What went wrong?

What went wrong?
How it was even possible to fuck up so badly and make game so childish? Why couldn't it be more like Mask of Betrayer and Pillars of Eternity?

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How exactly was it childish?

>5 voices per gender
>Same VA doing different inflections

Dialogue was written like it had swallowed the book on fantasy tropes and the world felt empty as shit.

Atmosphere and writing felt like it was story for the kids

I loved this game

Cartoon art style, crap dialogue, voice actors pouring accents on like honey, gameworld is tiny and the quests aren't very interesting. Its like they assumed being a fantasy game was enough.

BUT user!!


That bad, eh?

I played it for around an hour or so but the art style was enough to drive me away from the game.

fucking kiddynity original shit! everything went wrong except for the combat!
nothing in kod was serious, everything was a shitty joke at the end, the main plot was made with underaged spawn in mind
also shit circus music, at least this will no longer be a problem
I would kill him myself but luckly for him decay come first

>Guys , I made the thread again!

Developers reading this , please don't make a grimdark sequel due these fucks.

Just give what the backers asked for.

>Darker and more mature than the previous game

This, the game has flaws just like any other game but this game is good

>Sequel to One of The Best RPGs in Years
Nothing went wrong

>we want the WoW audience

>Just give what the backers asked for.
real backers want mature story, dark visuals and serious tone
you're not the real backer or even the real rpg fan
you should play nintendo games

Are you drunk or something?

You are a real backer if you gave them money on the kickstarter.

you can give them money and still not be a real backer
the real backers want mature games

One would assume that the people that backed their latest project want more of the same

Is Divinity ll any good?

>One would assume that the people that backed their latest project want more of the same
not even close, they want more combat but not shit writing and stupid jokes
larian confirmed that next game will be way more mature and dark, even visuals are tuned down in comparision with divinity
no more wow visuals friendo

I thought it was fun for 1 playthrough, but some real boring parts in the second half.

Is it as good as Oblivion?

Have you ever played a Larian game before? They're always like this and personally I love it. Not every game needs to be a nihilistic grimdark take on humanity's bile.

>actually wanting the story to mirror a kid's cartoon



The only thing those two games have in common is that they both have swords in them.

>Not every game needs to be a nihilistic grimdark take on humanity's bile.
it should be

This game is great, don't listen to the pissants. Every one should play this once.


you Sup Forumsermin kids are hilarious

>colors and humor? those things are for fucking KIDDIES
>i demand a SERIOUS and MATURE game for serious and mature individuals such as myself

Fuck you I like it

Coop is a blast

Yes , the new game is going to have a few more "f" words in it. Good job.

Game isn't that good even without the shit writing.

Combat gets really repetitive after you leave the starting city and do that boring jungle bullshit (which is where I dropped it).

Who actually finds images like that funny?

After the city is the Snow map. You only do 1/3 of that area before finding portal.

What're you even talking about it's one of the best games of this decade.

are you hyped for the new kirby game?

I want something between grimdark and constant silliness.

I want a harem ending and interactive sex scenes.

>I need pretty colours and fancy lights to distract myself from the bleak and empty existance that is my life

I want realistic, interactive rape and torture scenes

What is escapism?

+1, those infantile imbeciles will never know the mix of euphoria and dread from reading Nietzsche and The Punisher

>I need darker colours and less lights to distract myself from the sad and empty existance that is my life

Why is the kid white on one version but a nigger on the other?

>Developers reading this

I don't see any nigger, they just changed the murder intent eyes

It's satire you moron.
Pillars of Eternity is terrible by the way.

>a dispenser or wisdom

The first kid has blond hair, blue eyes, white skin. The second is... I'm not sure. Not a full nigger probably. Maybe a mulatto. Or some Oceanian magic.

It's shit tier satire written by interns. Previous Divinity games had proper writers and the quality was noticably better.

Nice cover you have there. It would be a shame if somebody found it offensive...

lol no

Hello Sup Forumseddit

Reminder that Kirill is dead.


Ah, the old "it's shit ON PURPOSE."

Why is it shit?


If you don't like it then don't play it.
Easy peezy.

I didn't say it's shit, I said it's satire. Maybe you should work on your reading comprehension pal.


>muh mature game for mature gamers
Fuck off and die. Satisfied backer here.

They picked the wrong game to throw under the bus.

I'll never forgive them.

>How it was even possible to fuck up so badly and make game so childish? Why couldn't it be more like Mask of Betrayer and Pillars of Eternity?

Have you ever played a Divinity game before? Of course not, silly me.

It's you again. Aren't you getting bored of always making the same threads?

They just mad because of

>look at me guys i said nigger on the internet xDDD

That's very fascinating, user, but I'm still curious about the answer.

>I need CRAWLING IN MY SKIN-tier nihilism to escape the realization that vidya is a childish hobby

Larian's weak spot was always the story. I did not really mind though because the gameplay was good enough to make up for all the silly stuff they included.

seriously though

is the game fun?


Why? Does it have a good story?

Yes, gameplay wise it's best crpg of the decade

For a time. Not really worth finishing it though.

It is, the combat is slow but pretty fun, the game is hard too

I recommend you to play it with a friend, its more fun that way, like it happens with any other game

I take it this was your first Divinity game?

It was the first KS game that cashed in on the nostalgia wave.
It did as well as can be expected.

I can't play RPGs with friends though. They either want to rush through the game or spend way too long on one thing. Just want to go at my own pace.

Story isn't what makes a game fun.

I bet you ask this for porn too.

Pretty sure you can't decide what I like about a game.

Unless your a cute girl ofcourse.

You are obviously better off reading books than playing games.

That's not an argument though.

Yes, you will get many hours of fun, but it is so so long and everything after the first zone just isn't as good

Pretend you have some brain and say that it is. Why are you here dishing an RPG instead of reading books?

I've played all Divinity games and i must say that they have some pretty dark stuff in them.They are not 100 grim dark porn but they are far from childish.

Even Divinity:Dragon Commander had a lot of darkness in it.

Most people are just ignorant or never played a Divinity game.

Who says I'm not reading a book RIGHT now though?

You are retarded

I like making choices in rpg's
books are passive experience

>dishing an rpg
he's just asking if the game is fun though

Pretend you have some brain yourself maybe.

He's not any blacker than the girl.

What are you talking about. They are hardly any different. Is it the voice acting perhaps that put you off?

>They're always like this
Yeah, I mean, broing it up with 8 abducted NPCs for the purpose of deciding which 4 to kill was the best lighthearted fun I've ever had in my entire life.

Then you need a visual novel , not an RPG

Wait, what? I thought this game was a success?

Am I wrong?

lel most if not all visual novels have worse stories than videogames.

Did you miss the sacked village or the cult sacrifices in D:OS?

One quest out of the entire game.

and I forgot about the surprise behind the waterfall. Disney-like I would say.