Your opinion on Kumatora?
Your opinion on Kumatora?
Decent tits
3rd times the charm, huh?
You bet
fuck off to /trash/
Punches stuff. PSI is good. Tomboy. Was made to /ss/ Lucas.
>it's a some 18 year discovered an old picture and thinks its hot episode
Worst kind of shota, even worse than furshit
>having opinions
Only faggiest of faggots don't shit on /ss/
Is this the LOL thread?
go back to your trapshit fag, /ss/ is the only good shota
Literally kill yourself, subhuman worm
fuck off, degenerate
Just dump the fucking porn
>says someone literally worse than furfags
I want the squids, give me the squirds
I'm the guy that was dumping the Splatoon one, but now I'm in the mood for this
i want to _____ kumatora
the joke is that she farted in the water?
>Not worse than fucking furries
I thought she was diddling his bum
I like where this is going
kill yourself homo
please finish the book
No, the joke has been cropped out.
God I love this book
Here's the original
>Hoo, sorry Ness old buddy, that was brewing for a while.
The twist is that it's a monster girl.