ITT: Series that started great, but went downhill

ITT: Series that started great, but went downhill.

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This. Witcher was always a shit series that stayed a shit series, but went normie. Kinda' like TES from Daggerfall to Oblivion (shit combat included).

W3 > W2 > W1

>Dark Souls
1 was so fucking good, 2 and 3 are absolute garbage.

You first, OP.

All three are fantastic but just different. If you take the Sup Forums approach to criticism then they are all shit.

FEAR instantly comes to mind


W1 was pretty shit.

I completely agree desu. Played all three and I still think W1 is the best.


>Excellent game
>Excellent expansion packs
>Dogshit sequel
>Another dogshit sequel
>F2P trash

fucking this

1 was and is an unfinished janky piece of shit in comparison to 3 or BB.

It started shit and went average though.

2 > 1 >>>> 3

I'm having trouble finishing 3, I start it up, I get into it, then something completely off the wall retarded happens - either some huge logical inconsistency in a quest, or dumb shit like cutting down a noble and his guards in the middle of a city in the middle of the day or something similar - and I'm taken out of it for a long time.

It feels like a game that got way too ambitious and had shit quality control as a result, it constantly ping pongs between great and awful and it's really taxing.

Duke Nukem

Any Konami IP.


In terms of the game themselves? Not really. I liked all three but I'd hardly call it "going downhill". Witcher 2 is probably the only game that was heading the wrong direction.

In terms of atmosphere? Yes. W2 and W3 will never top W1.


What is every single video game series? Sooner or later, series tend to decline some just worse than others.

Dark Souls 2 was fucked, 1 and 3 are both great, even though not a single game can give me the feeling that DS 1 gave me.
Haven't played BB yet

Condemned isn't much better, but that could just be because they made the sequel console exclusive for some godforsaken reason.

Resident Evil.
Silent Hill.
Mass Effect.
Splinter Cell.

Either that or you're Dragon Quest which is basically the same because that's what Dragon Quest is. I think DQ9 was like the only REALLY major deviation so far, MMORPG notwithstanding.

Final Fantasy, after FFVI

Idiotic Witcher shitposting that is becoming as boring and it is token at this point, some franchises that were ran into the ground, or at least completely lost touch with what made them good in the first place:
Elder Scrolls (I'm noticing a patern)
Call of Duty
All "Might and Magic" franchises
Homeworld (sorry, I fucking hate to admit it to myself, but I see no hope for Homeworld in the future)
Command and Conquer (both branches, really)
Silent Hill

I've recently replayed original Fear with both of it's expansions and I have to say... I'm not sure if that was actually good to begin with. To call the first FEAR a diamond in the rough would be a complete understatement. Basically EVERYTHING about the is terrible outside of the A.I. (and even that isn't nearly as good as it seemed at the time, more reliant on clever use of sound design than actually really amazing A.I.) and the core gunplay. Oh, and light effects, I guess.
The level design, the weapon design, the enemy variety, the story, the pacing, the balance and difficulty: all of it is utter shit. And it's really easy for the game to become insanely repetetive.

Yeah, it makes up for really awesome feeling moments, but in between those frankly fairly rare moments of awesomeness is so much tedium and poor design it's not even funny.

>Witcher 1

Do people honestly believe this? The entire series is mediocre as fuck.

Oh wow another witcher 3 shitposting thread sure havent had one of these in awhile.

What the actual fuck are you even talking about?

The Witcher


It's like people around here are more akin to automaton's than actual people. Everything going on here is so insanely predictable, dull, repetitive and token. I sometimes wonder if two thirds of posters here ever even think or realize what they are doing - I'm starting to believe it's all just weird habit, instinct and ritual.

What fucking inconsistencies? What fucking killing of a noble in a middle of the street?

>having an opinion is shitposting

TW1 has more memorable environments, a more focused story, and actually kind of feels like an RPG.
TW3 is so big that almost none of the environments are notable and the story is so dragged out and half-baked.
Both have mediocre combat, but I'll take mediocre RPG combat over mediocre ass creed combat

Dragon Age took a hit

1 was decent at best.
2 was the best one.

>F2P trash
The what now?


Off the top of my head, the Hym quest. In short, they decide to trick the Hym by making someone feel really guilty so it shows itself, then reveal that it was all a ruse and whatever made the guilty feel guilty isn't the case.

So they go to the abandoned house, Cerys says she's got a plan, some time passes and she comes back with a baby, which she tells Geralt to throw into the lit oven. Geralt does, and the Hym shows itself, then the baby is revealed to be fine and the Hym is btfo. This is completely retarded because it goes against in-universe logical rules, Geralt full well knew it was a trick because Cerys literally told him, so any feelings of guilt that he had were not genuine. The entire scene is cringe as fuck because it goes directly against something established not five minutes earlier.

The random killing of guards and characters in the middle of the street happens constantly, first thing that comes to mind is the quest with the master swordsmith. Velen was great, but the game really drops the ball after that. The pacing is incredibly off too, sometimes it's so slow it's a drag, other times it's Cerys becoming queen in 3 quests.

Quit acting like you dont know exactly what the fuck I'm talking about. Every ten minutes we have "hurr witcher 3 has less players than skyrim btfo" or " bloodborne 10/10 only shitters play witcher xd". Its one thing to have discussion and criticism, but these threads 90% of the time devolves into senseless shitposting by people who havent even played the game.