracer skin in the game


Blizzard gave everyone the open beta that had everything in it so they could get all this shit just to have it restarted with the real game.

People most likley shelled out money because they didn't feel like re getting all this shit.

Pull the trigger.


All the legendary skins are either great or shit. There's no mediocre ones.

Got El Blanco for Reaper as well as Rescue Mei. Those are my only legendaries but I did get epic skins for Mei and Lucio. Pretty happy with the Lucio one

Got my first and so far only legendary at rank 24, am 30 now.

It was Industrial Zarya.

My favorite character but least favorite skin in the game, probably. That being said, it IS kind of growing on me after people bitch in the chat when I get PotG that I look like a high school lesbian.

Sprays and voice clips for characters I don't play.

>tfw you unironically like industrial zarya

Agreed but still Epic skins are great I just started this weekend and got the Jackal and Anubis skin for Pharah(who sadly I dont use as much as I oughta)

and with just a little bit more money I can buy the a scarecrow junkrat

i want that skin just for that reason desu

its like blizzard knew

Same here

>lvl 19
>1 legendary
>it's a shitty poo in loo godess one

Could be worse, you could only have the leddit frog skin like me.

I wonder at what rythme they will add more skins and heroes.

You should also spam "I can bench more than you!" mercilessly after every kill for maximum salt.

>finally get a legendary skin
>it's for dva


Or maybe it's just me. None of Zenyatta's legendaries do anything for me but I don't really have any complaints about them either.

Might be because I really like his "face" design and both of them mess with that.