Why do South Americans love KOF?
Why do South Americans love KOF?
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Why wouldn't they?
Trying to summon barneyfag again, I see.
Who the fuck is barney fag
NeoGeo cabs were cheaper than Capcom's, and could have multiple games on them. That's basically it.
Because Mexicans are actually Japanese peole
There's a lot of people in Mexico with Asian descendence
I'm sorry, but I can't understand that dreadful taco language.
Sorry user, I'm afraid I don't speak your ghastly taco language
One of the few games where we are represented holmes
I think it means "Gimme job please"
Die you Barney lover etc etc
They're commenting based on the video OP's screenshot is from.
PONY.MOV, I know user
It's an aggressive game that doesnt rely on throws as much as the street fighter series. If there's anything you can get out of this post, its that casual players hate throws. As time passes though, the casual player transitions into a decent player, and values the importance of the throw.
Also, each arcade had at least kof games.
Die you degenerate Barneyfag
That's from dress.mov
Who cares? Everybody knows mexicans aren't real people.
So yes, it's another OP is a faggot thread.
OP just wanted to shill Barneyshit.
hook, line, and sinker
Seriously, kill off all of their shit.
I dont i like more cps2 figthters
Here in mexico only retards and underages like kof
>no throws
How about you pick one and only one.
Almost everyone and their mother has a comand grab even if they are not grapplers.
So just kill all of their fucking shit off.
Just fuck up all of their shit.
>Expecting a good KoF thread
>Get barney shit instead
Kill yourself.
Hey, that's what happens when OP decides to be a Barneyfag.
yeah people can throw and command throw, but say you're playing as a Saiki or Athena, your way to open up an opponent relies heavily on high/low mixups; as opposed to sf in which non-command throw characters rely on frametrap/throw mind games (with the exception to sim. Most sf games that i've played force you to play this style, while kof relies on the high/low/crossup(/commandthrow) mixup.
I dont prefer one over the other as kof13 and usf4 were my favorite games for the last console generation.
Their shit all needs to be eradicated.
Who are your mains, Sup Forums?
I really wish for all of their deaths.
I only play 13 so King/Yuri/Ex Kyo
Planning on picking up whoever the top tier waifu characters end up being in 14.
>South America
Why are Gringos so fucking ignorant?
While most of South America likes KoF, the ones that like it the most are Mexicans and the image you posted is of course the caricature of a Mexican, Mexico is IN North America, just look at the map you dingus.
But they're also retarded enough to divide South and North America just to distance themselves from the rest of the continent.
>HURRR DURRE, THERE'S 6 continents.
OP just wanted to shill Barneyshit, you know, since the OP image is from dress.mov.
Which is why they all need to be executed for shilling.
Barneyfag do you take any medication
Because trust me, they all need to be executed.
Why do you exist
Delete yourself
>I only play 13
You disappoint us, son
I was able to learn to read/write Spanish in less than a year... I just finished reading the first Harry Potter book and started the Hunger Games. But I still can only understand bits and pieces of spoken Spanish when I try to watch television. Why is colloquial Spanish so shitty and broken?
Where are the Leona lewds at
Because speaking and writing are two separate skills and you focused on the latter you dumb faggot.
Watch 10000 hours of spanish videos and podcasts and you'll acquire the second part of language skill.
Nope. I don't really take anything except vitamins.
I exist because degenerates keep shilling their shit where they're not supposed to.
Seriously, their kind all deserves execution.
>degenerates keep shilling their shit where they're not supposed to.
But you're doing the same thing
You're not above the law, asshat
>say you're playing as a Saiki or Athena
Or say you are playing Daimon, Vice and Clark.
It relies on the high, low , hyperhop full jump mix up but to say it has no throws is just flat out wrong. Here Ara a gazillion characters that can be play whatever archetype you want
Mexicans all butcher the language compared to its beautiful written form, though; what's the point? It'd be like learning English from Dickens and Melville then realizing every person you listen to speaks like a United States southerner. I think I'm just done with this shitty language; I'll give French a try.
All I'm really doing is trying to keep degenerates in their containment boards.
People would mistake this Mexican girl for a Japanese one.
Go ahead and waste a year of learning for no reason then. Give up when you're almost there.
Just fuck their shit up and make them die.
That's not a fucking excuse to break at least 4 global rules
Kill yourself
We can't have them shilling their shit here though, neither would you.
Seriously, make them die.
>She's mexican
What the fuck
They need to die so that decency can once again reign supreme in this world.
Mexican butchering Spanish is the same as Americans butchering English desu
t. England
>violent continent likes violent video game
She can cosplay as a Persona 5 character
Once everything is dealt with properly, then we can make our world great again.
OP just wanted a lazy excuse to shill Barneyshit, the image is from dress.mov.
Probably because she's paler than I am and I'm practically an albino.
How do you not realize that? She looks completely latino. Here I'll help you put this caption at the bottom it'll all become clear.
>I made this coffee especial for you.
I am not sure if this bait is for Mexicans or for the American education
> She looks completely latino
Maybe in her other pictures, but that one?
But this is a KOF thread, the OP doesn't matter
Now go play some '98, it'll do you some good
Have them all executed.
But your shilling your autism..
I can't find Mexico in South America. Would someone mind showing me where Mexico is in South America?
They're still shilling their shit outside of containment.
>Kill all Mexicans and Americans
Fucking Canadian shit, go back to fucking your moose
Is the wig throwing you off that much?
I'm sorry, I don't think I was clear enough
Because they have good taste.
Well, I didn't mean them, I just wanted an easy way to quick reply and forgot to erase the post I was replying to.
>keep degenerates in their containment boards.
That's why we have people who can delete this kind of stuff. I hate MLP too, but I wouldn't go on a bullshit crusade by acting edgy and posting the same screencapped forum posts.
I would if I wasn't so busy trying to keep these degenerates contained.
Playing 2k2 right now, going EX Robert/King/Heidern mostly, but I have a huge list of characters I can easily swap in.
The fuck is a barneyfag? There was a KOF thread yesterday where nothing of the sort was mentioned?
Well, to be fair, this is more or less a symptom of shit not getting deleted right away.
OP is one since the OP image is from dress.mov
I wish I were one though.
Then this shit would get deleted much faster, and I'd delete all the cuck and porn and WE WUZ that plagues this board as well
Because seriously, this degeneracy needs to end.
Yep, i know this girl who would pass by either of the two. She is really pretty.
WTF language are the speaking?
Once it ends, then we'll all be fine.
>I hate MLP
Do you even know what South America is? Your pic says otherwise
What the fuck is going on here? Who is the "barneyfag" and what does he have to do with King of Fighters?
Nothing, but OP's image is from dress.mov.
>being a degenerate
I think some autist is flipping his shit and spamming some random screenshots for no reason.
And then you'll cry because spoken colloquial french butchers their beautiful written language form.
But go ahead, also try german or japanese once you're fed up with french.
>there's a lot of people
>shows a girl that DOESN'T look like a "a lot of people in Mexico
>mah logic bro
Kill yourselfo vato
OP just want some thin lazy excuse to shill Barneyshit.
His picture is from dress.mov
Country is very big and Mexicans are quite diverse.
Barney please explain how this is MLP related again?