Why is there no Bloodborne thread

Why is there no Bloodborne thread

There should be a bloodborne thread
What y'all niggas hunting.

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Busy with Dark Souls 3

have diarrhea

>People are fucking our shit up in the Witcher thread, let´s make a Bloodborne one!


Thoughts on the blood-starved beast?

oh yeah, I guess blood and wine comes out today. Well whatever, I dropped that snoozefest after 50 hours of recycled pointless dots on the map.

Who /executioner/ here? Wish there were more filthy vileblood heretics out there for me to grind into a fleshy pink pulp.

OP here

you got me

I just finished the DLC

jesus fucking christ, best content in souls series. by far.

I hope that DaS3 DLCs will be just as good.

I definitely expect it to be. Have to give From credit, when they make DLC, it has always been on point. Something that's pretty rare these days.

Hoping for primordials to make an appearance, or even a visit to Drangleic.

Most experienced devs really thrive with expansion packs. Given time, I think the short nature just allows for way more focus, especially when the more abstract concepts like core gameplay are figured out and you listen to fan feedback about their complains and wishes. FROM have always delivered though - although I think Bloodborne was better than Dark Souls III. Looks better on PS4 to me too.

considering how great a ton of the main content was, I can only assume it will be.

Plus, if you consider how decent 2's dlc was, and factor in that they are making one dlc for the entire period of release - fall, it's likely to be great.

I'm glad they are making two dlc's as well though.

Hopefully we get a first look at E3.

BSB is alright. Literally JUST beat him on NG+2 with the Tonitrus and Wheel. Fun boss when he's a challenge, but it's easy to over level on a first play through and turn him into a cakewalk if you don't do Old Yarnham early.

Cool design, cool song, cool boss, but one of the weaker ones overall. I'd rate him just above Bitches of Hemdick and Celestial Emissary.

This is the point I really wish either hoonter of hoonters actually did shit (basically be a Mound Maker for any executioner or vileblood that summons you, not just a 5% random roll), or the vileblood health regen was worth equipping.

Just started a playthrough again, not played it since I completed the DLC just after it came out. Holy fuck I forgot how much I love it, my favourite souls game by a distance, even though I think it's the easiest. Just killed father gas again, still never died to him. I still remember my first playthrough without a music box, no ammo or blood vials left with him with a slither of health left and my desperately dodging waiting for an opening. Favourite boss has to be Gerhman though, looking forward to killing him again


Sup bro

Did my entire ng+ dressed as alfred. Ardeo is a brotherhood

>started a new playthrough recently
>take 7 tries to kill Maria
>beat Orphan on my second attempt

Also Rakuyo is so much fun.

There's always a sodding Bloodborne thread, its just buried under waves of Overwatch worship

gonna be going back to The Witcher 3 tonight for at least a few days but in the meantime, bb

i use the lost rakuyo because i thought the other gem sockets would be helpful, i was wrong

One of the easiest bosses in the game, all attacks go directly in front of her.

I did learn it's not worth popping an antidote on more powerful versions since one hit is pretty much instant poison.

Just finished my first playthrough and I loved every minute of it.
But I really thought it would be harder, there were only like 2 or 3 boss fights I had problems with.



u wot m8?

DLC and chalices have the real tough bosses. You find all the optional areas?

top 3 weapons go
1. bloodletter
2. /kirk/
3. beastcutter

apparently they're going to both be TOH/AOTA sized.

Good lord.

Why are all the good weapons late/end game?

This is their biggest fuckup with the game if you ask me.

Can Geralt survive Bloodborne?

1. pizza cutter
2. spin2win axe

Nothing is as brutal as getting the Rakuyo. Late game in the DLC and having the double sharkmen to deal with, but it's such a fun weapon that I'll never skip getting it.

>not just shaman bone blading their asses every time after you beat them legit for the first time

that room is suffering though.

Playing through this game for the first time. I beat the 2 witches and the girl in the church today. I got to the forbidden forest and got fucked up by these 2 ayy lmaos, and then turned off the game because I had enough for one day.

Did anyone else have trouble getting through the forbidden forest? It seems like such a huge area and I keep getting lost.


It's easily the most confusing area in the game besides Research Hall on a first play through due to it's size, you're not alone user. It used to be my most hated area but it grew on me once I figured out where to go.

Follow the path if you're feeling overwhelmed, notable loot includes a few decent runes and the Graveguard set, which is a little hidden but has the best stats in the game. Here's a hint: you gotta make a jump for it.

Yeah. Just keep going in one direction until you see the pigs then go right

Just work your way down. The whole forest is on an incline. Just keep going down.


what exactly was the Mensis Ritual? What were they trying to do?

Birth a Great One, this actually happens 3 times in the game. Fake Yosefka accomplishes this with her own experiments, Arianna gets knocked up just because she was at the wrong time at the wrong place and finally Mensis with their ritual.

Arianna gets knocked up because she had Cainhurst blood and got dicked by a priest or something.

read her umbilical cord pham

Yeah but it probably didn't help that she spend the night in a church dedicated to a Great One.

Witcher 3 DLC is out today and Dark Souls 3 is still popular.

Give it a week (enough time for the Witcherfriends to get bored of the DLC, well, I know it will take me a matter of a few days to get bored of following red trails 99% of the time) and Bloodborne threads will be as they were.

>People are fucking our shit up in the Witcher thread, let´s make a Bloodborne one!

What do you mean?

>E3 soon
What is the chance of getting Bloodborne 2?

>acquire Great One bait, aka Mergo
>set up shop in the Nightmare (aka the Great One's home turf) and blast Mergo's crying straight into their ears, as a lure
>pray to Kos, to gift them with ascendance with her power, like she once did with Rom
>use pthumerian contacts to get bell bitches to spawn them back into reality
>use Kos' power to spawn back in as a collective Great One, instead of as normal people
>bring the Nightmare and Yharnam in contact, to facilitate ease of transformation
>rule the world and shit

>the Moon Presence heard their signal, same as Kos
>the Moon Presence is super fucking butthurt at Mergo because reasons
>the MP attempts to descend on the Nightmare of Mensis to kill Mergo, but cannot descend fully
>because the Nightmare and Yharnam are in contact, this means that the Moon drops above Yharnam as well, nuking the city. GG Micolash
>Kos is still butthurt at Byrgenwerth's descendents, so she spawns them back in as an abomination, instead of a "real" Great One
>OR, the MP spawns them in instead of Kos, and spawns them in wrong as revenge for putting that annoying fucking baby in their ear

its already habbenig

>tfw was insanely hyped for Blood & Wine
>Bloodborne gets 50% off on my PS4
>loving the ever living FUCK out of it
>at the Forest
>probably one of my favorite games so far
>suddenly no interest to play Blood & Wine

Fuck bros, the setting is just so damn fucking interesting, I can't stomach another "le sunny grassy fantasy land" again.

I'm hunting a hollow gem and the Profaned coal so I can make Luck weapons is Dark Soul 3. I can't believe I have till I get to Irithyl to get it.

Only true huntards go into battle with a +10 Logarius Wheel.
>Even when you lose, you still win

The game is a masterpiece user, enjoy it.

>fanart is an official announcement

you know, user, you CAN like both. It's not a race or a contest

I do like both, I just prefer Bloodborne so far.

What part off "tfw insanely hyped for Blood & Wine" made you think I hate Witcher 3?

I really hope we get a Bloodborne 2, or at least another game as good as Bloodborne.



this is a doll (male)


I really hipe they dont. BB was amazing, just let it be. Miyazaki can't do sequels

For some reason I really enjoyed BT builds in BB so I'd like to see a western/cowboy themed souls game, with a focus on gunplay instead of melee.

Could be fun.

>they once were planning on giving guns variable reload speeds, manual reload, and ammo types
>this was cut
but why

As someone who loved playing with a BT build (to the point i made three BT characters for different styles) and didn't know that...
Why From?

Is this a reference to the doll's blood?
there is some strange image in the annals of my memory of a greasy man feeding a pale woman whipped cream in a dark room

they probably thought that "players wouldn't find it fun" or some horseshit like that.

but consider pic related. and that Gascoigne, the Yharnam shooters, Gehrman, and the labyrinth shooters all have reload animations

you can tell who the pc ucks are because they say chalice dungeons were bad

>implying any form of repetitive, randomly generated content isn't inherently bad
I mean it was fun for a while
Then it suddenly wasn't

Both, Gehrman and Gascoin use firearms that allow them to fire different types of ammo.

Except for the boss fights they were pretty bad though.

I made a fucking Bloodborne thread and you fuckers never joined.
fuck you guys

Someone post cool webms.

Shoulda got gud

>playing through the Unseen Village for the first time
>all those fucking bell ringing cunts and the villagers
Fuck me, this is some tedious bullshit.

git gud

I'm at around 30 VIT, and 25 in both STR and SKL.
I wanted to use Ludwig's and wreck shit, and I'm having fun, but I was wondering if Moonlight sword would work well with these stats. Or would I need ARC to make it worth it?

>he liked chalice dungeons
>he liked Soulslike Binding of Isaac, with no map and having to find required items to get to the "better" dungeons

Holy Moonlight Sword's swings only scale with STR. The only thing that scales with ARC are its projectile attacks.

saw cleaver/spear is the best weapon in the game lol. Use the rakuyo if you're really bad at BB.

>he didn't like having infinite replay value

getting gud won't magically make the area more fun to clear

No, not enough whores to fuck.

The trick mode has arcane damage.

>he thinks that infinite replay value is a good thing
those """"infinite quests""""" in skyrim were fun as fuck, bruh

>infinite replay value
There's a thousand times more replay value in the main story questline then "Hey go into these cookie cutter empty rooms, kill the enemies, and move on to the next."

It adds flat arcane damage, it does not scale.

>comparing fetch quests to dungeons


Post YFW.

>Skyrim sidequests: Get new weapons / armor / spells / shouts etc

>Bloodborne dungeons: fight a couple bullshit bosses and get the same weapons you have, with different gem slots so you can spend the next hundred hours grinding for even more gems


Step it up with your BB music vids

pretty sure it scales with skill slightly but it's only maybe C or D at +10

chalice dungeons were fine, the materials are easy to find and you only need to find them once now.

>playing games for the rewards and not the journey
Don't you have some mobile games to be playing?

>>playing games for the rewards and not the journey

you got those mixed up buddy. I'll fix it for you.

Skyrim sidequests: copy paste dungeons where the end is always at the entrance. Get new weapons, armors, and shouts even though dragon/daedric armor/weapons is all you'll ever need in the game, and the only good shout is fusrohdah..

Bloodborne: fight some badass inaccessible bosses to get different weapons, couple new armor sets and new hunter tools that can't be found anywhere else. Only gems you'll ever need are 27.2 in a vanilla version of the weapon. You only need the other version weapons if you're doing arc or blt.

>Bloodborne has no main story
>Skyrim has variety
Ebin memes Todd

too bad the journey is also complete ass because of the procedural generation bullshit and totally fucked enemy stats.

By that logic Diablo 1 and 2 are bullshit too huh? Games are stupid.

>I can't read

>I can't understand Bloodborne
Kill yourself boy.

if i wanted to play diablo, i'd fuckin play diablo
i just don't find these bullshit cut and paste dungeons with the same sets of enemies and traps fun when the souls games are known for their well thought out and meticulously detailed level design.

thats not even his best video m8

Both Bloodborne and Skyrim have main story quests ya dingus. Quit yer shitposting.