ITT: Dead Projects
Hard Mode: No cats
ITT: Dead Projects
How about werewolves?
That ONE GAME where the two furry characters are dressed up as girls
i forgot what it's called but the creator was adding in new characters who were cows
Did Venezuelan politics kill the game?
I couldn't remember the name either and typed "that one game with the crossdressers and the pony character" into google
It's Sorcerland
>one round of QA left
>dead project
>two scenes left to render
>will be finished before a backordered tablet would arrive
yeah ok buddy
Apparently they've been dealing with rolling blackouts and shit during final QA.
Hell, they could all be dead, it's getting bad out there.
Might as well bring up one of Sup Forums's old ideas, that is probably dead like all things Sup Forums attempts. archive is all you need to look at :
>Some artists and programmers on Sup Forums trying to make a 3D platformer in the vein of Spyro, Mario 64, Banjo Kazooie, etc. (Game will be made in Unity)
Reading this made me age several years. All I need to know how nowhere it went.
Its never going to come out
You wanna hurt some more, if I remember correctly a later thread had a tech demo of just the character and some platforms, haven't found the archive yet but still looking for it.
As dead as Venezuela.
Rip in sweet pieces.
Isn't Dorothy supposed to be a slut?
Bang found the archive:
That's Stream-chan.
Dorothy is pure.
>rolling blackouts
Two-day work week, power is out more often than not. There is also no food or gas. It's more severe than you guys seem to think.
What makes you think people don't think it's severe?
They are mostly finished with the game, though, so it's just a matter of not being too dead to ship.
So, pic related then?
When's the revolution?
Apparently the developers are pretty left-wing so I'm going to hold off until the game is on a proper sale.
I wish developers were forced to sign a contract that demanded complete political neutrality.
No revolution. Venezuela's government controls the whole economy and their only export is oil, they use the profits to buy food and supplies for the whole country.
The price of oil went down, so there are shortages of literally everything.
those liru gifs are fucking amaze. fucking love that artist.
Go to and search for "liru seismic". you will not be disappointed.
What is that game, OP? I wish to know more.
Let's see if you can guess.
VA-11 HALL-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action
AKA "Waifu Bartending"
Same guy here. And hey, I remember that name. I heard it mentioned in some podcast a long, long time ago.
I might even have it downloaded somewhere. Thanks anons.
Holy shit what, this was based on something?
They put out a prologue/demo thing about two years ago, that might be what you downloaded
This might be a dumb question, but why don't the people of Sukeban Games move to country other than Venezuela?
>but why don't the people of Sukeban Games move to country other than Venezuela?
At this point you can't.
Hopefully they haven't starved to death yet.
That's roughly as easy as eating cake in a bread shortage.
Jaykin Bacon Episode 3 as well, but that's a non-issue as that was a bunch of idiots using meme humour to try and capture the feeling of the original without actually having any talent. Also paywalling the fucking mod for years.
>the price of oil went down
That's probably the biggest understatement of the year. It's starting to recover now, but it won't fully recover for a while. Two years ago (about), the price of oil was 105 dollars. A couple months ago, it was 35 dollars. There's a reason Venezuela is doing so terribly right now. Maduro is on his way out.
Venezuelan money is no longer worth anything, but the government is still trying to use it. As of now, I think they're still printing more.
who cares, it's going to be shit
>Not even a porn game
>You just fucking mix drinks for people
What was even the point?
i still grieve
it's actually just taking a long time to release to the best of my knowledge because the devs are rookies
>went to uni with Aaron
>he doesn't even reply to me on steam anymore since last year
They're still working on it though I'm sure, he's just a perfectionist and most likely they won't want to release until everything is the way they want it.
>We wanted HL3
>We got shitty Wii-tier minigames in the portal universe
>he's just a perfectionist and most likely they won't want to release until everything is the way they want it.
oh, figures; they can be somewhat lenient about the release date because they're smalltime i suppose
what'd he major in if you don't mind me asking
I don't know how any Venezuelan could still be left wing at this point, unless you actually believe Maduro when he blames the foreigners for all his problems.
I remember, back in 2008, an user was making a Lolchair Flash game. He had screenshots and everything.
I still remember, you fucker.
And I'm still waiting.
so long, suckers! thanks for the free money!
It's not "dead" as much as it's "one guy in a basement working on it".
I honestly want this more than Yooka-Laylee. I'm a sucker for anything with a Mexican or southwestern theme.
He studied Games Design actually. Sup Forums generally talks shit about Games Design courses and they're usually right, but if you just use it as a base to learn and study and then build your own project from there it's good.
This was "Tumblr Artist Idea Guy: The Game". How anyone thought it would go anywhere was beyond me. People were basically paying a guy to learn how to make a game, and hoping that he would be able to.
Overgrowth is dead, right? Haven't heard shit about it in years.
Where's this screenshot from?
Looks like a new scene.
Why not just download the free demo instead?
I don't want to play H games. I am fine with the Liru and Eiris gifs.
How do we save our Sukebros?
Convince the VZ military to remove maduro and disappear the Chavistas.
Shit, I remember this. The concept looked neat and it was cool seeing Sup Forums actually making a game instead of just complaining about them.
It's just an animated slideshow.
Well I did a little bit more digging and they obviously left Sup Forums , but I found a tumblr that was updated march of this year with concept drawing, so I've narrowed down whether they are still working on it or not:
Valve is used to a project giving them infinite money forever (Steam, TF2, CS, DotA2). A single-player game wouldn't do that, so they're not motivated.
why did they remove the prologue from the itch io downloads?
>waiting for that game forever
>had been hoping it would be out by the time the new Deus Ex releases, to throw on the pile of cyberpunk games I've been meaning to play
>DXMD gets delayed
>so does Valhalla
>DXMD now almost out, and cyber-waifu bartending game still nowhere to be seen
pls devs you've got like 3 months left hurry up
I wanted to believe and actually paid. Fuck, too bad the creator was fickle as fuck and couldn't stick to something. At one point she considered switching to low-poly 3D models for the characters.
It'll come out soon
just let me believe
>Translation at 85%
>Fuck yes more Rance finally
>MangaGamer announces partnership with Alicesoft
>First game is Beat Blades Haruka
>Translator for Rance VI picked to work on it
>All other translations also stopped
>Released earlier this year
>No word of other games
Fuck. In a right thread this time.
wait, this game was made by Venezuelan anons?
DAMN, they must come to Peru and finish the game, at least we have food and electric light is functional. We really like Venezuelan people
can anyone else still access the prologue or soundtrack?
did they take the download links down or just for me?
here's a sketch of her I dug up on one of their tumblrs or some shit, I don't remember
man who pissed in your cheerios
>being Venezuelan
>being Peruvian
meme nationalities
Face it, you're all rightfully Spanish subjects.
>We really like Venezuelan people
Nobody fucking likes South Americans. Not even South Americans.
I've been telling myself "it'll be out in like a month" ever since I preordered it back in fall 2014
nah, their country is going to shit, we have to take immigrant Spaniards that think they are hot shit because they are europeans
even europeans hate them though
are you southamerican? you have to live here to know how things works
The beta has being out for months
But I get you, I want to share levels and there's still a shitload of bugs
I'm sure they'll get around to releasing it once they run out of drug money.
I need to fuck that slimeboy. I MUST
Because you need enough money to move out, and a job to earn the money after you move there.
>Tumblr artist decides to make a game, gets somewhat popular indie musician to do a nice little chiptune for it
>it looks crazy ambitious and too good to be true
>Guess what, it is
>The developer has never made a game in her life and has no idea what she's doing
>Makes 60k anyway
>Be oppressed daily
>Lack of food constantly
>Poor infrastrucutre
>More drugs than there is oxygen
I really don't want to visit South America ever.
yeah sure, welcome to the 90s
This is the fate of most indie game projects. Only difference is we heard about this one.
The one where one of the cows canonically has a dick? Sorcerland?
This is official art mods pls don't bully she is dressed and it's not a porn game
Liru is a wolf
tfw my grandpa is so hardcore anti-yank he refuses to admit Chavez was a mistake and blames everything happening right now on america.
Shit, why did you make me remember?
You're like that one american dude I met in disney who unironically asked if we lived in trees.
I live way better than the average american anons.
>The one Rance that is 100 translated is held hostage by Mangagamer
At least I haven't fully beaten Sengoku
Buy more Haruka, user~
Not to mention the shitty enemy limit they have for the levels on the steam workshop.
No, this is the amazing bra's ring graping moment
Liru is love, Liru is life
>Socialism destroyed one of the only games I was really looking forward to
fuck bernie sanders