Ibuki is back, boys.
Welp she ain't coming this month. Otherwise they would've talked about it as a "May patch"
PSN updates on Tuesdays. Which is still May.
What's with all these shit characters making a return?
Stay mad. Ibuki is great.
this desu. i want more new characters like Necalli and Rashid. their designs are a lot more interesting than original characters too
Yes the PSN store updates on Tuesday. This has nothing to do with this update though as it's a patch, not something purchased via the store. I want to believe but lol, no. Btw, Guile launched on a Thursday and Alex on a Monday.
>has to stock kunais now
Makes sense since she can throw them from the ground now. And also explains the EX kunai being an explosive one (I wonder if that EX SKR to EX kunai is an automatic follow up or you have to input it)
If people buy a half a million copies of the game because of her, then it won't be a flop.
Although it will still be shit.
She has some godly thighs now.
this looks dumb
>slowdown from the bomb
No Sakura no buy.
>another female character
wow capcom, really subtle
So the v skill is kunai and the v trigger is bomb?
>she sees your fight stick
v-skill is "not rasengan"
Just expect there to be no May update and you won't be disappointed any more than you already are
This is the first female DLC character.
palm blast is v-skill, bomb is trigger
eat up your waifus, go ahead.
you people really need to go outside.
also, kunai is qcf-p
So she is her vskill a hitgrab?
I want to lick every girls thighs in sfv
I like that design. Nice blend between young girl Ibuki still in school and the inevitable ninja Ibuki.
No, it's and she still has her raida hitgrab
>female character in a game is now automatically waifu
>t. westerncuck
Why does she even go to school? One would think she would have her own stuff to learn passed down by members of her clan or some shit.
The uniform just looks okay, but mixed with the armour and mask it looks really good
>those ballistic missiles
>he can't fight Ibuki
I'm excited to try her out. Can't wait for Tuesday.
So it is like Karin's?
Do we have a move list?
Why wouldn't she go to school? It's required by law.
So does she come out tomorrow then?
There's something wrong with her smile in her victory shot.
Please. Inform me on your standards on what makes a shit character and provide me with a list of characters whom you have decided are not "shit."
Yes, we don't get a new character next month though.
Oh an Ninja people are all about following the law right?
It's pretty sad to see this dead game get shilled by Sony and capcom shills.
Deader than battle born.
Ninjas are tyoically depicted as major moralfags though. Besides, what good is a ninja that can't read?
>every thread is a shill thread
Your paranoia levels are over 9000
I feel bad for my homie who mained Balrog and was waiting to play the boxer this month. Ibuki is bae though so fuck yeah.
Still more alive than Furry Instinct, MS shill.
It's going to be Juri next and he is going to commit suicide.
Will we get more day time stages?
Not yet. Judging from the screenshot, think of her grab-super from 3S or SFIV when you're out of range from grabbing. Know how she just shoots a giant orb of energy in front of her? Think that, but if its range was dependant on how long you held the v skill buttons.
You know something...I don't even care about Juri at all as a main character or part of the cast but I can't wait for her to come out for the extra fap material.
Then you're cancer.
Does she have her rekka?
On one hand, I hope so, but I'd honestly rather just get new stages over alternates for old ones. Despite not liking Balrog, I sincerely hope we get a Las Vegas stage and Sexy Trunks back.
So like chuns fireball super
RIP her tits though
Was a monster in IV
>still no release date
You'd think Capcom had learned by now.
Calm down Achmed
Why does her face look so retarded?
Like she has the same eye problem that Ken has.
It comes out tomorrow dipshit. Why do you think they waited till the end of the month?
>kills people
>steals from people
>oh wait, god forbid we break this law about sending kids to school
If she learns difficult ninja arts from her family are you seriously implying it would be impossible to learn how to read from them too?
>Capcom traded tits for thighs
A fair trade
>Capcom is going to sell a stage already in the game but day instead of night
Nothing wrong with fapping to characters but you fags who dont even play the game are the worst
>yfw you can manually explode the bomb with a EX kunai
She has pretty big tits. She's just wearing a baggy shirt.
Yes, except smaller and in front of Ibuki instead of around her like Chun's. I miss Hikosho so much. It's one of my favorite supers in a fighting game ever. Hope we get different CA's down the line, though I understand they're having trouble getting even the most basic of shit out now, so it can wait.
He didn't say he didn't play the game. He just said he didn't play the character.
>It comes out tomorrow dipshit
Well, don't you think if it's coming tomorrow they would mention that in the blog post? Like they did with every other character? But no, all they say is that June is going to be a huge month. I hope you're ready for dissapointment.
and where are my hip windows
I'm glad I have someone I enjoyed playing from 4 back because I was having real trouble sticking with somebody.
I do want to hear what they got planned for Balrog's next theme though, almost always godly.
June is a big month because they are doing the big story thing.
Can I buy the Battle outfit yet or did.I lose out on it forever?
Don't make a 'new' thread? Go and play on the other ones...
These fucking casuals fucking up, ffs
Not the guy you're talking to but like he said, get ready to be disappointed tomorrow. Just don't make a shitpost thread about it okay?
>That’s it for today, but we have a lot of exciting news coming very soon! June is going to be a huge month for Street Fighter V, with the highly-anticipated Story Expansion and more surprises planned, so stay tuned and be sure to follow us @StreetFighter on Twitter for the latest updates!
Probably when Zenny shop opens.
ibuki was a brainless bullshit character for players with no skill in 4, but that was only the mechanics, the character design itself is fine and theyre taking all the cheese out of her so im ok with it.
i could see it, but it might be too much
>That's it for today!
It honestly sounds like they're dropping Ibuki today. Because June seems completely separate from Ibuki.
I will continue to believe.
still seems kinda stacked to me
id enjoy any thread that isnt dark souls witcher or overwatch at this point
Ibuki is a cutie!
Fun fact time: most ninjas, historically speaking, were not assassin's or thieves. They mostly gathered intel on warring daimyo states and trade between areas in Japan. The black outfit they're associated with wasn't even really a thing until someone after that period romanticized it. They usually took on the role of local farmers, carpenters, etc. Yes, some of them did kill, steal, and (if you were a woman) slept with people for information, but those things happened as often as "shoot-outs" actually did in the Cowboy period here in the U.S. (by which I mean not very often.)
There's wanting your character in and there's being delusional. This is fucking capcom, expect the worst.
This. I do play the game and go to my local scene. Thanks senpai
I thought it was suppose to be open in march? Jesus Christ
>you will never rotate the camera 90 degrees for upskirt
What's the point of the mask if she's identifying herself with her school uniform?
EVO announcement at main event. Watch.
Wow, amazing! You are like that kid in school everyone made fun of.
>Naruto pandering
More like iBUTTki
One of her dreams is to become a professional reporter/journalist which requires a formal education. She eventually goes to college in her Third Strike ending where she tries to break away from ninjutsu and become an ordinary girl. . .but
Would you rather have slutpockets or upskirts+ZR?
Are you ok?
maybe she's some other ninja who goes to her school
Does anyone else really want to kiss Ibuki through her mask? The material seems really thin and form-fitting.
Who do you think is making aaaaall of those threads (including this one)?! The same underageys, user...
Anyway, I'm out
Juri>>>>>>> Ibuki
Now, I'm out