>Picking Charmander You were the edgy try hard kid. You were annoying as fuck. Always thought you were hot shit but everybody hated you. You grew up to be a piece of shit
>Picking Squirtle You were the normal kid. Nice kid with a bunch of friends. You lived a normal life and become a decent adult
>Picking Bulbasaur You were the weird kid. Often was a loner. You barely had friends and you grew up socially awkward. Even to this day you are still socially awkward and barely even leave your house
This is completely accurate right Sup Forums
Xavier Diaz
>Picked Charmander as a kid >Ended up like the Bulbasaur kid
Your thing is shit OP
Lincoln Martin
Jose Barnes
This made me want to choose bulbasaur
Ian Price
This, but also a lot of people hate me for no reason
Cooper Torres
This. Went squirtle as a kid and later on charmander for that extra bit of challenge. Shit list OP is a fag.
Luke Fisher
Jordan Thomas
Where did this copypasta come from? And why is it so gay? You picked the lizard that looked most aesthetically pleasing to you as a child. Do you honestly think this is some Freud shit?
Hunter Lopez
>but also a lot of people hate me for no reason
Maybe because you were annoying as fuck or ugly?
Ayden Brown
This literally doesn't make sense. I picked charmander only cause i like red
Jayden Carter
Fuck you you faggot I loved charmander. Stop being a contranian hipster faggot for once and maybe you will like him too.
Carson Reed
Take a look now at all the Charizard faggots. The most obnoxious faggots in the world. Those are the same kids who thought they were so cool but in reality, they were annoying as fuck and everybody wanted to beat the shit out of them.
Ayden Miller
I picked Pikachu
Grayson Hernandez
Squirtle is the best starter and OP is only slightly mistaken on bulbabro
2.5/3 list
Adam Adams
I think you need to move on from fifth grade, friend.
Eli Garcia
>>Picking Squirtle >You were the normal kid. Nice kid with a bunch of friends. You lived a normal life and become a decent adult.
I can confirm this is false. I'm a straight up Sup Forumstard / Normie hybrid.
Hunter Bennett
why is squirtle so popular with people with autism?
Xavier Rogers
Everybody picked Charmander, retard.
Oliver Phillips
>picked charmander >live like Squirtle >feel like bulbasaur
Michael Cooper
Fuck you, i dont see you in 20 current overwatch threads redirecting them to /vg/
Justin Lopez
>Pick Bulbasaur. >Go and catch Mankey >Store Bulbasaur forever.
Mankey was my bro.
Joshua Lewis
>you started with Yellow >you will never know which started you would've picked
Colton Peterson
>Picking Bulbasaur >You were the weird kid. Often was a loner. You barely had friends and you grew up socially awkward. Even to this day you are still socially awkward and barely even leave your house
Joshua Russell
I think if you played Red or Blue you were Squirtle, and if you played Yellow, you were Bulbasaur.
Charmander kid never played Pokemon.
Xavier Roberts
>tfw you dont remember what you picked I dont know whats worse
Sebastian Evans
>picked Squirtle >lived like Bulbasaur Nope, I don't think it's right at all.
Owen Anderson
So when did you come out user?
Connor Anderson
Oh shit, look out!
Best original Pokemon coming through.
Gabriel Harris
Yeah, I would say every single one of these is exactly true, but I can't remember who I picked the very first time. Too much booze in subsequent years clouding the memory, just the way I like it.
Jeremiah Davis
I picked Squirtle and am much more like Bulbasaur kid.
Ryan Perez
>tfw young and my first Pokemon was silver
From OP's list, picking chikorita would be similar to bulbasaur but a few levels gayer, I imagine. Pretty accurate for me.
Asher Sullivan
I was the kid who went through the game with all 3 starters.
Chase Gutierrez
Any boy with normal sexual preferences picked Charmander or Squirtle. Only fags and speshul snowflakes went for Bulbasaur.
Kevin Gomez
>Picking Charmander You were the edgy try hard kid. You were annoying as fuck. Always thought you were hot shit but everybody hated you. You grew up to be a piece of shit
I always knew I was a fucking loser
Benjamin Wilson
>get pokemon red >3 options >fire lizard, water turtle, half plant half mongo thing >friend irl has a turtle moves slow as fuck and stinks like shit, not having that >my friend's mom is big into gardening. its gay and boring as fuck. you cant even throw water all over the place when feeding because its bad if it gets on the leaves >fire lizard is the other choice, looks baller as fuck on the box, doesnt have a gay name, fire obviously wrecks plants, lizard is faster than turtle.
obvious choice
Nathaniel Morris
Squirterfags once again showing their insecurities against charmander bros
Nathan Murphy
Holy shit OP it's like you cut me to my core. Except I turned into a decent adult. Weird as fuck as a kid and now. I'm just good at hiding it.
Lucas Bailey
Bulbasaur is king you cocksucking motherfucker
Much love for Squirtle too
Luis Roberts
>Picking Charmander You liked fire.
>Picking Bulbasaur You liked plants
>Picking Squirtle You liked dicks in your mouth
Jason Rogers
That's not Scyther.
Ethan Ramirez
Picked bulbasaur.....entirely accurate
Jose Mitchell
>picked Squirtle >solo'd the game with him + a slave for HMs >movepool of Hydro Pump, Surf, Blizzard, and Ice Beam >grinded the elite 4 until he was level 100
I'm surprised I didn't turn out autistic.
Andrew Barnes
>and everybody wanted to beat the shit out of them. But no one ever did. Eat my cock you fat, lonely, ugly, virgin, dork. Fall the fuck back like the beta cunt you are.
Dominic Perez
>picked Mudkip >May's Grovyle fucks your shit up and you end up stuck for a while >come back to pokemon >your starter is now a meme