Dark Souls 3

Should i get Dark Souls 3 or not?


It's classified.

get it now faggot

>not wanting to fight this based a boss

No, faggots aren't allowed to play my favourite games.

Nobody cares if you have fun or not.

It's 50$ on greenmangaming

Fuck Dark Souls 3, get Bloodborne.

No, it's fucking shit. It's even worse than 2.

Yes, it's great. If you're on console just skip it, since like BB it runs a 20 fps.

nah, get BB if you don't have it already

DS3 might be worth it down the road when the price drops and the DLC is out but for now it's pretty shit tbqh senpai

Why would you just go on the internet and tell lies?

Thanks yall

This. Though I disagree about it being shit, the balancing is seriously ducked and From has no intention to even try and change this.
Aside from that, most areas are uninspired with some exceptions, and replayability is nowhere near DS2 levels

Its better than 2 but not as good as das.


I would recommend it.

It's great. But I can't bring myself to do another run. I wanna be a hexer, but there's just fuck all for the majority of the game. Very boring.

Objectively wrong. It's more like:


Not OP. Should I wait for it to drop in price?

I didn't think BB's main game was very good after forbidden woods, and the dlc was good, but not good enough to elevate it to the same level as dark souls and it's dlc.

With dark souls 3, it's the only game I've felt satisfied with from beginning to end.

>I didn't think BB's main game was very good after forbidden woods

I mean, did you finish the game? I thought the Lovecraft twist was awesome.