Post your best plays of the game!

Post your best plays of the game!

Fuck off back to facebook

Moments before the end

Looks like it was just protecting it's own.


Is that a little black kid?

No, that's an adult silverback Gorilla.

>Protect kid that falls into your home
>Get shot


Not the Gorilla, I can't tell if the other thing is a human child or a black kid.

I don't get why they shot the gorilla, it was clearly not harming the child.

Certainly looks that way, but all the retards on Twitter were pretty quick to say the kid was white and that they only killed the gorilla because of that.

Does this finally prove that black people are very close to being simple primates?


Should have shot the kid instead.

... and then the parents

He was dragging the kind around at first.

Did he died? I don't want to see the video because then it'll show up forever like that Mario one...

How does it prove that you racist piece of shit?

The gorilla died, the kid was fine.

well if it got agitated while trying to retrieve the kid it could've been bad, even without intending to a gorilla could crush that kid by just moving around

main issue was the retard parents

That thing could have easily even accidentally killed that child. Anything, even if the kid started to freak out could have set that thing off.

Afaik kid lived, but they had to shoot the gorilla. I want to know how the parents let the kid get in there in the first place, seems like neglect on their part.

The trade-off was really bad if they put down an endangered animal to save a black child.

why did this cause such an outrage? I'd like to see those faggots in the shoes of the zoo keepers
would it be better if they took the risk and then the kid actually died? the zoo might as well close its doors then
hell, even if the gorilla didn't harm the niglet in the end, people would still complain that the zoo keepers didn't do anything

They were scared that if they approached or attempted to tranquilize the Gorilla, it would become agitated, possibly harming/killing somebody.

Holy shit guys cool it with the racism will y'all?
That child had no idea what it was doing, it could happen to anyone.

top kek

>drags kid by the leg through the water
>refuses to go to his room like the other gorillas did
>everyone is up in arms about why didn't they just tranq him
Holy shit these people are retarded. I thought it was just a meme that people seriously think TV and movies are like real life.

Post your f-lists. I need subby bitches to sodomize.

That gorilla looks pissed that a parent could be so irresponsible.

Racial jokes aside, its a goldmine by the way desu

Why not just tranq the gorilla? why str8 up kill it?