Why do normalshits invade nerd hobbies?

Why do normalshits invade nerd hobbies?

Nerds don't invade normalshit hobbies such as sports and raising other people's children, so why do normalshits invade gaming and ruin it by playing casual shit like ARTS?

jews have destroyed all normie art, so they flee to non-pozzed mediums

Because they ruined their own hobbies already.

Why is that man so fat?

If they really wanted non-pozzed hobbies, they wouldn't try to forcefully inject feminism and diversity quotas into gaming.

Because a normal person can easily get into video games. A fat nerd can't as easily get into sports and what not.

>Nerds don't invade normalshit hobbies such as sports
you'd be surprised how many nerds lifts

slol snowflake

Stellar fucking thread


You have to be this fat to be elligable for fat welfare in the US.
Everytime I see his fat ass, I do 10 pushups.

Someone enables him. It's literally impossible to get that fat on your own. He can't go shopping on his own so somebody else has to be buying him enough food to maintain that caloric intake.

why do people allow that fat ass to live?

we should make an open season for hunting those fatshits

They do it on purpose faggot. Gut with the times man.

Because normies promote fat acceptance and campaign against cyber bullying. Chads and Stacies are literally preventing him from becoming a better person.

[r9k] is the redditest board after /qa/.

He probably drinks 10,000 calories in soda per day

Yeah, sure, it's Chad and Stacy pushing fat acceptance.

The only person preventing him is himself

Oh, you can't help that. We're all reddit here. I'm reddit. You're reddit.

Because they're uninteresting people who want social signalling points.

> Chads and Stacies
Shit got r9k as fuck all of a sudden.

Hey user. Drop that board. Leave it, and don't come back. That place only serves to make you slightly more misreable than the yesterday.


I wonder what drives a person to do that.

me on the right

When you don't feel like you belong anywhere else (because you're a fat fuck and disgust everyone that comes near) you repeat the same threads on a chinese finger painting website to force the overall consensus that it's okay to be a gigantic fat fuck that noone loves as long as a few faggots from Uganda and Tawaina say you're pretty cool online.

Pretty much all Sup Forums does. And /r9k/ to a lesser degree.

>10 pushups

are you a girl
im not even /fit/ and i can do 25

>nerds don't invade normalshit hobbies such as raising other people's children
Oh but they will in a few years, when the stacies will be single moms and will be settling down with someone with a decent income.
And the only people desperate enough to accept them will be nerds.

>Why do normalshits invade nerd hobbies?
Because nerds are fucking beta cucks and don't do anything about it.You'd get bullied as nerd when you try sports.

>sport isn't a nerd hobby
You wot m8
Learning all sport team and player names, stats and facts is pretty nerdy

fuck off r9k Sup Forumsirgin

it's your own fault you are a pathetic neckbeard loser that blamies "le normies xDD"

>it's my fault that casual dudebros throw money at shit games



most people cant do many pushups. When me, being fat, do 30 in one go even /fit/ people seem to get shocked

>25 pushups

Don't you got a bull to prep, sissy? I could do 50 when I was 300 pounds.

Is this the same guy? Is he some sort of meme?

Because they don't know how to have fun

You're the only one deflecting it back to videogames.
You're a pathetic neckbearded loser. You can keep blaming other people for that shit and treating life as a MOBA, but the sooner you face the fact that you are personally 100% certified shit, the sooner you can work on fixing that.

But sure, casual dudebros throw money at shit games, that's why your life is so fucked up.

>I could do 50 when I was 300 pounds.

in one go, faggot. Anyone can do hundreds with proper breaks


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

>Nerds don't invade normalshit hobbies such as sports

Then stop making "Esports" a thing you dorks

>deflecting it back to video games
Because this thread is about not use ruining hobbies

I don't understand. How can someone get this mad at settlers of catan?

kek, yeah on your knees maybe

Of course in one go. I can do more now that I'm getting /fit/. Don't keep Jamal waiting.

> this thread is about not use ruining hobbies
So were the other 20 threads started with the same image and the same text.
After all these threads, it stops being about normies running games, and it starts being about a pathetic neckbeard shitting on the board.

Francis, a joke persona from a youtube channel

>that guy who keeps moving the highwayman onto your roads
I'd do the same thing desu

What archiver is that?

half ups don't count

Sets of 50 or don't even bother

That board devolved, had a renaissance then devolved beyond all hope

Nice deflecting retard

What do you get out of exaggerating on the internet you cuck? No one believes you.

They are. They won't date this fat kid or hang out with him, but they superficially promote the idea that being a fatass is normal in order to stop him from improving himself. By doing so, they reproduce and reinforce the existing social hierarchies. After all, if disgusting fat pigs like him all turned into Chads, that might make your typical dudebro have to change something to set himself apart, which would require effort on his part.


nerds did invade sports look up fantasy anything or analytics

Watch this bro. I can climb up there using one and a half push ups.

I personally blame Millenials. They're old enough to have arrived, they have a terrible way of looking at things and above all: they're not able to solve their shit.They don't even try to. Sounds like r9k to me.
To be farily honest thought, I've met a few decent people there. They all got a lot better once they ditched the place.
I know I did.

user, when you don't post anything or add anything to the discussion, you're the one deflecting.

Man, I really don't miss /r9k/ and its particular brand of armchair sociology.

I can do more than 50 in one go and I weight 230

>Nerds don't invade normalshit hobbies such as sports

guess why they don't

Doesn't really count when half your lard is still on the floor


Sometimes shit become popular with a wider audience. Get the fuck over it and stop taking it as a personal offense you arrogant fucktard. I swear, you robot faggots sound exactly like the thin-skinned safe space cunts on Tumblr sometimes.

Esports literally got really popular when normies started flooding gaming. Normies promote shit like esports, unlocks, and loot crates because they need to feel they are "progressing". It's no coincidence that the most normie games (ie ASSFAGGOTS and CSGO) are now the most popular esports rather than Quake 3.

230 is a reasonable weight for a bodybuilder. 300 is pure sedentary landwhale. The very notion that that 'thing' could do 50 pushups is laughable.


You know you can get food delivered right?