Filename Thread
Filename Thread
>fps have gotten so casualized that wallhacks are now a feature
>it was okay when Perfect Dark did it
>invading in anor londo.webbum
>mcree and his pocket mercy
>I don't know how filename threads work
Back to memegur, faggot.
>sees how something can be improves
>insults it and sends it away rather then explaining what was on your mind
you're a cancer to this world.
Kill yourself degenerate. Posting this trash wont ever influence anyone into liking your cultural marxism.
>literally just stating the joke like a neanderthal
>not naming it after a game known for shit balance or something
Nice joke fuckley
>aisha mujahideen is the only manly person there
these are troubling times
what game?
Fucking newfags
Blizzard wants to make Overwatch an e-sport.
Hold me, user.
this can't be real
What exactly is happening here? Is this the console autoaim or something?
>Press H to change hero
It's not console.
>online coop NEVER EVER
thats cute
>they fell for the rick rate meme
I knew I saw auto aim shit in some of my kill cams. Bunch of bullshit.
Welcome to 20 tickrate enjoy your stay.
Killcams usually have to patch together a facsimile of what happened so rubberbands bullets around.
20tick server + killcam being inaccurate + whoever made the webm was a shitter and cut too soon
>press H
It's PC
Shitty latency in the playback. It doesn't work like that when you actually shoot people.
Gang Beasts
more like this please
Most underrated post I've ever seen on this board.
that isnt whats going on silly user
it's an ancient repost you trash
Sweden yes
Is it that tick rate shit
I don't play a lot of shooters
Ah, got it
I still see these lines everywhere months after finishing the game
Destiny gameplay
>When everyone has WH no one has WH
When is he going back to DotA 2 videos?
>Boss summons his adds
I dunno, I feel like Ellinor Jakobsson is underrated
She could probably take the two "boys" in a fight no problem
Dude i have the beta for online Coop on my computer right now
>Says the phoneposter
Stop projecting piece of shit
hang on are these all boys?
That episode was fucked up
Pretty good.
what a shitbag
You're free to go back to any time.
heh laff
>overwatch isn't casual guise its da best gaem eber!
When will blizzdrone faggots stop being so insecure about wasting their money on this overhyped piece of shit and kill themselves?
We know which end of the fight YOU'D be on.
This would be an okay argument if people started complaining about it since blacklight retribution, since literally everyone in that game has wall hacks not just a couple classes.
But you can't ignore games that do this like BL:R and perfect dark then complain when blizzard does it just because you don't like them
perfect dark isnt a multiplayer game where one player is given an unfair advantage over another
Havent even looked but I bet 4 out of 10 are reposts, there is one guy who puts the joke in the filename and that simpsons cant someone else do it one
Wait, only one team is allowed to pick Widowmaker?
I'll never get tired of these photos
>tfw no widowmaker gf
who aisha main here?
>midna will never cock slap you with her thick meaty imp dick