90% of the play of games are no skill, instant kills

>90% of the play of games are no skill, instant kills

This game sure is tough. There definitely isn't a lot of skill gap closers.

Hanzo ult POTGs are the worst, it was a mistake allowing it to go through walls

so? stop playing, nobody cares


ITT OP is butthurt he never gets potg

wait till you get to rank 50+ and say it takes no skill

I've yet to get a mercy PoTG - even outsniping a widowmaker with headshots with the pistol...


I got one as Zenyatta on ps4

>Coordinated with team
>Did his job as a Sniper
>Actually knew how to play Hanzo's not like a retard

Pretty good.

Raise more than three people in a single raise and you likely to get POTG

>Joining in a losing game, right before they lose still counts as a lost
Epic! Simply epic!

Other games do this as well. That doesn't make it okay, but it's not like it's Overwatch specific.

it was obviously your fault user, you didnt help the team

Funny story, I did come in late as Pharah in one game.
10 seconds left on the cart point, and we pushed it all the way to the end with no stops.

I even got a medal + POTG for it too! x)

Should I get this shit for PS4? I want to maybe get this or resub to FFXIV

>inb4 console

I want a rig but I need a new job first.

The POTG with ults aren't about your MLG pro montage for youtube where you got a bunch of skills. They are about the win and where the ult was used. More often than not, POTGs are game changers and more often than not they can easily be avoided unless used in tandem with a good team

if you really like fps games, I wouldn't get it
otherwise wait for a price drop

Phase two of overwatch shilling, bait threads.

when everyone's OP, no one is

Then enter some Overwatch tournaments, you should become world no 1. easily if the game is so casual

>its a "the game isnt good because I suck at it" episode

I honestly feel like I could get kills as someone like mccree
no lie, I would get shit on, but the fact that I could still scrap a few kills among the worlds best speaks volumes about the skill gap

They said they were going to stop doing that back in closed beta.