Fuck this fat bitch

Fuck this fat bitch

I'd love to.

3 day ban
Global 3- Garbage post outside b/


Her range is a bit too far in my opinion

She's ugly

it's the coat that makes her look obese, just an excuse for deviantart and tumblr faggots to draw fat porn of a POC character. Basically OC bait for retards

Also worst character voice acting in the game "OUR WORHLD IS WURTH FIGHTING FUORE"

fucking kill yourself foreign degenerate fucking disgusting FREAK

Mei is perfect

Literally only actual shitters complain about Mei.

Reconsider life op and uninstall.

git gud

>more than 0 minutes as mei

removed from friends list desu

How are there two probabilities over 100%?
Is that meant to mean you have a 100% chance of 1, and a ~20% chance of two?

What tournaments was this based on? The 2 that happened this weekend?

dva is shit


Literally every team had atleast 1 Mcree and a Mercy

Chance can't be more than 100%

Mei a shit

Mei isn't OP, she's just the definition of anti-fun for everyone involved. Just because I can deal with her doesn't mean I still don't hate the stupid cunt.

Yea it can in this sense. Literally every game from the pool had at least one mccree and lucio on each team, and multiples (like 2 mccrees on a single team) were also counted in this chart.

The pick number for McCree is 192 this isn't just a couple tourneys.

I want to.

If it's only based off one team, then it's because 2 people can pick the same hero

For instance, if one person ALWAYS picks Mcree, that would be 100%. If 1/5 of the time a SECOND person picks Mcree, that's 20% more. 120%