Oi, give us the controller, geekboy.
Dead or Alive - DoA
Not before you wash your hands of that filthy barbecue grease
Shut up you hags. Where is Marie Rose?
It's your first fap of the day. Would you rather fap to Nyo or Momiji?
Bad, user. Bad.
>fapping to shrine maiden
That's what they are for.
Well whatever pleases you user.
I'm pleased by many different things. Do I get them all?
I hope so, or maybe not.
What do you mean by that?
It means noting you miko fapper.
God damit what a horrible hair texture editors TN are, they'll never learn.
I want to smash those melons.
Maybe the next gen.
Shhhh, Miji is sleeping.
feathery wings are my fetish
More Miji.
Imagine the cuddling afterwards.
>nobody posting nyotengu
These threads are dead for some reason. They used to be so active before the latest game release and boom. Dead threads once it was released despite there being more material.
DoA6 better have crossplay, also does anybody in the DoAverse know the secret identity of Mr. Strong or is it just Tina?
PC Players are probably too busy playing online.
If I owned a PS4 and the game I'd post pictures. Instead I just scavenge the threads that pop up occasionally.
The sad thing about DoA is that there's a good fighting game sleeping underneath. Unfortunately nobody cares because of the tits. Tecmo have realized that and started catering exclusively to the titty faction.
Yeah, it's weird seeing old interviews with Itagaki where he said he didn't like the concept of DLC because he didn't like the idea of selling a game incomplete, plus he also talks about dropping 100 nuclear bombs on Namco headquarters a lot.
>implying I fap
I'm still salty about the shitty PC port with no skin effects and decision to not port Xtreme 3. I wanted soft anime titties in 4k.
You're part of the problem, user.
And I'm saying this as someone who bought Xtreme 3.
>You're part of the problem, user.
Care to elaborate?
The only thing that got me slightly interested in X3 is that each girl has different poker A.I.s, especially Kokoro being extra retarded/easy to bully
>You're part of the problem, user.
How is wanting good PC ports of games a bad thing?
Buying a fighting game for the tits. That's what spin-offs like Xtreme 3 are for.
See above. The fact that you and other people define a "good port" by how big the resolution is in which you can watch anime titties juggle speaks volumes. Online is so fucked that I can't even invite a buddy to play, for crying out loud.
The asses in DoAX3 are so fucking ugly.
I didn't buy the game for that reason, I never said I own it. That also wasn't my point, I said the PC port "should" be good. Omitting shit like the skin thing is just laziness.
I would still finish inside, though.
They're very jiggly, but still flat.
>they all have the same exact nipples
I honestly expected better.
>Most of them didn't make it back into X3
>Rachel didn't make it back into RE either
Imagine the nude mode on X3.
Not a bad effort, but straight nudity is boring somehow.
Xtreme3 would have been perfect if they had modeled all this stuff, but you never catch a glimpse of it. With the way things are now you just know there's nothing underneath but a flat texture when a girl spreads her legs to reveal panties.
>X3 doesn't have Tina and Lisa
What's the point?
Well yeah, most people on these threads have been saying lewds>nudes
Marie Rose is shit.