>14 days until E3
14 days until E3
Other urls found in this thread:
Stop forcing your newfag meme.
kill yourself
>newfag meme
>meme which has been around for years
not sure who is trolling who here
A couple of years? Sure is oldfag material.
It is 12 days, 9 hours, 27 minutes, 29 seconds
until Sunday, 12 June 2016, 13:00:00 (Los Angeles time)
Isn't it 13 days away by now?
Besides, What are you looking foward to, anons?
For me is:
>Unexpected surprises
>Ubisoft drowning in memes
There's going to be news of a new Crash game or something?
>A year and 14 days until next Nintendo E3
100 days until the NX event probably tho
>Want to have fun with Sup Forums when watching e3
>Remember the state of Sup Forums
>Realize it'll just be pictures of overweight Wojaks
I'll just look at Twitch chat, even they will be less cancerous than this place
Who knows. Rumors are getting pretty strong but so they were last year and the year before.
But the Crash cameo in Uncharted 4 and other details seem to hint at a Crash return.
>I'm not getting e3 because I'm a Nintendo fan
>Being less cancerous than anything else
That's like saying liquid shit tastes better than solid shit. Because in both cases, you'll eat shit regardless.
Nobody "gets" E3. Usually people "watch" E3.
>meme which has been around for years
Doesn't make it less shit or amusing. Hidden, reported, moved on.
I can think of something more cancerous user...
word on the curb is that warcraft 4 will be announced
After the movie's reviews, I dont think so.
If Blizzard is at E3, they will show Overwatch. And that's it.
Was there any R34 of her giving handjobs?
Yep. Right alongside Half Life 3, STALKER 2 and God Hand 2
you wish, bruv.
Yeah. I do.
What if they don't announce a Crash game? I'm don't even have any Sony console and I'm hyped about all the rumors.
>I'm don't even have
I don't own a playstation either but if they announce an exclusive Crash game, I might end buying a PS4, regular or Neo.
If they don't announce Crash, well, they fooled me three times in a row. Never again.
I want a Crash game so I have a use for my PS4.
Only thing to look forward to is Zelda, in my honest opinion, famaramen.
Maybe the PS4.5 announcement is gonna be fun.
>Grant is literally composing for Banjo 3 right now
>Soon we will see the beginning of the great Playtonic/Xbone flame wars
It's gonna be great
Dammit, sorry.
Scorpio will kick sony and its fanboys in the groin so damn hard.
What are your expectations?
>Still no release date for KH3
>FFXV delayed
>FFVII remake delayed
>Still no Zelda release date
Since it's already doomed, I hope it at least bombs so hard that we get a good laugh out of it.
Since you are on a roll for dealys, I fully expect The Last Guardian to be delayed to next year. And the year right after. And then delayed again.
>Inafune makes a surprise appearance
>Announces that MN9 will be delayed by another 3 months
>Inafune makes a surprise appearance
>Announces a new kickstarter for MN9
>simultaneous worldwide release
>Minus europe
E3 is the highlight of Sup Forums
all the new memes and shitposting, and hey, if we are lucky we might get a half decent game to meme and shitpost about later
I'm waiting for the fortfags.
how can ... even compete ...bros
The fortfags died out man
What memes were popular before e3 last year?I dont remember
Fat wojaks will dominate this year
Fuck. I liked to see they building their forts and taking pics.
You guys ready for every other game to be a VR game and tech junkies won't shut up about it?
I hope some come back but I think the rest are ded.
>NEET for the past couple years
>E3 Presentations are always on at like 2am-5am here
>Because of said NEET status has never been an issue
>Got a job a couple months back
>E3 coming up
What do?
Should I just work and watch them when I get home?
Should I throw a sickie to watch some?
>So this... is the power... of ___
>Never ever
>Angry, obese wojak with Steam/Sony/Nintendo/Microsoft etc hat on
>___ has no games
>Name of company with some sort of insult at the suffix to label someone a fanboy
>Are ___ even trying
>This is what ____ actually believe
The list goes on and on. You get the idea, it's cancer
You know what I wanna see from Sony?
If that rumor about a Spiderman game made by SuckerPunch is real.
I can't decide if it would be good or not, I mean I fucking LOOOOOOVE the infamous games, and even though Second Son wasn't as good as 2 imo, the actual gameplay was still rock solid, and yet Spiderman is a whole other kind of super hero, I mean as the infamous protags you could zip around and shit sure, but it still felt very...grounded I guess? it would be super interesting to see I think.
Climbing would be on point though.
So what weeb games should Sony bring back to hype peoples up this time?
Xenogear? RE2?
Kojimbo game will be a jrpg and a spiritual successor to xenogear
>People hype about a Crash game
>Hype from the rumors
What rumors, I keep up with vidya game news pretty well I feel and have seen no Crash rumors.
I hope you don't think Crash in U4 was a hint of whats to come.
The only thing to actually said about Crah in the last few months is Sony confirming to someone that Activition still owns it when asked on twitter.
Yes please
and then wow2
And the last guarding.
Don't forget the last guardian on the list of bullshit games that are never going to come out.
>Kojimbo game will be a jrpg and a spiritual successor to xenogear
unbelievable dream
>E3 around the corner
>New SMT game
>New NieR
>New CWC video
What a time to be alive.
First of all, almost all rumors come from Neogaf. So yeah, this might be a "stopped reading there" thing for you.
Still, plenty of insiders are hinting at something Crash related. The thing about Uncharted 4 is that Activision is not mentioned in the copyrights for Crash Bandicoot. Plus, there is the fact Activision was going to put Crash in a skating game as a playable character but they got blocked by someone. Add to that all the cockteasing Sony did in the recent years, like pic related or the sony guy wearing a Crash T-Shirt at a convention, and it seems Crash is really coming back.
That being said, nothing is confirmed at all. But there's a lot of hope around.
Don't forget about the Cortex's voice actor. That's the strongest one in my opinion.
Yeah, that one too. Someone should write up a list of all Crash teases and rumors around. Because there are a lot of them.
Anyone got a timetable?
If they wanna reveal a new Crash they gotta make it seem like its an Uncharted reveal, cause there are parallels between them.
>"He's explored jungles"
>Clip of Nate pushing a branch out or the way
>"He's explored snow capped mountains"
>Clip of Nate shivering and walking through the snow
>"And found countless treasures"
>Clip of Nate examining some treasure
>"Created by the team that brought you The Last of Us"
>Nate standing a jungle smirking at the camera
>Bongo music starts fading in
>Nate looking around confused
>Flash of orange goes past the screen and Nate gets flung off in that stupid way you all remember
>Crash walks back into frame as Aku Aku wears off
>Box of dynamite falls in from the top of screen
>starts counting down
>Crash notices it just as its hitting 1
>Crash Bandicoot logo
And cue the music.
Well, that's funny and all but I'm not sure ND would be able or willing to work on a Crash game.
Not "mature" enough.
I guess they'd let Japan Studio or Insomniac to work on it.
I'm not suggesting ND make it.
They did create it, so it works.
>Not using vacation time every year for e3
Ever since 2008
In that case, I'd be fine with that trailer. Just keep ND out of development.
Nice reddit meme!
This is getting overwatch tier bad. This shit has been here for 3 years at best, just fuck off
>tfw first e3 I'm not excited for
Well I guess this is growing up ;_;
>I don't like it so it's reddit!
How long have you been here?
Jesus fuck that's embarrassing. It's like toddlers crying over who has the better toy
I haven't been excited about E3 in a long time now, but there's a few games I'm interested in seeing there. Dishonored 2 and Mankind Divided, certainly. DoW3 with a little luck. I'm even morbidly fascinated by the Mass Effect: Andromeda panel, if nothing else but to see how big of a car crash it's going to be.
Nah, this E3 is shaping to be really really boring. Not even the compnies themselves are hiping it up that much compared to the previous years.
Eh, I felt the same way, but E3 with Sup Forums has always been fun even as it gets shittier and more filled with normalfags and crossposters from other sites.
Nothing but shit and has always been like that.
Thanks for the blogpost, palfampaindo.
>"I'm new!"
And the last one
Have fun guys
oh boy
Remember not to buy a PC exclusively for the rift as they'll be announcing an Xbox One Rift bundle at E3.
Remember to not buy a Rift
I've never been into this kind of shit. I can try it with water though.
>buy a PC exclusively for the rift
>dawn of war 3
>halo wars 2
>killing floor 2(to be disappointed)
>space hulk deathwing
ill probably watch the whole thing, or at least until I know the general game lineup, I dont care for most games coming out these days, especially since I dont have any consoles.
Remember not to buy VR in general, actually.
Thousands of people have done it. That's why all those Oculus ready PCs are always sold out and the resellers are making mad money. People are stupid.
What the fuck would be the point of that?
Don't knock it before you've tried it. It's pretty amazing.
>be nintendo fan
>to look forward to
Microsoft might get second place by default.
>Don't knock it before you've tried it
But I did. At various vidya conventions.
Let's be honest here, pal, as much as the VR is awesome on paper, the ticket price is not worth it. The tech is still not refined enough and the price is out of this world. VR will be worth it in 5 or 10 years. Now, not so much.
Not with Zelda.
>b-but I don't like it
That's your problem, not mine.
Learn to use "literally" propely, dork.
>I-it's a meme you dip
>not looking forward to SMT4A
i like zelda
i like other video games too
crazy right