How can you not love this man?
How can you not love this man?
i don't understand kojima obbsession
He's nothing more than a failed developer.
He's cute though
Don't you have to disclose which of your social media posts are advertisements?
because I don't care about irrelevant e-celebs.
If he's talking about his new game, so be it, if not then I don't care what he eats or what he buys.
Because he's a westaboo
someone post kojimachi studio
>He's nothing more than a failed developer.
If Kojima is a failure, who the fuck is a success?
yo, nice word.
Japanese can be otaku fags too
>gtfo e-celebs
so one of the most accomplished and influential developers in video games industry since the 80's is nothing more than an "e-celeb"?
>so one of the most accomplished and influential developers i
Jeez calm down MGSkuk, he made exactly 2 and a half good games, both of which had better alternatives
kojima pantsu
how many good games have you made?
I wonder how that dinner ended?
>one of the most accomplished and influential
He's neither of those and has one good game.
Because I'm not a faggot e-stalker
That is a non argument and you know it. Why even type it? You know it means you're grasping at straws now. So why?
He's not a developer, nigga
Fuck off Sakurai.
Fuck, beat me to it.
>didn't commit sansaku after MGS5
Fuck off Kojima, you dishonourable cunt
Wow, I'm sorry. But you really had to reach for that "kuk"
Like honestly. Did ya give yourself a pat in the back right after that?
Literally started his career as a software developer working for Apple.
personality cult. same shit with steve jobs.
some people get a free ticket from being irrelevant and/or mediocre when they gather a personality cult and an echo chamber made by their fanboys.
It's amazing how easily manipulated and shilled the average gamer is.
>holy shit you are a terrible contractor because you used vagina sand in your cement
>oh yeah? h-h-h-h-how many houses did you built?
>comparing a genius like kojima to a faggot syrian vegan hack
kojima has directed numerous masterpieces and is the driving force behind one of the most beloved franchises in gaming. steve jobs literally did nothing except sell shitty overpriced laptops and die of cancer because he was too much of a retard to get proper treatment. kill yourself for daring to compare the two.
>50 years old
>Acts like a retarded teenager
Is he autistic or what!?
>it's another e-celeb thread
Should Sup Forums just be renamed /twitter/? I think it should.
>you cant talk about video game developers on Sup Forums
When it's about a game they're developing? sure go nuts. When it's about them buying sunglasses? no stop being a teenage girl on twitter.
shut the fuck up and kill yourself. kojima is essential Sup Forumscore discussion. go back to r.eddit if you're so fucking concerned about "staying on topic" you fucking cuck faggot
No, he's Japanese
>kojima is essential Sup Forumscore discussion
Best part is you're 100% serious as you say that.
i'm not arguing for the quality of the games
the fact of the matter is that everybody who plays videos who was born before the year 2000 knows who hideo kojima is and recognizes the Metal Gear brand, how does that not qualify as "accomplished and influential"?
not to mention the financial success he has found
not to mention that metal gear, whether it's a good game or not, was the first stealth game ever made
are you disputing this, cuckboy? who am i kidding, it's summer. you probably came here last week so you have no idea what constitutes as Sup Forums culture.
>guy trying on glasses
Kojima fans are the definition of autists
>he thinks a GAME developer is better than the businessman who popularized PCs, music and smartphones on a worldwide scale
>and is the driving force behind one of the most beloved franchises in gaming
Also normies haven't cared about MGS in long time.
Ito left halfway through and then Kojima threw away the rest of his dinner to eat desert.
wow, it's fucking nothing. rich man exploits capitalism to make himself richer. what a true underdog story. don't you have a donald trump rally to attend, faggot?
Is that filthy frank?
Where the fuck did Donald Trump came from? What are you talking about?
>being this much of a libtard
I want to scratch his beard.
Ignore the memers, these are the same edgy teenagers that call Kamiya the Japanese Phil Fish.
Sup Forumscore is a reddit term made by faggots like you so they could "fit in" and force their shit like e-celeb stalking like it was natural. Sup Forums used to praise Kojima to an extent but there were lines and cuck obsessed meemsters like yourself don't give a fuck.
Take your fan girling ass
have they subbed the first video yet
>Uses term Sup Forumscore and thinks there is some deep culture going on Sup Forums
>Calls others summerfags
I hope you are just pretending
Junji ito look more cute then I always imagined him to look.
It would have happened eventually without him. He was the epitomical "idea guy".
>not funny
>makes really shitty """"""""games""""""""
got you famalampai