Is this shit worth playing and is there a Sup Forums or /vg/ clan to join?
Is this shit worth playing and is there a Sup Forums or /vg/ clan to join?
Nope. Its p2w essentially, pack luck is shit. Possibly the most aggravating mobile game I've playe in my life.
I was worried it was p2w , hearthstone or worse?
is it that bad
>just unlocked a 3 hour chest
ya I can see this becoming infuriating
>Mobile shit
try /vg/ or
Worse than hearthstone
>Decks rigged to give you what you don't need
>Pay decks give trickle shit to you in attempt to make you buy more
>Matchmaking is rigged based on MMR/Deck comp/No. of wins in unknown session lengths
The last point is confirmed and all "pros" stream friendly matches instead of playing the ladder live because of it.
Also, like Hearthstone, everyone plays the same meme decks until a counter is released for it. The difference is there's more variables to make play seem competitive. CR will flat out search for decks that counter your cards and you can't do jack shit about it. If they want you to lose, you'll lose.
>mobile games
>ever worth to play
the concept seemed fun ;_;
When do people not bitch about any mobile game with micro transactions being p2w
Its a fun game to play casually and collect cards. Money is definitely a way to get ahead early but its fine if you don't take it too seriously. I think it has neat mechanics and deck building is fun, finding new combinations on your own that work is neat.
Play the Arena 7 Salt Mines for a week then tell us if you have the same opinion. It's literally pay or lose.
doe the cards not have a max level cap?
They don't, and they get exponentially more expensive to upgrade.
All that deck experimenting by arena 7? Gone, unless you pay for gold to upgrade. And good luck experimenting with a new deck comp at below max level by that point. You'll get assraped by lv10+ cards.
Your only option as a free player is to stick with your favorite deck (and maybe one variation of it) and enjoy the see-saw of knocking a few baddies down while getting shit on by payers and counter decks when you climb too high.
The average net trophies per day for most free players in arena 7 is between +/- 100 and almost never changes. As soon as those stats go public, CR is dead.
Why did they ruin a fun game concept :(
Well i did say I play casually, 1878 rn
If my decks shite I'll just stick around where I belong then. Just don't worry about trophies I guess.
Commons are 8/7 and Rares are 5/4ish. I'll probably get fucked for not having a bunch of 10s but w/e I guess.
what a frustrating game to play
>mobile games
>worth spending the effort even looking at
It's a good way to past time for the first couple of arenas but then after a while you will have to pay just to keep up
Cool meme bro. What's the only remaining dev who HASN'T gone mobile?
Kojima? kek
>I eat shit because is trendy
>answer a meme accusation with another meme
doing a great job