Homefront: The Revolution has the best lighting and weather effects of any first or third person shooter...

Homefront: The Revolution has the best lighting and weather effects of any first or third person shooter. It makes Fallout 4 in particular look like a joke.


>Real clouds that move and blot out the sun they pass over it.
>Raindrops gradually wet the ground in individual wet splats.
>Puddles form and dry when the sun comes out.
>Lighting dramatically is affected by ToD and weather.
>Rain enters buildings through holes and windows.
>Wind simulation on vegetation and powerlines.

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>5/10 game has the best lighting

what a shame

Why in gods name would you compare anything to Fallout 4 as a measure of quality?

>Why in gods name would you compare anything to Fallout 4 as a measure of quality?
The list of open world FPS games is pretty short, user.

Implying the opinions of people who would hate Crysis if were released today matter.

Far Cry 3, 4, or even Dying Light would be better comparisons.

>Far Cry 3, 4, or even Dying Light would be better comparisons.
Far Cry 3 barely has any weather effects. Far Cry 4 only has prebaked snow. Dying Light is a good example, though.

Dying Light's clouds are completely static. The game just switches to an overcast skybox when it wants rain.

At least compare it to Stalker which also has great lighting and a much better atmosphere and that shit came out like 7-9 years ago.
Volumetric clouds are a thing since Crysis.

Too bad you'll be too focused on how shit the game is to look at the purty rain. Imagine working on a game for so long, creating all these nice effects, only for the game to suck cock.

Well it uses Cryengine so everything was done for them already long ago.

>Too bad you'll be too focused on how shit the game is to look at the purty rain.
The game is fun, though.

>Well it uses Cryengine so everything was done for them already long ago.
The game is by the team who codeveloped Crysis 2 and Crysis 3. And Crysis didn't have dynamic weather. Nor did it have proper day night cycles. In fact, Crysis 3 can't really do day-night cycles in its current form because it uses partially pre-baked global illumination data. Since HF2 can do day night cycles with random weather and cloud cover, I can only assume they're using a more realtime form of GI, and that is probably extremely expensive.

>At least compare it to Stalker which also has great lighting and a much better atmosphere and that shit came out like 7-9 years ago.
You're actually right in some sense, because Homefront is very Stalker-esque at times. But Stalker has static skyboxes that it cycles between and extremely limited rain effects. (The wet surface effects are extremely weak.)

I know this is a cliche, but have you actually sat down and played this game on a decent PC, or are you just parroting things you heard on the internet? Because I've seen a ridiculous number of people who think they *know* a game is "shit" because a sperglord Youtuber told them so.

Are you being held hostage or did they just pay you out the ass to say these things?

dsp said it was shit. CASE CLOSED!

Fun fact: Deep silver developed this game and ride to hell retribution.

well that explains it

I kinda feel sorry for this game. A lot of passion and some actually good idea went into it, but the development hell and the complete neglect by the end of the development cycle, virtually no marketing on the release made it dead in the water. I really can't imagine what it must feel like to be a developer who actually worked on a title like this, sending it off knowing that it's just going to be laughed at and die...

>Fun fact: Deep silver developed this game and ride to hell retribution.
Deep Silver is a *publisher*. They also published Metro: Last Light, while we're keeping track. The game was developed by Free Radical/Crytek UK/Dambuster Studios.

Ride to Hell was by Eutechnyx.

>dsp said it was shit. CASE CLOSED!
DPS played the PS4 version despite the fact it's the worst version in existence, and one that runs a good 5fps slower than the XBO version. He spent the whole time boo-hooing about the framerate. It's like judging Far Cry based on Far Cry Classic, which runs at 20fps at times.

Lol. They really made Homefront2, the absolute madman. The story was stupid af.
Korea, really.

The game isn't dead yet. It has a year of singleplayer DLC coming, along with patches to fix bugs and improve the framerate on all platforms.

Why is it so hard to believe people enjoy open world Crytek games? Stalker: SoC was a bug ridden mess that crashed constantly, and some people loved the game to bits.

Homefront: The Revolution has zero story connection to the old game. In this game, it's an alternate universe where Koreans invented personal computers and after America fell into a jobless economic ruin where people were hungry poorfags, the Korean army arrived to deliver aid and food and jobs and economic growth to the shithole that is America.

Funniest thing is that this shit uses Denuvo which means even less people will play it.

It'll be forgotten so quickly it's unbelievable. Maybe in years some letsplayers will pick it up though.

Muh Murica

>It'll be forgotten so quickly it's unbelievable.
Do the words "sleeper hit" mean anything to you?

Amusingly, this game is outselling Doom in Japan.

Even more stupid.

>Do the words "sleeper hit" mean anything to you?
No. The game sells very poorly. It's not even a good game anyway.

> tfw that shitty game grilled my R9 280
well played

>will the weebs ever do anything right?

So 1 copy of Doom and 2 copies of HF?

Well not him, but the last "homefront" game i see good was Frontline : Fuel of War. The later homefront was shit, alot like a b-grade movie.

but everything makes fallout 4 look like a joke.

that video does look very nice though.

That's nice and all but is the game any good?

>That's nice and all but is the game any good?
It's "good" at the very least. "Great" depends on whether you like open world games where you capture enemy bases and stuff.

It has the first two Timesplitters 2 levels as an easter egg, so I'd wait for a sale and buy it for that at the very least.

Gonna pirate that game just to test my gtx 1070/shitlaris 10 and fap to graphics since gameplay is so bad.

"Can it run Homefront 2" should be the new "Can it run Crysis". It won't happen of course because modern PC Master Race is super insecure about their PCs being shown up by performance intensive games.

Even if the game was good Sup Forums would still shit on it. If it got the mainstream recognition of Uncharted 4 or TLOU or even an average Call of Duty game Sup Forums would be typical contrarian faggots and say the game is overrated and casual garbage.

but it's still casual garbage

>but it's still casual garbage
It has no regen health and you die in a couple of hits and you can't craft health needles -- you have to buy them. So casual.

and you think that's the only thing that defines a casual game?

>Not getting to play North Koreans.
>No game where you play as North Koreans seeing the world through North Korean propaganda.

Such an opportunity missed.

>Gonna pirate that game just to test my gtx 1070/shitlaris 10 and fap to graphics since gameplay is so bad.
Good luck with finding a cracked version, since it runs on Denuvo.

>doesnt support SLI

>cant even pirate it to see how it will run

>$30-$60 offline scripted campaign

lol no

Will buy used steam acc for 5usd. I see no problem.


5 usd for homefront + doom? works for me

thats the tragedy about video games : The games with best graphics (crytek, dice) are always fucking SHIT.

>Weather effects

Is this like fish AI?

>>$30-$60 offline scripted campaign
Define "scripted". It's an open world game akin to Stalker: Call of Pripyat crossed with Ubisoft's Far Cry games, user. (Plus you can accept "jobs" from posters, kinda like Dragon's Dogma.)

Fish AI was always a developer joke. Homefront's weather effects are basically the best weather effects in any open world game ever.

Yeah but we had weather affects since at least the N64 era if not earlier.

I mean okay maybe the clouds extra fluffy... so what? It's not something quantum leap in technology here. We're talking about clouds. This is up there with real time weapon change'

>>doesnt support SLI
You just use Ryse's profile. The game is built on the same version of CryEngine as Ryse, and uses its lighting engine, I think. I except SLI will be added this week.

>tfw I actually wouldn't mind the new Far Cry to happen in STALKER universe or at least the locations
Dunia was such a beautiful engine, especially when it came to vegetation and rain.

>crytek after 2007
you cant even mod the game this time.

>Dunia was such a beautiful engine, especially when it came to vegetation and rain.
Dunia was a CryEngine fork that stuttered because Ubisoft can't into mipmapping.

>DD invented notice boards

I actually despise how Crytek started encrypting their engine archives. That said, if people can decrypt GTA V's archives, why not modern CryEngine games?

>>DD invented notice boards
It was the analogy that came to mind.

Looked cool in Far Cry 4 though.

>Looked cool in Far Cry 4 though.
It looked super, super prebaked in Far Cry 4. And they kept breaking the AA and SSAO/HBAO with patches.

Because no one cares about modern cryengine games.

I know but the vegetation looked phenomenal. Holy fuck I loved it.

too bad rest of the game is shyt

but how is the gore?

They also made the trailer for Mighty n9

>but how is the gore?
Finger bang.

Man you guys over there are really pushing this turd hard.

Fun fact: you're a retard who doesn't know the difference between a developer and a publisher

It's a fucking video game. The premise doesn't have to be based in real life, retard. Ever heard of suspension of disbelief?

>Man you guys over there are really pushing this turd hard.
You sound like someone who's never played the damn thing. neo-Sup Forums

It's repetitive as fuck, will often spawn you in the middle of a bunch of enemies if you die during a mission, and has some of the most forgettable one dimensional characters.

>It's fun if you like open world

No its not.

You sound like someone who is shitting up this hobby

I've played the most of the game.
It's bad.
Story is dumb and predictable, with awful characters and badly written dialogue and dramatic scenes to boot.
Gameplay is repetitive and shallow, and the shooting (you know, the most important thing in a shooter) feels like shit, with guns acting almost like toy guns.
Missions are a chore and locations are grey boring sandboxes with almost nothing to do, except some filler stuff like "go photo dem exploding barrels because reasons".

The game is pathetic and I kinda feel sorry for it.

Suspension of disbelief set in a realistic portrayal of an invasion of continental United States by a country that is as big as Hawaii is not "realistic". Willing suspension of disbelief doesn't go far with this game.

>Story is dumb and predictable, with awful characters and badly written dialogue and dramatic scenes to boot.
I thought the voice acting was good, and some of the cutscenes were really good. The "lights in the darkness" scene with the doctor was especially good.
>Gameplay is repetitive and shallow, and the shooting (you know, the most important thing in a shooter) feels like shit, with guns acting almost like toy guns.
The shooting is superb. It's like Crysis 3 but better in every way. Unless of course you think Crysis 3 had bad gunplay, then you're just oh-so-very-wrong.
>Missions are a chore and locations are grey boring sandboxes with almost nothing to do, except some filler stuff like "go photo dem exploding barrels because reasons".
The red zones are dangerous and fun to explore. The yellow zones are fun to explore in a different way because there are lots of civilians.
>Suspension of disbelief set in a realistic portrayal of an invasion of continental United States by a country that is as big as Hawaii is not "realistic".
Said country is the leading provider of technology and arms to the globe. Next you'll be telling me Wolfenstein: The New Order isn't realistic because the Nazis having superweapons harms your precious suspension of disbelief.

How can people say this game has bad shooting? Maybe they played on consoles or something? I'm playing on PC, and the pistol feels fantastic, the SMG feels suitably uncontrollable and the assault rifle feels punchy. The weapon mod system is badass.

Also, I love the way the guns don't behave like other FPS games. The assault rifles don't "kick" per se, but rather jerk backwards. They feel like something from a Rareware or Free Radical game, and we all know those games piss all over other FPS games.

Can you play as a grill?

>It makes Fallout 4 in particular look like a joke.
That's not exactly hard.

>Can you play as a grill?
In MP, yes. In SP, no.

Bethesda games in a lot of ways are the bechmark for open world technology. The Witcher games are pretty shitty when you put them under a microscope, and few other developers are doing the genre.

>Bethesda games in a lot of ways are the benchmark for open world technology
A shitty game that barely works properly and requires thousands of mods to be playable?

Opinions, I guess, but shooting in Crysis 2 was better than this.
Game's shotgun doesn't have the oomph, sounds are pathetic and enemies react to bullets really funny. There's no blood, by the way, which also contributes to the fact that shooting is underwhelming.

Also, there is no danger in running and gunning, since the main hero can't be killed and all he looses is loot (loosing money would be much more appropriate punishment).

Stealth is underdeveloped, enemy AI is dumb as rocks - sometimes they even don't look at you, don't run away and stay in one plays getting shot at.

Civilians are useless.
The only big difference between Red and Yellow zones is the transport. Even sidemissions and strike points are the same (2 strongholds, 1-2 radio tower(s), few rooms.

Also, is there even a punishment for killing civilians other than "You've killed a civilian!"?

Acting is alright, I guess, but it doesn't excuse the story being so dumb and cliched.

Most Bethesda game mods make the games worse. They're fairly unique games where every single fork and spoon is a real object that takes up real memory.

and they all load at once and explode the scene. There's nothing impressive about Bethesda games outside of Morrowind.

>Also, there is no danger in running and gunning, since the main hero can't be killed and all he looses is loot (loosing money would be much more appropriate punishment).
Yes, you can die. But only on missions. Otherwise they do the Dying Light-esque revival at a nearest safe house.
>Game's shotgun doesn't have the oomph, sounds are pathetic and enemies react to bullets really funny.
The shotgun heavily reminds me of the shotgun from Goldeneye.
>Civilians are useless.
They're atmospheric. This game revolves around its atmosphere. The best kind of FPS games are the ones where you don't do much shooting.

>people I know talked about the Timesplitter easter egg rather than the game itself
Just how bad was it

>The only big difference between Red and Yellow zones is the transport.
In red zones, you shoot things. In yellow zones, you should have your guns hidden 99% of the time. If you do something stupid and end up in a firefight, you should try and escape and hide as quickly as possible. They're starkly different.

>and they all load at once and explode the scene. There's nothing impressive about Bethesda games outside of Morrowind.
Nobody else is doing what they do.

because everyone else pays their programmers.

To be fair Timesplitters 2 is the greatest console game of all time.

Can't argue with that

>>people I know talked about the Timesplitter easter egg rather than the game itself
That's because it's way easier to watch a video of the easter egg on youtube than actually play a videogame. Kind of like the idiots who pretend Modern Warfare Remastered is going to be more popular than Infinite Warfare.

>To be fair Timesplitters 2 is the greatest console game of all time.
TS2 is a weaksauce game. A hybrid of GoldenEye and Perfect Dark, but without Perfect Dark's best design innovations. A thoroughly outdated FPS game compared to Perfect Dark. Not terrible, but not great.

> If you do something stupid and end up in a firefight, you should try and escape and hide as quickly as possible. They're starkly different.

Believe it or not, but in Yellow zones you can run and gun.
Difference is superficial due to AI's stupidity and blindness.
Yeah, KPA have unlimited guys - but whatever, every dead body has bullets and money, you lose almost nothing after death and respawn almost immediately.

Yean, devs want you to be stealthy, but means to be stealthy are broken.

What makes denuvo so special that it's taken this long and how come not all publishers are using it if it's so good?

>Difference is superficial due to AI's stupidity and blindness.
They're not *that* stupid. They perform the standard CryEngine AI flanking and can navigate their way quite effectively in pursuit of you.
>Yeah, KPA have unlimited guys - but whatever, every dead body has bullets and money, you lose almost nothing after death and respawn almost immediately.
The same happens in Dying Light. Raising the punishment for death in free roam would just make the game unnecessarily difficult because players would get caught in a loop of failure.

Finally, a game uses actual mordern game technology, I might even buy this game, as it is clear that the developers put their soul into making this game.

>The sequel to the game nobody wanted.

How does something like this even happen.

Just don't buy on consoles and you might also want to wait a month for patches.