Thoughts on Quiet?

Thoughts on Quiet?

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a hot piece of autism

Why didn't she just write

Would've preferred a Sniper Skull companion, but she wasn't bad.

shes a good character. and gave a lot of emotion to the overall plot of MGS5

I was sure that Quiet was going to end up being Chico.

Fuck you, Kojima.

never learned how

Writer's block.
Or Nanomachines.

I wish I could have had Venom as a buddy character and went around as a generic instead.

Wouldn't mind seeing her get tortured for information.

>switching the before and after pics


Women are less useful than dogs and horses.


I feel so ashamed of my words and deeds.


more midriff pics, please

I like the one where she's got blood all over her. That's the only way she's hot to me.

what the hell?



The game would be much better if she could talk the whole time.

thanks, bro

Actually, what was the reason for her exposure?

Cos her skin breathes or some bull shit

No problem.

It's a damn shame you can't play as or with one without mods.

She breathes through her skin.

So she's a plant? She needs photosynthesis too I take it?

titties shouldnt stand up like that when a grill is lying on her back kojima you turbo autist

Shitty pointless character made to pander to waifufags/cause controversy, you could completely remove her from the plot and it would barely change a fucking thing, but people defend her because they are virgin kissless virgins with nothing on their minds other then girls

Thats dumb.

I forgot people unironically theorised that quiet was chico gone female kek

Quiet is shit, just like the other MGSV characters

>Quiet is shit, just like all the other MGS characters


She looks like she's trying too hard to be hot in the right pic.

could breath even with suitable clothes that allow air flow
if she needs to be naked, tights are retarded
gg needless fanservice

>I've never touched a breast
that's so sad. I hope you one day find someone.

>the one person who truly loved big boss in a romantic manner
>plot revolves around her leaving
>she is LITERALLY used to show the magnitude of the vocal cord parasites
>literally has a fucking song about her development
No user, you are the kissless virgin.

Shit character, along with everyone in MGSV aside from Huey

if the titties are not natural they should

That is what Ocelot said. She doesn't use lungs. So she soaks up water but also needs air. If you submerge her she will drown. I'm more baffled that Venom didn't know how photosynthesis works.

You're dumb.

no you idiot

she's an amphibian

...but that's not an improvement over my suggestion. That's not an improvement at all. That just makes her an avatar of kek.


She's fucking cute!

>can't post joost pics because my internet died

Sorry guys :^(

Oh lord that face, fucking ugly

Only correct answer. I like tits as much as the next guy, but I would've liked her more as a character without the "photosynthesis" bullshit reason for her stupid outfit. He could've at least given her some shorts instead of that retarded ass thong and ripped pantyhose which is probably the worst thing to wear in the desert.

Micheal Jackson from ME and her are good examples of why you shouldn't make characters from real women.

I liked her at first and thought she was a pretty neat field partner with her sniper rifle. Then I did her last mission and everything about it was so goddamn stupid it made me hate her retroactively.

Super cute.

I can't tell if her ai is retarded or not.

She gets distracted by a noise miles away, but when I crawl an inch she turns 90 degrees and shoots me in the head.

that your reflection
even in death


>Quiet's shit
what about it? she's a big pooper.

She will rise and kick your ass!

this is explained in the game. Maybe play it?

Stupid dumb quiet poster

Quiet smells

Then why didn't the end walk around in a g-string?


When you describe it like that I get the feeling that Kojima shafted as much as he could of MGSV so that quiet could get more screen time.

I'm playing MGSV for the first time and gameplay wise, she is shit
I prefer DD
but she is waifu material

The End didn't have damaged lungs.

she's not very "quiet" about her sluttiness

Didn't the parasite heal her lungs?

she's only a slut for big bitch

She'd be great if it wasn't for that face. Shouldn't have modeled her after someone so disgusting.

The parasite just gives her the teleporting powers and able to breath. If she didn't have them, she wouldn't be able to breath through her skin.

fuck you, i laughed

I wanna rail that ass while fondling her big fake tattas.

Hot and the actual storyline with her was nice, but needed to be more fleshed out. Probably a victim of Konami deadline and lack of management of Kojima ambition.

>making the shoehorned fanservice character ugly as fuck

kojima, this is a revolutionary idea.
can somebody provide a post modern analysis of this incredible new design concept?

I want to rail those fake tattas while fondling her big ass.

That would've been really fucked up. Glad that wasn't the case.

It would have explained her ugliness.

It's much better than what we got.

Did you even listen to the GZ tapes?

Apparently she's an ugly character that you're obsessed with.

The character would've actually made sense if it were Chico, and if he was the grandson of The End.

No, it isn't
