Who is the best gamer that ever existed?


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All those Korean guys who died from overplaying WoW.

>I love the powerglove, it's so bad

What did he mean by this?


LITERALLY this man.
Give me one reason why he isn't.


It's a reference to a song by Michael Jackson.

this nigga dominated one of the hardest games to dominate in. he was even cocky enough to do 5v1 matches, and still won.

Young people will never understand his greatness.

Probably him

Thanks for the support user, you're pretty good too.

bad means good


wait didn't his score get beat in king of kong?

depends on who you ask. it might be one of armada, hbox or mang0 right now. perhaps even leffen or m2k since leffen won GOML and m2k his been wrecking top players 3-0 with his marth lately

even got a graphics card and stuff with his name on it.
Quake right?

Yeah, it got beaten, then he reclaimed it, then another guy beat it again. I don't know if he reclaimed it again after that.

His brand headphones were very cheap and better quality than most of the same price. Loved it.

kinda sad how he's a nobody today


smash sucks and is easy

weak bait


strong enough

Lucas without a doubt had more skill than any millennial today, that's for sure.

>tfw just looked at his twitter

Jesus hes such a shill now

he streams now

John "FUCKING" Numbers


>beat a guy so hard he became a girl

Mysterious champion Diego Umejuarez

more like
Beat a guy so hard that he had no other option but to call himself a girl to cope with the shame.

>no daigo, valle, laugh, infiltration or justin wong


every 9 years old version of You enjoying platform games on your chinesef fake NES platform.

My grandma bought me PEGASUS on my communion, she paid 50$ for this, back in 1999. Worth every penny

t-thank you grandma

>fighting games

Here's your (You)

pic related

His fucking face every time

>I eat Gamer Food, you eat cocks.

Man this is the gayest shit ever. Even gayer than a boyband.

I know you are joking so it is all good

>no statue of liberty

The wizard

it's night time