League of Legends

>League of Legends
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Support main here in EUNE. Currently stuck in Silver 1-2. How to deal with 4 retards in your team 90% of games?

>le my team is holding me down xD

this is why LoL community is well known to be full of autists and downies also
>playing support in low elo




I bet you're either Polish or Greek. Do the server a favor and stop.

5 retards
Playing League of Legends qualifies you as a retard by default

i am neither of those

Post Sona please.

recently bough her, sustain is insane

Are you 15?

I NEED the sauce for that pic

>still playing lol

I haven't played in a year, is the game better now?

I'll never understand how people can play the same map over and over again.

The characters aren't even different, most of them recycle abilities from previous characters.

>i dropped to B2 and almost B3 because i have someone afk in my team every game
>cant carry 4vs5 because iam not THAT good
>when i win its because enemy team has someone afk or rage quits

holy shit is it like this every ranked game, i dont remember ranked game where someone hasnt rage quitted/afk from start or start feeding on purpose.


get better, if good guy garry can go bronze to challenger like 300 times over you can do it once

as a support main, you need to ROAM like crazy, since lvl 3-4, and if you wanna carry as other role, learn to splitpush


you don't deserve it mortal

>carry with supports man what are you a baddie?

you can carry with supports, this is how I know you're a fucking dumpster who deserves to be where he is

Literally whenever I roam my adc over extends and dies. Or I come to gank and lane I am ganking pushes in and enemy gets away with slither of health.. I swear to god they thought I would take the kill so they went ham before I steal their prized KDA.

pretty please

If all you can play is one role, then you will always be shit. Learn to play in variety and you will rank up

Or just keep being shit, but that doesn't seem to be working for you.

You can carry with support if there is a follow up to initiation or you take poke support and go full damage. Give me example where you carry against fed enemies with Janna for example.

Lol no it's getting worse if anything.

posting best husbando

>first back early in game because poked out in oblivion
>comes back lane with 2 dorans blades and pings you to engage on support because of kickass invisibility trick
>proceeds to do 0 damage, using summoner spells and dies
>blames support goes afk
I fucking hate Twitch.

league of legends is why /vg/ was created

sc2 as well but that died only months after


assfaggots really are the worst
please go play with the other assfaggots
go play your shitty moba before you realize how bad it is


Yeah that was a retard twitch
Early game just farm and apply stacks if the opportunity opens up
You do damage late game

i don't think you know what assfaggots means, newfriend.

don't play support unless you are duo with adc.

Nah, he had it right. Sounds like you're the the only fucktard who doesn't know what it means.

>please go play with the other assfaggots
assfaggots is a term for the moba genre, not the people who play them, user. Come on now.

If you're silver 1-2 you need to stop calling your teammates retards.

Anyway, if you're going to carry as support you need to be agressive on the lane, roam and keep 3 wards on the map at all times in relevant positions.

Of course you can't always be agressive or roam, but then you also generally can't carry unless you're making some godly plays mid / late game which compensates for you being irrelevant earlier in the game.

how embarrassing

fuck off to /vg/

>How to deal with 4 retards in your team 90% of games?

Did you know that the most incompetent people are like that because they're so incompetent they don't realize that they're the problem? This often causes them to believe everyone else is at fault when they consistently fail over and over again.

Twitchfag is that you? I see you post this in the husbando threads too.

>something that Sup Forums hates
>35 replies and 8 images omitted

Aside from the whole
>team holding me back lmao
issue, here's how you get out of Silver - put wards on fucking everything. Seriously, if you know where the enemy is at all times and you aren't a retard, you stand a very, very good chance of winning the game. The information war is almost nonexistent in anything Silver and nobody tries to deny vision, so whip out those pink wards, those sweepers, sightstones, you get the idea. Deny vision, plant wards in high-traffic areas, make sure your jungler is taking the crabs when they're up, and so forth.

Also helps if you play a kill-lane with a champion that isn't popular/always banned. I carried myself to high Gold two seasons in a row by spamming aggressive Leona like crazy. Easy kills in silver/low gold, and you're still worth a good amount of CC and engage power even if you eat dicks during laning phase. Other shit works too, you'll figure it out.