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It's not anime, it'll bomb harder than battleborn or senran kagura even though it's actually good

go back to your bloodborne machine

Who gives a fuck about some literally who game?
How much are you getting paid for this?

>Blizzard is allowed to shill here but others aren't.

Huh. That looks like fun actually. Thanks consolefriends.

campy fanservice games are the best

hell yeah i enjoyed it when i played it on ps4

it's pretty alright game

Got it on PS4 for like 20 bucks last winter
Heard it was pretty good
Might have to actually pop it in and give it a try at some point

>oneechan No-bra mod


>english dubs
What the fuck
Also, in b4 PC SJWs get triggered as fuck by the banana costume.

>Actually putting in the Strawberry Banana surprise outfits.

Played it a whole ago on ps4

Maybe I'll get it this time as well and probably fix the horrible AA

I'm interested if it's around $20 and doesn't run like dick

Like I said, though, the biggest surprise is the english dub.
I know PC fags bitch and moan about japanese, but that was unexpected, considering they have the original dub as well.

They could have at least tweeted an announcement or something.

A whole ago is a pretty long time, maybe they changed something.

This is neat. I might actually buy this to show some appreciation despite not knowing this series until today.

But seriously why no announcement? They could stir some artificial Twitter fanservice drama for easy viral.

EDF 4.1 soon?

It is a mystery
LOL NO (maybe)

I legitimately believe that some of EDF's charm would be lost if it didn't run like complete shit.

What a world we live in.

it's was xbox exclusive once

There's something about throwing a grenade that nukes a city blocks and reduces you to 5 fps that feels awesome.

no it wasnt

>It just won't feel right

They could add a mode similar to this.

A lot of the fun of Earth Defense Force is that it feels like it was made by a hyperactive six-year-old. The games are all barely competent on a technical level, yet everything's done with such gusto, as you fight off a horde of about a billion giant spiders while another billion alien space ships whiz around, dropping the framerate to a silky-smooth 10FPS because the designers don't understand the correlation between the two. And your squad is constantly screaming action movie one-liners and singing shanties, and it's really hard not to be endeared by it all.

Is this game actually worth getting?

it sure looks worth to pirate imo


You mean emulate?

Why would you emulate a PS4 game when a PC version exists?

What kind of game is Oneechabra anyway?

Just youtube it, asshole.

>suggesting to watch LPs on youtube instead of playing the game yourself
I thought better of you, Sup Forums.

>playing the games
found the non-millennial!

Ok princess

It's a slash em up like DMC but dumbed down

Oh I hear that game is fucking terrible.

I'd get it if I didn't have a craptop and no job, but whatever.

Same dogshit as Senran Kagura but visually terrible

>asking what a game is like instead of just playing it yourself
You see how retarded your statement comes off?

D-do you really think I can be a princess?

You can in this game, the customization is nuts. There's princess tiaras and princess full bodysuits.

>Complain about wafiu fags in overwatch
>commend game that is only fan service
>Sup Forums

I haven't complained about waifus in Overwatch, what are you on about.

You know, perceived hypocrisy in a "group" that isn't a cohesive group in any way shape or form is fucking retarded.

IT'S A terrible GAME
I think this is probably the best video to prep yourself for the PC release

Oneechanbara is a literal value-bin shovelware series. I remain baffled as to why anyone gives a shit about it.

Same reason people like EDF. It's dumb as fuck and relishes in every bit of it. Z2 Chaos is a surprisingly competent hack n slash despite the budget

Who honestly buys these kind of garbage games?

I ask the same thing about AAA games.

>are you playing one of those hentay games again

Holy shit, this looks awesome. Thanks OP.

Buying games you don't play is not a practice I condone

if I had known that this and senran kagura were coming to PC I would have just waited.


Thanks for beta testing Sony friends, can't wait to buy this
I hope it's not a shitty port

Speaking of shit ports...
>those fucking pachinko sprites

>Take mother to lunch
>She points at at a Japanese girl wearing headphones
"Oh, she looks like one of your anemia girls!"

>anemia girls

im dead

this is why i never spoke about liking anime to my family

they better not DMC3 this port

I hope the system requirements won't be too high

it's a timed ps4 exclusive, can't be that high

>Haven't even opened up my PS4 copy
>Will buy it again anyways

>literally who
Jesus fuck did you start gaming last year or something?
The franchise has been infamous for shit like

Earth defense force, Senran Kagura, Oneechanbara
2016 is trying to make up for killing all those musicians
its not enough

Isn't this game supposedly concentrated ass? Gameplaywise that is.

>games i've already owned and played for months now

So is the game any fun or is it just good as a wank for the costume. I've never seen anything from this game except banana and strawberry costumes

>two dumb anime fanservice games releasing on the same day
>gaben knows full fucking well I'm going to buy them both
At this point, I feel like he's just taking advantage of me

thanks for betatesting sonycuck!

>promoting sexism and degeneracy

i am betting this!

don't use best girl to shitpost you massive faggot

No it's shits, check metacritic

No problem you cancerous secondary

The earlier games are, Z2 is actually a pretty solid hack-n-slash. Just don't expect Bayonetta quality.

Yeah but now it's on the computah!

Stop all the downloading

Does this piece of shit even run at 60 fps and can you unlock all those slutty costumes or do you have to buy them?

>It's a "Sup Forums pretends a shitty Jap game with Korean MMO-tier gameplay is good" episode

What's the point of stealth releases anyways?

Are they trying to compete with Senran? Its gonna fail hard.

because they knew it's bad
if masses knew about the game,90% of them would refund


Those things, they cost money.

>not fuzzy peaches
Although I supposed that's what the fans want.

Honestly i did not expect this, and I heard this one was actually pretty decent.

will buy but actually pirate because I don't want my normie friends to know I'm buying pervert games

Torrent when?

Nothing that a few changes in code wont fix, so B-Fags can get the "authentic experience" and I can get buttery smooth explosions.


Will it have a 30fps framelock or fucked up physics if you run it at 60 and up?

Wait, was that actually in the game if you pirated it?

Or maybe the people handling this are just very beta and useless

It was in the game without pirating it


No seriously, whats the fucking point of a ps4?

Bloodborne, Yakuza Ishin and Gundam Breaker

How nice, it is nice to see more console games finding their way to the pc. I bought a ps4 quite recently and this game caught my eye on their digital store. Might pick it up during release if the price is right. Then again it is nice to play on a console down in a cold cellar during summer

Oh bloodborne, yes. 3 years and 1 game to show.

The rest its coming to pc. Dont fool yourself.

not anime enough for me

>Yakuza Ishin
>Gundam Breaker
>coming out in the West ever, let alone PC
I'll believe it when I buy them on Steam.