>African children singing about Ravioli because they are starving.
>When this map spoils u than DoomFist is a negro
So this piece of shit game has fictional countries?
Nigger there are 3 Doomfists.
>doesn't know Numbani is the capital of Namibia
>american education
I typed Numbani in google and all I see it's just Overwatch map
I forgot to add in that it's the new capital after the Omnic War that is in the lore of the game.
>that part where Widow shat on Black Mary Sue in the movie
>Overwatch """lore"""
Just wait for retcon
Reminder that Soldier 76 is nearly a 20 year old OC by Metzen that he has constantly been trying to push for years.
I wish that this shitty game would looks cool as this pic(actually real guns not nerf piece of shit)
gee, I wonder who's behind this post
>implying it won't be the cute shota from the trailer
the Mercy /ss/ will be legendary
Why does Lucio speak like an afro-american nig nog if he's Brazilian in the lore? Shouldn't he have a Portuguese accent at least?
the only thing I don't like about Lucio is he's 4 feet tall for some reason
up with that
That part was shit
Boy you best be ready for disappointment.
I'm okay with this.
>Now Traveling to the Temple of Anbus
>Prepare too Attack!
That's a little much, isn't it Blizzard?
And now you know how everyone else feels when you bitch about Warcraft lore, no one fucking cares.
Now arriving at Ilios___
No legs, Doctors gave him manlet robot legs for a joke.
Looks like Zootopia
>Travelling to Hollywood!
>Traveling to Volskaya Industries
>Prepare to attack!
Wow, really?
>Travelling to Hanamura
>Prepare to Defend
>pick torbjorn
How do you not be shit as genji?
Design wise he's my favourite character. A cyborg ninja.
Ingame gameplay wise. First off, what the fuck were they thinking? The game is severely lacking close combat characters and genji could have been a perfect one. But instead his main attack is throwing fucking ninja stars?
But that shit aside, how are you meant to play him because no matter what I do he just seems like a squishy little faggot and unless I catch somebody by surprise I'm just always going to die. He just seems so squishy and I get instantly mad playing him because he dies so easy.
>Traveling to Dorado
>Prepare your defenses
Illos is fucking dongs
>pick lucio and winston to push people down the well or eat shit
I hate all the KOTH in this game, theyre all extremely bad
>traveling to
>not Welcome to Hollywood
Ya dun goof'd
Bit much there Blizzard
He's about ambushing, sneaking and assassinating weak targets behind enemy lines. If you use him while defending or to capture objectives you're using him wrong
You're a big gal.
what did she mean by this?
Throw stars at people's heads
You mean pick Roadhog or Pharah for that map. It's pretty fucking awful.
>use him while defending you're using him wrong
I actually disagree. After hours and hours of practice, my Genji is pretty decent, and in Defense he's actually a great counter-flanker and a counter-pusher.
Throughout the match, constantly scout through the alternate routes looking for lone wolves, all the while harassing the enemies in the front line with shuriken spam.
When the enemy starts grouping up to push, quickly dive in from behind and take down a squishy or two, before making a quick getaway. If you have ult up, you can decimate their squishies and their whole push is fucked.
You need a disproportionate amount of effort to play Genji, imo. Yeah once you get decent he's pretty good at his role, but you have to play absolutely fucking perfectly to do your job in any degree of efficiency: there's practically no margin for error once you use your 8 (EIGHT) second cd dash. Compare that to Tracer, who can harass the enemy just as well, while also being practically impossible to kill and her 16 second weaver ult and blink stockpile means she can literally be 2 km away the second she starts panicking.
fuck, i thought i was the only person that hears that
>it's a "black character who is really into music" episode
lmao, is this literally the only positive stereotype that exists for darkies? I kinda feel bad.
Well they made the other black character, Winston, a literal ape. Maybe Lucio got the better end of this deal.
>a Brazilian speaking with Portuguese accent
First, he would have a br accent, not a portuguese one, really different, second off, be glad he didn't. Br accents sound like a rastafarian, shits awfull.
>monkey is actually smart
>ult is him chimping out
It's a 50/50.
Flushing people down the toilet as Roadhog
Well, at least they didn't go for the comedy gold option for Lucio. Making him speak Spanish.
>doesn't know Windhoek is the capital of Namibia (soon to be New Rhodesia)
>European education
>attacking temple of anubis
easiest defense of the game. you have to be braindead not to completely lock people out of it.
This game needs an actual ubercharge system or something similar.
>is this literally the only positive stereotype that exists for darkies?
You don't play many games do you? They have plenty of others for black characters and I bet one of the characters in development will feature one.
Well Winston's ult also makes him five feet taller whereas Lucio is a permamanlet
You better be some Spaniard whos pissed they could never conquer Portugal back, cause if not, you are just retarded user.
It was a joke about Americans assuming BR's speak Spanish like the rest of SA, hence comedy gold option.
It took me a while to understand that on most maps you're spawning in the same ship. In fact, the only reason I finally got it is because of ster video
>its an extremely shitty zenyatta doesn't know how to heal episode
Alternatively, alternate routes that don't funnel into the same exact fucking area. Hanamura has the same problem as well.
Cmon burgers can't be retarded enough to think that, right?
Mcree is so racist
"Fan the Trigger Kill the nigger"
>expecting serious heals out of zenyatta
yeah, a lot of the levels seem to have one or two absolute chokepoints which just shit all over the game flow
>It's a Watchpoint: Gibraltar round
For you
>fan the trigger
>Br accents sound like a rastafarian
Nigger you're retarded. They sound like they have a speech impediment, i.e. just retarded but not Rastafarian.
No, but fictional places like Dorado
>it's a no support on the team so the last guy goes symmetra episode
>it's a guy who doesn't realize half his kills were coming from zen's discord orb episode
>it's a guy who doesn't realize zen has the gold elimination medal episode
If you don't like zen roll the healer you prefer, zen works great paired with another healer.
When will Symmetra become a defense hero? The only support she does is provide a teleporter and give a +25 HP buff, which torbjorn does 3x times better.
Not to mention the shitters that pick Symmetra when there is no other support heroes, instead of picking a class that will actually keep the team alive.
Both spout fluid and heavily informal gibberish that almost nobody understands, all it's missing is the abuse of mon
>instead of picking a class that will actually keep the team alive.
>implying symmetra isn't the best at melting through a push once she gets her primary going
Fuck genji, she's the real ninja. She's stupid good at killing.
Was getting charge part of your plan?
Are you a JIDF shill or why do you post this generic nigger reaction picture with same filename 20 times a day?
>Reinhardt gets mad that Mercy doesn't buttfuck him as he charges into 4 enemies
>Reinhardt gets mad when someone goes anyone but Mercy for this reason
fuck you, I love this map.
>playing as reinhardt
>stopping the turret from doing no damage
>shield whittles away
>no one takes down the turret
>shield shatters, turrets gets like three or four kills in a row as I try and kill it myself
>"gg reinhardt no shield"
You can't have multiple turrets on different places as Manletjorn, or have a stacking slow on it, or reduce you team downtime, just those armor packs no one picks.
>implying I don't just throw the packs on people
Faggots are getting it one way or another
Being Reinhardt or Mecha Monk is suffering.
>Mecha monk ult.
>Even type in "ok, everybody, when I ult, lets go bust them up"
>Nobody groups up.
>They continue to blindly run in regardless of what I say.
>When they do manage to get in a certain number running in I ult.
>they all hide behind shit and dont do anything.
>Ult is over, I die, we lose.
Same for Reinhardt
>Nobody stands behind shields and shoots.
>Nobody does anything worth a damn.
>Hey Bastion, I'm going to stand behind you just enough for the shield to cover you.
>Bastion gets up at the first sign of trouble, and runs away.
>Charge and kill him myself.
>Nobody is even around anymore.
>Widowmaker out of nowhere.
*skype call noise*
>Its you want heals out of zenyatta but keep hiding behind shit so he cant heal you episode
Its same for Di vag ult too desu
>Ok ill ult and then lets run in and cap
>Use ult so they have to run away or die
>Teammates wait until mech explodes as they could take damage from it
>They run in after mech explodes and die horribly
How fucking hard it can be to run in with the mech? IT WONT FUCKING KILL YOU RRREEEEE
Wish the music wasn't shit. Seems like all the music they put out these days is forgettable
>it's a nobody pays any mind to the tracer/reaper gunning for the mercy episode
for you
Wouldn't it be funny if Blizzard just revealed that the first week of play was against bots only just to fuck with everyone? I would believe it 100%.