>meanwhile on warsong gulch Sup Forums..
Meanwhile on warsong gulch Sup Forums
why do the alliance even want the horde side? it looks like shit
>dudu picked up the flag
>its a cap
>get out of mid and get the flag ffs
>dudu picked up the flag
>Holy Paladin EFC
>Resto Druid as backup
The story of Ashenvale is that the Horde are razing the forest for resources. Night elves are just trying to halt their advance. They don't give a fuck about the Barrens.
>mfw they still can't find me with the flag glitched behind the wooden pillars
>That Warrior with the flag that wrecks anyone by himself that gets close
>That Druid with the flag that will never lose the flag
>That Rogue with the flag that always drops it after getting murdered 2 seconds from picking it up
>meanwhile in alterac
just kidding both sides rushed and its already over
Hey guys lets fight in mid for twenty minutes.
kill yourself with a gun
>vanilla and tbc
>be rogue
>sit in gy
>ambush clothies as they spawn
good times
why did they have to ruin the best BG
>Meanwhile in Alterac Valley 1.0
Sup guys, i just came back from work, time to quest.
>a warlock picks up the flag
What are you doing
Alliance win 90% of rushes. When Horde actually bother to PVP, Horde always wins.
Pally buff
>he places GBOM which was already in place
>he's not even ret
>tfw was the rogue that took the flag
>mfw everyone is pissed at me as i stand on the roof
>they are forced to defend me
>keep everyone at bay with the team
>drop it just to stonluck and kill as they desperately waddle towards the flag and I'm destroying them
>pick it up after killing them and laugh
>tfw the efc comes to try and fuck my shit up even and i just keep stealthing, ccing, picking it back up and running away.
>run into flag room
>suspiciously empty
>10 druids unstealth and fuck your shit up
wasn't even mad, 10 druid WSG's are like an artform in fucking shit up
>faggot whining about buffs
>overwrite his blessing with mine, then replace it with salvation
>repeat every time another pally tries rebuffing
>both FC's just sitting in their own flag room, both too guarded
>only a focused group attack would work
>75% of players from both teams are coldsteel lone wolves fighting in the middle
>you can choose to fight in the middle or help protect your own FC because you're guaranteed not to die, the enemy team will never mount a focused attack
>if you wanted to piss around you could stealth and go hang around the EFC until you find him alone, maybe you'd even return the flag
>you've won anyway no matter what happens
WSG was so fucking comfy
>get steamrolled and camped at the GY
should have used the magic word :O)
>release of panda expansion
>15-19 bracket, no one can mount
>be windwalker monk
>combination of rolling and that flying serpent kick
>picked up and captured the enemy flag before they've even reached your base
>literally, using the literal meaning of the word literally
I hope you can still do this
Ah the good old days of week long Alterac Valleys.
I miss the early one where it could last over 24 hours with summons and shit. It was really fun.
>tfw havent played a battleground since the burning crusade
>the next generation of leaders in politics, science, industry will have grown up playing wow
What a strange revelation.
to this day, I do not know if that guy on the left is an orc or a tauren
Its an orc
Its a Tauren
Its an Taurc
>horns above his head like a tauren
>savage look and skull motif like an orc
I just don't know many, it's like weird early concept art
thats what comes out if orcs as and tauren fug
>that warrior I wrecked as a rogue when I'm in random blues and greens and he's in full raid gear by going full world of rogue craft on his ass
but fuckin warriors counter you with overpower
was he fury or disabled
I love it how you think overpower counters rogues, it's one attack while virtually everything else misses
>implying he can even use skills half the time while his ass is stunlocked
kids and casuals want instant gratisfaction
or they think that they want it
>tfw haven't played a new MMO since Trial of the Crusader me drop this shit
fuck the gaming industry
The horns are on his helmet you dumbo.
I used to think so to, but then I wondered how tight that helmet would have to be fitted for him to slice someone with the horn, it's dripping with blood. If that's a hat and not hair, then it looks like some kind of leathery, furry cap, it wouldn't sit firm enough as he uses the attached horn to stab something.
this is how you tell someone never actually played vanilla.
if you fucking honestly think you're going to keep a warrior CC'd AT ALL you're an idiot.
For real, I remember the times where you couldn't begin an Alterac before going to work, because it would be two hours long minimum, and you had to collect all bunch of shits, I was really young at the time, I would capture snow cemetary.
vanilla warrior was notoriously easy to shutdown if he didnt have a bunch of pockets. I dont think you played user.