hello darkness my old friend




Is all mother 3 discussion ruined forever?

You will never get a moth waifu


>Undertale discussion becomes ruined by incessant shitposting
>its predecessor, Mother, now suffers the same fate

It's like poetry.

notto disu shitto agen

fuck off

Just like that I'm sad

Why is everyone freaking out?
Last I saw a thread like this was yesterday and it had oddman dumps and was all around swell

they say someone posted cp but i don't believe it.

There were some pretty intense threads just a few hours ago you missed

>this thread again

please not again this is my only Sup Forums account guys seriously DON'T

You're all forcing it at this point.

Keep making this thread I want to make a zac gorman pretentious video game comic.gif edit.

Asriel = another name for Azriel (AKA Izrail, Azrin, Izrael, Azrael, Azrail, Ezraeil, Azraille, Azryel, Ozryel, or Azraa-eel), a Hebrew Angel/Demon, the God of Death, and some say he is the same entity as Sariel (AKA Seriel, Sauriel, Surya, Saraqael, Sarakiel, Suruel, Surufel or Sourial), demon son of Lilith and Samael, the blind God, who also identifies with the Angel Metatron (UNDERTALE's Mettaton). Yet another deity associated with Azriel is Raziel, and some believe they are the same being. Raziel (under the alternate name Galizur ("Revealer of The Rock")) is described as the "ruling prince of the 2nd Heaven." He is said to expound the "Torah's divine wisdom," and protects the ministering angels from the Hayyoth (four-faced anthropoid beasts), the "holy Creatures" that uphold the universe. He is the Archangel of the Ophanim, the wheel angels.

UNDERTALE is Jewish mysticism propaganda. Toby Fox is, quite literally, a Jewish shill who secretly tries to normalize the Hebrew Satanic cult of Remphan and Moloch and make it accessible to children.
Gas the kikes.

How is this still being forced?

Why does that boy have enlarged breasts?