Why the fuck almost all FF games have this autistic over the top design for their characters...

Why the fuck almost all FF games have this autistic over the top design for their characters? it was so bad the blatant sasuke ripoff unironically look much cooler with his brooding all-black boyband design compared to the previous titles.

you do realize where these games are developed, no?

FFXV crew look like the biggest fags yet.
They're fujo bait.

>Now you remember kojima and quiet bullshit outfit.

Because Nomura and no hardware limitations anymore.

Atleast they look practical. Pic related is the most autistic design yet with super ugly western mixed face.

The goal is to make you believe these characters are living in a fantasy world, far in the distance future. Their outfits may appear weird and tacky, but it's the current trend in the world they live in.

Pic related. Shit like this will someday be fashionable to us.

it wouldn't look bad if she had a decent colored skirt and tossed out the boots and tie

>blatant sasuke ripoff

Fun fact, Noctis' design came first.
Do some research before spouting bullshit.

>dressing like a boyband for fight giant monsters is practical

I don't get the issue with FFX's characcter design.
They all look like they belong in the world they live in, it's not random weird outfits.
Except for Lulu, what the fuck was that about?

>knowing anything about what's fashionable

Never EVER
this looks horrible, she should feel horrible the designer should feel horrible this is kill

>the blatant sasuke ripoff
You know he looked like that before Sasuke had that design right?

Gee, I wonder

As an expert on fighting giant monsters I'm sure you know what's practical or not.

>muh Nomura
Ever noticed what Amano's characters actually looked like?

>They have 17 years of development to change back his design but decide not to.
Sound like noctis got cucked hard by sasuke you literally cannot shake off both from each other.

oh man Squall probably have the most GOAT ass design with that fur jacket.

>i want Tidus to wear a polo shirt, jeans and office shoes
>i want Yuna to wear whatever H&M has to offer now

Get the fuck off /fa/

Don't worry OP here are some superior character designs from Call of Duty©: Modern Warfare™ 3
Don't forget to preorder the Legacy Edition™ of Call of Duty©: Infinite Warfare™

Pretty much everything made by the nips has that.

>As an expert on sucking cocks I can tell you I can't stop sucking dick.

yeah he should be wearing banana republic

The outfits communicate stuff about the characters, op, they are meant to be expressive not practical. If you don't understand that then there's no helping you.

I actually don't like Amano either. His designs aren't overdesigned though. They all just look the same bodywise and/or incomprehensible overall.

And overdesigned as hell. Just look at this shit: chances are that Cecil would kill himself with his own armor before any enemy would even touch him. And let's not get into the whole rags & beads theme that Amano also seems to love.


There is nothing wrong with that
It manages to look unique while still maintaining it's medieval fantasy identity of a paladin
I also like Nomura's designs but they are very different

>hating on based cecil

I guess we'll have a different view of what is overdesigned. To me it's that a design doesn't follow one (two at most) main idea. With Amano it's a single one of "Swirly and spiky as hell." in your example of Cecil. So it works for me at that level. It's just otherwise bad. SNES era sprite Nomura was always ahead of him to me and it wasn't even a contest.

>eye cancer inducing splashes of color
>fucking rugs for clothes
>random tassels everywhere like he's some cheap Turkish car
>random beads stolen from the nearest Arts & Crafts fair
>tons of pointless spikes to get stabbed by
If we're talking about impractical, overdesigned clothing, it doesn't get much worse than Amano.

Post good armor

its fantasy you dumbass