Daily reminder

Daily reminder

It's too late.

Shit as a ps fan I'm actually worried it's stronger since after all the insults I made on the xbone you just know they're not gonna let a gap this big slide

But scorpio fails at the end of the episode

That shit sounds like a Razer product.

can't wait for xcucks to be btfo by MS as usual

He lived and took over the east coast



Come again?

also, real life is not a fucking simpsons episode, and scorpio is going to REK pshit4.5

Who the fuck was talking about real life here?

are you actually retarded?

I had a boss who was the spitting image of Hank Scorpio. One time he even punched out the window of a shoplifter's car because he couldn't feel pain in his right hand because of nerve damage.

He was a true mad man and probably my favorite boss of all time.

You might be


>real life is not a fucking simpsons episode

The Simpsons has been around long enough for life to imitate it.

Why are Sony "games" so irrelevant?

>This is what xbone fans actually think

Msoft shot themselves in the foot with that E3 years ago. People will pretty much never trust xbox again.

I don't get how the labels make sense.
PS4 entirely wrecked the Xbone and WiiU which both seriously under performed.
PS4 probably sells more copies of multiplats than PC does too.

>he was originally supposed to be the villain of the movie
>Fox stopped when they realized this meant he had to lose in the end.
Who else is enjoying their life in Scorpio controlled East Coast.

Nice projection, Nintendo and Microsoft.

it makes sense because Sup Forums hates sony

That'd be Nintendo.

You get 10 times more Nintendo shitposting topics than any other company

why do people spread this shit, that simpsons clip was made because of trump running, it wasnt made in 2000

Replace that xbox logo with a windows 10 logo