>Expecting healers to DPS
>They can't clear content unless the healer does the job of the DPS, too
Expecting healers to DPS
>play brd
>9 times out of 10 my dps partner isn't a blm/smn
>healer doesn't do jack shit
kill yourself
>brd in party
>Does 250 dps
I'm supporting the party, shut the fuck up
BRD used to be the most overpowered. Then, as expected, they nerfed them. And hard. Don't blame the BRD, blame the game developers who focused on the trinity system.
>Does nothing for 10 seconds between heals.
>cries on Sup Forums when called out on it
There's entire tutorials and a quest line advising you to DPS while healing
Bards can still do some pretty good damage if they're played right. But 250 DPS is under autoattack damage.
>Does nothing for 10 seconds between heals.
Not my fault the tank does weak pulls.
Cleric stance is just there for leveling.
>play mnk
>wave dick across keyboard and outdamage everyone else
>cleric stance is just there for leveling
this is bait right
>Cleric stance is just there for leveling.
t. healslut begging for cocks on Sup Forums
No im gonna blame the bard because they willingly and knowingly queued as a low DPS class.
For most content (Dungeons, Trials, ez mode raids) you can usually out-DPS shitty DPS players. Why not save yourself and your team mates time by adding damage?
Its not fun.
>play SCH
>Always get paired with 2 BRDs
>Feel like I'm the only one who really contributes to DPS while having to heal the tank.
You guys need to play a real DPS job.
>do content
>is piss easy if everyone is smart and aware and not taking unneeded damage
>healing turns out boring
>better DPS to not fall asleep
>Play SCH
>Barely make iLevel requirements for void ark
>Try and DPS but actually have to heal sometimes because people are getting hit by mechanics
>Die because people keep getting hit by mechanics
>Check parse
Where do you guys get these queue horror stories? I almost fall asleep 80% of the time because I get people who generally know what to do.
>expected to DPS
>lose my mind because I can't position, DPS, heal and esuna three people at once
cutter's cry made me want to die
Nice trips.
Mostly expert dungeons.
I don't think anyone's going to blame you if people are taking unnecessary damage and you have to handle it, like if they can't get the Chimera pattern down.
That's the only place I can think of where it'd require multiple esuna, anyway.
>tank keeps boss's ass to a wall or death puddle
I get a 'bad' expert like one out of every hundred runs. I dont mean like "Hey these guys arent playing well" bad either cause thats expected in DF content. I almost never run into groups so bad that we literally cant complete the dungeons. Plus that normally just happens when a tank/healer gets whiny if you tell them to get good.
Unless I'm playing as the healer, the healer doesn't DPS around ~75% of the time.
Sure, we can clear the content just fine; Hell one time I just put myself on autoattack and we still finished the dungeon in 32 minutes. Clearing the content itself has never been an issue because there's no real DPS checks. I just consider it a bad run when someone is pulling roughly half of the DPS they should be.
Or in the case of a healer, 0 DPS.
>there are WHMs who don't use Holy playing right now
As a SCH main I just can't imagine what the hell they're doing if they aren't doing DPS too.
I've not been subbed for months now but I'd always DPS in runs unless I thought somebody would be trouble and need more healing.
Still though, there'd be some time to DPS.
They stand there. I see them, standing there doing absolutely nothing.