Does a single person exist who has actually played both of these games but still claims that TW3 is better?
Does a single person exist who has actually played both of these games but still claims that TW3 is better?
No. Especially if they played TW3 on the PS4.
Why do you fuckers from both camps keep trying to force this shitty fanbase war?
The combat in TW3 is just the most casual tier assassin's creed knock-off shit that's ever been. It's so embarrassingly simple, yet it's so heavily lauded and praised.
Don't even give a fuck about BB.
I preffered Witcher 3 more personally. Bloodborne is good but for fuck's sake, it's the same old Souls formula. Shit is getting tiring.
TW3 was an excellent unexpected surprise, I spent much more quality time playing it.
Overall though Why not both?
fucking retard
Witcher 3 is better if you want just to chill with comfy storyline. Bloodborne is better if you want mechanical challange.
>Appeal is the combat and atmosphere
>Story and and setting are incredibly interesting as well
>The Witcher 3
>Appeal is the story and setting
>Every aspect of gameplay is fucking trash
I have 'em both, Witcher 3 on PC. It didn't run that well which may have influenced my opinion, but ultimately I found it pretty boring. I can see why people like it though.
I loved Bloodborne, it was fun as fuck. Played through it a bunch of times, got platinum etc.
Hard to say which is the better game because good WRPGs are so hard to come by and these 2 games are so vastly different, but if I had to choose one to play right now I'd pick Bloodborne.
Just upgrade my PC recently though so I'll probably give Witcher 3 another chance.
why is simple bad again? Does every game have to have complex mechanics in order to be good?
But Witcher 3 IS better. Maybe if you get off Miyazaki's dick you'd see it.
Neither game is perfect, but BB's flaws are really really glaring, and TW3's flaws are minor things that you'll forget about once you get into the great looking world and do a few quests.
I have more than 100 hours on both. TW3 made me feel a wide variety of things when I played it, mostly good, while BB was mostly frustration with the occasional feeling of triumph.
I don't think the two are comparable you fucking moron.
Bloodborne is better if you want hack&slash repetitive mobs like F class mmorpgs and get jizzed your pants also witcher 3 is better if you want unique characters&story.
Played both, played W3 on PC on Ultra.
Overall I preferred W3.
The combat in BB was obviously better, but the storytelling and writing in W3 were just superb.
Theyre different games.
BB is an action adventure game, based entirely around combat.
Witcher 3 is an open world RPG, based around entirely on nudity and power fantasy dialog.
I wanted to like the witcher 3
but there are parts that just drag on and on
What exactly is wrong with TW3 combat?
It's functional, you have 2 type of dodge, parrying, guarding, quick magic, a crossbow and alchemy to spice things up. It's miles ahead of asscreed or your average AAA action game.
As for difficulty Death March can be challenging at times, requiring to make use of all your ressources.
funny, because bloodborne is more of an RPG than tw3 by a mile
pic related is your average witcher player
>Bloodborne is better if you want hack&slash repetitive mobs like F class mmorpgs and get jizzed your pants also witcher 3 is better if you want unique characters&story.
it's just a claim parroted by people who try it for 5 mins and don't bother learning the ins and outs of the combat.
>the storytelling and writing in W3 were just superb
Yes. Remember where you are.
You can't win combat in W3 by spamming one button
Sick counterpoints
>Chromatic Aberration : The Greyening better than W3
Depends on what you're looking for. BB does some things better than W3, and vice versa. I consider them both 10/10s.
Stats and equipment don't make it an RPG
Am I missing something? Why are we comparing these games? What do these two games even have to do with each other, other than being 3rd person?
Why not at least compare W3 with one of the Souls games since they have a kind-of more similar setting?
if any one of those games is repetitive at all, it's W3 for sure
Both people in this conversation are so retarded I can't even tell who is "supposed" to be in the wrong here.
This stupid fan war needs to end, both fanbases are some of the worst on Sup Forums I honestly find the Undertale fandom less irritating.
By and large if you're after gameplay you're want Bloodborne and if you're after a plot heavy game you're want Witcher, yes Witcher 3 still has better gameplay that most WRPG's but it's still not fantastic and Bloodborne has a story that the player can get into, but they can also totally avoid it.
The two go in very different directions and rather than arguing about which is better you might as well argue about which type of game as a whole is better.
>Bloodborne has better gameplay than W3
>get off Miyazaki's dick and hop on the dick of a game with worse gameplay
it's PCfats vs. Sonyggers
I got 3 messages in and I'm done. You're fucking retarded if you think I'm about to spend more than 10 seconds reading some literally who 3rd worlders argue about who's less poor or whatever they're talking about.
and what exactly makes TW3 an RPG retard?
Bloodborne is an RPG, TW3 is a linear assassins creed without the good animations or fun parkour and a mass effect powerwheel thrown in
in BB you CHOOSE YOUR ROLE both story and gameplay wise, you join different covenants, use the equipment of different factions and groups, use different weapons that completely change your playstyle etc
it's Sony fanboys who can't hack the fact that W3 won all the awards they thought BB should have won. The butthurt seems to be eternal.
Fuck of you attention whore cunt
For those of you who don't know, this fucking fat female landwhale is a delusional attention whore who goes on Sup Forums and /r9k/, camwhores for sad little saps and shittalks everyone with her moronic opinions
This fucking asshat already got BTFO and doxed in one thread, but looks like the landwhale can't have enough
Bloodborne was way better.
TW3 was just a buggy session of Game of Thrones.
You don't have to choose a game.
I know you faggots like to stir up competition and fight about everything, but get this: If you can't acknowledge that both of those titles are awesome then you're fucking clueless. With that said, I did enjoy BB the most in my time of playing it. That game has changed me, and I still read and watch things about it long after beating it.
I like both get rekt :^)
>3rd worlders
what country were you from again?
are you retarded? I always find it hilarious when people call me a landwhale with zero proof
inb4 someone posts another picture of "me" with zero proof and idiots like you get apeshit over it
also never posted on /r9k/, go hang yourself
you play the ROLE of the witcher
playing a ROLE = Role Playing Game = RPG
I never played a Witcher game, but every time people discuss it, they start talking about lewd shit. Every time i think am getting interested in the game, and look some up gameplay, most of it revolves around sex (How to Romance ...ect). Every time i ask people to tell something about the story, they scream go read the books as a cop out. I feel this just masquerades as a mature game for gamers, and the fantasy is just some low-tier Tolkien fan-fic.
Bloodborne is excellent. The Lore is also pretty rad.
Wildly different goddamn games.
>Witcher 3 is linear
I feel like you haven't actually played it
Well PCucks never ever played BB, and Sonycucks played the Witcher 3 at silky smooth 15 fps, with ps2 graphics. As someone who's played both, I can say I overall preferred the Witcher 3, but BB is definitely the one with better core gameplay and atmosphere. Still you can't really compare them too much since BB is an action jrpg with a heavy focus on combat and the witcher is more of a traditional rpg, which focuses on a lot of other things besides combat. Also mods make the Witcher 3's combat much better.
Yes other wise combat loses interest very quick
Honestly Witcher 3 threads are rarer than threads shitting on Witcher 3 just to shit on it.
>I feel this just masquerades as a mature game for gamers, and the fantasy is just some low-tier Tolkien fan-fic.
took the words right out of my mouth
the game has some plebbit tier humor and dialogue
How are they comparable again?
Not really no. Witcher 3 won Sup Forums awards simply because this board is majority PC users. I remember even the announcer calling out Sup Forums for it being bullshit.
I've played both and Bloodborne is a league of its own. The design philosophy behind BB is one that promotes user interaction and curiousity. The design philosophy of Witcher 3 is really no different than any other western AAA.
But one was available on Sup Forums's most hated console and the other was on PC, so guess who won?
unexpected how? it's literally just another open world game
Here you go, you fat fuck
Name - Nina Smith
Nickname - "nuunuu"
kik name - ninanuunuu
Known to be highly autistic on Sup Forums, camwhoring for anyone who says anything remotely nice about you and being a fat fuck
As I said, you already got BTFO, you fucking grilled-cheese-looking motherfucker
>Does every game have to have complex mechanics in order to be good?
no but having any mechanics at all would certainly help W3 combat
Meanwhile Bloodborne is a low tier Lovecraft fanfic.
>unique character and story
I like The Witcher but come the fuck on mate
people who can't tell a difference between good/bad combat mechanics aka Polygon
I'm a PCfat and I think it's easy to see that Bloodborne is a much better game.
Not worth buying a PS4 just for that, though. I'll just wait for FF7RE and then get both.
Apples and oranges, mayne
It's really fucking stupid to compare a game that's 99% combat to a heavily story focused game
TW3 has the better story related content, and a much larger amount of it than Bloodborne
Bloodborne has better combat and is more challenging
Apples and oranges
They are wastly different games and i enjoyed bouth of them in different ways.
I've played both and Witcher 3 is better in every way possible.
Fallout 4 one GotY. Awards are meaningless.
Bloodborne is made by a legit auteur. Probably the only auteur who is making AAA games. The difference between Witcher 3 and Bloodborne is that Bloodborne is the vision of Miyazaki come true and Witcher 3 is more of a result of slightly improving on what other AAA open-world games on the market have already done.
Also Bloodborne has a criminally underrated narrative. It's pretty tragic once you read into it.
>literally high literature
ayyy polski get the fuck ouuuut
Im literally cracking up, I just image searched for that and zero results came up
what fucking "smith"? Its Mariin
you could literally search for me on FB, or simply open up that kik, or fucking fetlife Ive shared on Sup Forums a million times. Only thing from the uggo you posted thats even close to reality is that im naturally brunette, but even that I bleach
I think the Witcher 3 is a lot better. I enjoyed Bloodborne for being challenging at points, but it was lacking on a lot of fronts and is using a really old and tired formula.
Witcher 3 was just fantastic. Great story telling, great world, I enjoyed the combat on Death March, is over 80 hours long, and there was a sense of adventure and accomplishment to finding secret areas in the game world.
Bloodborne was really linear, little incentive to explore, and the highlights were the bosses, but it had little impact because I already played Demon Souls before it. It's nothing really outstanding, but it was enjoyable. I don't think its better than DS1, DS3, or Demon however, due to the lack of replay-ability and how much less content it had.
Bloodborne's better if you just want to "Turn your brain off" and enjoy the shitty assassin's creed knock off combat.
>to a heavily story focused game with similar amounts of combat
In BB:
>80 hours into a strength build and want to use a DEX weapon? Start a new file from scratch and make a DEX character cause no way to respec! :^) same with going from arcane to bloodtinge builds
>at the end of the day the weapons are the varying degrees of fast, most range weapons can be dodged easily
In Witcher 3:
>Respec whenever you want
>3 different ways to play the game that are vastly different (alchemy magic and adrenaline) each with a few subgenres within them
>every weapon type is good and satisfying to use on enemies because you don't have to worry about PVP balance
>not having a ps4 and a pc with an overclocked 5820k with a 980ti amp extreme and a 60" plasma/$2500 speakers
i remember being poor. pull yourselves up by your bootstraps before our race becomes the same as the nigros.
I'd be cracking up too if I were covered with 10 tonnes of lard
They are and I never said they weren't. But here we are looking at yet another "BB is the best game ever, recognise it as such" thread.
We didn't even know it used Lovecraft till mid-point of the game. That was the most hardcorest twist you could've got.
Also, it used it's environment to convey a really interesting story. No game will ever EVER do that again.
But you already knew that.
I'm not going to argue with you. It's clear you are a vocal minority with shit taste. The end.
I have.
I vastly prefer The Witcher 3.
I do.
>TW3 has the better story related content
Not really. Bloodborne's story has an immense amount of work put into it. It's just that most people don't notice since they don't stop to think about it.
The combining of narrative, art design and gameplay is unique to Bloodborne. I haven't seen a game in years that combines these elements as efficiently as BB does.
Also holy shit these boss battles. Why can't western devs do good boss battles? It feels so empty playing games without proper climaxes.
Bloodborne has better combat mechanics but overall I prefer Witcher 3's scope, visual design, level design, rpg mechanics, C&C and storytelling. And I like DaS3's combat mechanics better than BB's anyway.
there's a good amount of missions with literally no combat, it's just talking and looking at shit
Are you retarded? Where are you getting the idea that the fatty you posted is me?
Do show me the source where the apparent proof is
Oh please, Bloodborne is overrated as fuck. I agree that it's better than the Witcher 3, but don't do with that "a league of its own" or "made by a legit auteur" shit. Why do you think Sony fans keep getting voted most hated fanbase over Nintendrones?
if I could choose one game I would choose TW3, but bloodborne was good
W3 is better
>he thinks GotY means anything
Funny enough that despite combat is the only single gameplay element in Bloodborne and yet they still managed to make it boring and repetitive button smashing garbage.
not the combat, the encouters
you fight guys or groups of drowners or group of 4 legged something or a single flying giant turkey retexture into 4 different ones. the game doenst mixed up until boss fights, who are fairly simple because loading time is too long.
heart of stone makes bosses much better but encounters are the same mmo shit. but mmos mix thing up with raids and dungoen. Witcher 3 just push some mobs in to lenghthen playtime.
This is inFamous vs Prototype all over again
congratulations, your favorite game is now on par with this masterpiece!
I liked TW3 more, and I absolutely loved Bloodborne.TW3 wins out, though, because it's one of the only Open World games that isn't 99% filler, and the writing is head and shoulders above just about every other video game in recent memory.
I prefer Witcher 3, but then again I'm a storyfag
>I'm not going to argue with you, here is some Dorito Pope awards to prove I'm right
Atleast the Skyrim babbies were honest about the flaws of their games. CDPR drones can't even admit how flawed Witcher 3's gameplay is.
What are bloodborne's flaws?
I've played both
They're both good games
Why do people feel the need to attack different games or defend something to the death?
They're just video games, play both of them.
Fat whore.
yeah but W3 is also much longer than BB
the amount of time you'll actually spend fighting are fairly similar
>Yfw Playing through Bloodborne right now and its amazing
>Yfw Preordered Blood and Wine on Steam and it will be amazing
Both are fucking amazing and some of the best games I've ever played.
>Dragon Age was the only ever game that won GOTY
Fucking retard
>that witcher webm of the wine bottle puzzle where the senses literally do the work for you