Industry is slowly moving towards streaming games

>industry is slowly moving towards streaming games


nigger=console exclusive 5 years late
Wolf=rest of the gaming community

Are you really surprised? I mean, you already buy the discs without actually owning the content.

>le ebin cuck meme xD

>giving a shit what color someone is

Found the insecure half-breed

>raising the spawn of another man doesn't make you less of a man
Either an omega lying to himself or a single mother.

When? How?
Explain why you think this.
Justifiy your logic.


found the pol-tard


As in someone who is a fan of Pol Pot?

Spotted the shit skin Mexican/nigger

>its another Sup Forums shitposts on Sup Forums thread

back in my day baiting meant something


Chaika predicted it back in 2014

But the industry is moving towards streaming.

I think EA recently mentioned it in some report.

We're already digital. Next step is streaming.


>giving a shit what color someone is
says the shit colored person
>giving a shit about beauty standards
says the ugly person
>giving a shit about "good" body sizes
says the fat person
