Besides Defalt returning, what are Sup Forumss hopes for this game
Watch Dogs 2
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there's a mission where u gotta stop evil gooberbobbers from harassing an innocent female game developer, making them the ones that have to go home.
that it gets canceled and ubisoft disbanded
playable vehicular combat
How about now starting off with a downgrade button.
this desu
I still don't get why the ability to push buttons from further away is a good selling point for a third person shooter.
I hope you get fired for the terrible job you're doing at shilling. Make sure you pass this on to your bosses!
But literally WHY did this need a sequel? Is Ass Creed that dead that they need to milk another IP?
More downgrading, and more """"""""""ICONIC"""""""""" hats
The option to hit people with my nightstick
I came here to post this
Considering Watch Dogs was one of the most disappointing games of the decade, they'll have to try really hard to fix the game.
Maybe there is hope it will be a quality leap like from Assassin's Creed I to II but I'm not sure.
Jim Sterling pls
>trusting Ubisoft again after what they did in 2014
>willingly playing their shit games
>giving them money
Please consider suicide, faggots like you are why the industry is such shit.
Oh fuck this is Ubi"let's hire 140 women for bs roles"soft, there is a 95% chance of that happening. That aside, make it more like GTA:
>Color Customization for cars
>personal garage
>A good radio station system
I am from Chicago, so it was cool to have a Chicago based map, and it would be nice again but I think this one is St. Louis or London Based off of clues of the end of the game
that it will be as good as the first Watch Dogs' original E3 footage.
besides Sup Forums is not one person and
there will always be some guys shouting at siberian squirrel hunter board comments. let's try to seriously answer this question. there's a poor marketing guy behind this post who has no idea what a good game is about.
1) try to add more dynamic game elements. means, what ever you do in this game should have an impact on a gameplay aspect. let's say the player hacks a lot, then give him some advantages/disadvantages for that, that actually make sense.
2) the game has hell of a lot more replayabilty if you can't have a maxed-all-stats player
3) co-op npcs are fun
4) most players can't handle emotion driven storylines
5) whatever you do, do it 100% right
6) eastereggs, hidden gear/cars, points of interest are fun
7) it would be nice to have some elements from shadow of mordor and mount&blade warband for a new type of capture the city mode, where you have a few named enemies with weaknesses and strengths. it's no shame to copy good stuff.
hell plz no.
not every game has to be as much gta as possible
More cyberpunk
That it doesnt completely disregard the first game.
Also needs an area as comfy as Pawnee in the first one.
Fuck you nigga, flying is where is it's at. Hell I just fly for hours and hours in GTA 5 while listening to Mirror Park Radio
I thought this was about Sleeping Dogs 2 and now I'm sad.
I hope they go the whole hog and just make a Person of Interest game like they clearly wanted to do with the first game.
>people are actually going to buy this day 1
after the first game, after unity and syndicate, after the division, if you are still supporting ubisoft at this point then all hope is lost for you.
>mfw I technically just gave them $15 for a key to the Deluxe Edition of Scott Pilgrim the game
Damn you, Ubisoft.
Make stealth far more prominent/necessary
More interesting protagonist/story
More T-Bone and Jordi
Driving system and soundtrack that aren't both complete shit
I thought WD was an okay game with a lot of potential, and I think a sequel could be a really great game if they learn from their mistakes.
More fucking Jordi.
The best character in the game had like 0 scenes, made no sense.