So Overwatch costs 40-60 bucks, and then ppl spend 2 bucks a pop on loot crates for consumable items

So Overwatch costs 40-60 bucks, and then ppl spend 2 bucks a pop on loot crates for consumable items..

Why would you get into this?

>So Overwatch costs 40-60 bucks
Yeah, it's a fun game and a good purchase.

>and then ppl spend 2 bucks a pop on loot crates for consumable items
Items aren't consumable, they're all cosmetic, and more importantly, you get a loot crate without paying every time you level up (which is like 40 minutes of playtime)

>spend $40
>don't buy loot crates

Don't see the issue. Most single player games don't last nearly as long unless they are open world.

>2 bucks a pop on loot crates
fucking poorfag why would you buy one box when you can buy like 50 for $40

>pay $40 for a game without BRs and russkies
>proceed to not spend additional money on the cosmetics roulette
Is it really that hard?

>paying for tf2 reskin with thots

literally why

Game still has shitters. Been playing it for a week and it's novelty ran out. I am just glad I got it for 30 bucks.

>using the word thot
go back to bed and try again tomorrow

buying items literally gives you no gains in the game. purely cosmetic. 40 bucks for this game is well worth it though, been playing with 3 irl buddies. eat shit v. having lots of fun. will have fun in witcher 3 dlc tonight too. dick is hard desu

>Play game
>Don't pay for things you can earn for free
>Have fun
It's that simple lad.

Well in my case, I won my copy of Overwatch from Taco Bell, so the $40 I plan to spend on payday for crates is just the $40 I was gonna spend anyway

TF2 used to cost money too. The moment it went free it noticeably became more shit. Real money transactions for hats and crates/keys are also everywhere in Steam.

>these same people are probably the ones that criticize league of legends

at least league is f2p

>le kill yourself xdd meme pic

im not the one playing a game for casuals, you first

>Defending this system
>Being this much if a bootlicker

How long would you guys give it until these micro-transactions slowly start delving more into the category of "affecting gameplay"? The game looks fun, but I'm hesitant to pay so much for a game I'm afraid will become pay2win in half a year

because they can afford it?

I think it's more that better skins and stuff will come out later, then the people who binged buying lootboxes will feel ripped off.

That reminds me, is the level progression linear? It seems like crates are coming pretty quick, but ideally they'd just add new cosmetics instead of making the progression exponential.

I paid 30 and I enjoy the gameplay. I don't buy the crates because I'm not obsessed with unlockables.

Who wants to afford this shit?
Overwatch is not fun for what it costs.
TF2 is fucking free.

Because the mobile gaming model won.

It's amazing how a medium that was once thought to be the next thing to become art is now more akin to fucking gambling.

Except that when you hit the slots you have the slim chance of winning some of your money back, and when you burn your money on microtransactions all you get is a small high followed by an intense shame.

I bought the origins edition but I havent and will never buy a loot crate with my own money

Gambling addiction, no appreciation for the value of money, no self-respect.

What's the level cap anyways?
There have to be only so many lootboxes yo u can earn through normal play, bound to come a moment where you can get anymore but new shit keeps releasing.

It begins exponentially but then caps at 22k which is about 10 games on average depending on length, medals won and whether it's a successive game win/loss etc

TF2 was vastly better before it was free

It came to the end of its lifespan but they could not just let it go and move on

Then they got greedy

That money will still be usable.

>value of money
wut? money IS value

boxes not even 1 dollar, 500 hours to get everything

>fucking poorfag why would you buy one box when you can buy like 50 for $40

Good goy, keep those sheckles coming

I think the real question is why do you care what people do with their money?

And cosmetic shit in a video game isn't. If you're going to spend something for nothing, you might as well burn your wallet and save yourself some time. I am willing to make the bold prediction that no one defending this crappy game in this thread has one cent invested in anything.

>i dont buy games guys

They at least made the game free, and added things to buy if you wanted.
Overwatch, you have to buy the game at full goddamn price, then you can buy their bullshit.

that's not a real question. The answer is that overwatch doesn't appeal to him, and if the game gains a lot of traction and is a success, it will influence future game development into further deviating from what OP likes.

People are supporting a terribly cancerous marketing medium, and this is what games are going to become.
Even Fallout 4 is still doing DLC w/ a season pass. Fug.

I'm sorry for the bad example lol.

Yeah but it makes them happy so whatever. You're right that I don't have traditional stocks, but I'm investing in my education right now with at least 50% of my earnings, and I've started an IRA that I contribute to monthly.

>I buy worthless things simply because I can afford to

sums up rich kids

Guys I'm smoking like 5 weeds right now and I have this mind blowing idea.

Why not buy Overwatch, and then just not buy the loot crates? You can get a $40 game that you can play for thousands of hours and still be on equal footing as everyone else.