What are some great, classic cringeworthy "review" shows?
From back in the day when everyone wanted to be AVGN. Some Irate Gamer level shit.
What are some great, classic cringeworthy "review" shows?
From back in the day when everyone wanted to be AVGN. Some Irate Gamer level shit.
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Lonely Goomba is more satire than anything. He just hates everything irrationally and almost always reviews shovelware.
>He just hates everything irrationally
You mean like ever other AVGN knock off on the web?
Lonely Goomba isn't half as bad as that other dude with a goomba for a avatar.
The one who dresses him up as a final fantasy character
Try Happy Video Game Nerd? I remember when the autism brigade was trying to make everyone call NoA to release Earthbound on Wii VC c. 2007, his EB review was shilled back and forth.
Also if you really are looking for cringe, try Extra Credits, but that is more trying to ape Zero Punctuation
There's this series on YouTube called I Can't Believe It's Not AVGN, check it out. It's usually abbreviated as ICBINAVGN.
The Extra Credits guy being so matter-of-fact yet having no ducking clue what he's talking about makes me want to punch him irl
Oh fuck Extra Credits. I remember when they made a video on this historic leader (cause they do history now too for some reason), they spent the entire video complaining about how sexist and violent he was while getting all the facts wrong.
When they got called out for it, their only response was a page long rant about how "We're not historians"
Who could forget "We're going to run out of internet by 2013!" too?
Who could forget the best one?
Gee I fucking wonder who made these posts
Couldnt be the youtuber in question with less than 100 subs
Fucking phone
>dude sonic sucks lmao
is this fucking real? did bob really make this image?
i remember watching his videos there were ridiculous
like IHE.
Game overthinker is still better than the majority of the popular gaming shit on youtube.
Holy shit
Yep, that was an incredibily cinematic episode. Very few people make videos in that way anymore.
How can people take this guys opinion seriously?
>in their utterly transparent attempt to refresh their dwindling ideological ranks with a fresh crop of angry entitled young bros with an appeal to the final remnants of tech bubble libertarianism
Why do numales always feel the need to take jabs at tech workers?
>young bros
Bob is exactly the kind of guy that got bullied in high school and never got over it.
>I'M right, and if you dont agree with me then you're a JOCK BRO
>Recorded vidya reviews back in '11
>Never released them because I was worried people would make fun of my voice
>My anxiety saved me a lot of potential embarrassment
Thank God. Whenever I see a cringey reviewer all I can think is "that could have been me".
I recommend the "reviewing a reviewer" series, which is mostly dedicated to cringey AVGN ripoffs
>you attempted to make your own "abridged series"
>you attempted to make "funny" flash animations
>you put them on youtube, got nasty comments and 1 star'd to oblivion
thank god I didn't save any of it
Thanks for the nostalgia lad.
"The Gaming Rapist"
That's not autism at all
>Started streaming
>Some guy says "nice voice"
>Couldn't work out if he was being sincere or sarcastic
>Shut down everything
>People still message me asking why I don't stream anymore
>"mic broke sorry"
I'm a fucking mess.
I know you don't actually think that and are just trying to bait. But I just want to say I fucking love this video after all these years
Are you fucking stupid?
make a vocaroo you god damned pussies
>being embarrassed of you voice
Why the fuck would you be embarrassed for something utterly out of your control?
>Not watching GAME DUDE
Not that user, but I have three valid reasons.
>Had a throat surgery that led to a permanently quiet and whispy voice
>Weird accent
>This is going to sound really stupid but I'm a girl so people focus on what I sound like more than the game I'm playing and I get a lot of comments about it which doesn't help me not feel nervous sorry for mentioning it at all but I feel it's relevant
By not that user I meant I'm not the stream one, I'm the Youtube one.
fucking christ that kinda blows, i get why you'd be a bit insecure about that
i've got a deep-ass voice so it's really difficult to speak at anything more than a mumble most of the time, and i sound crazy breathy when i talk
it sucks
Thanks user. I see a voice therapist to help me with projection, otherwise I'd be totally mute.
It sounds like it might not be the worst idea for you to see one sometime for articulation, there's even some stuff online.
I can't even do voice chat without people going "WHAT SPEAK UP ARE YOU A MOUSE OR SOMETHING" so I don't di that anymore either. I just use the "don't have a mic" excuse.
That's s garbage dude
About the accent thing, i can guarantee that most people just find it cute, if you're a guy it's either cute or funny, if you're a girl people will still find it cute.
Man, if i was a girl i'd never stream or make videos. The idea of people only giving a shit about me or my vagina instead of what i'm trying to stream creeps me the fuck out.
I didn't realize that was actually an option, I never considered seeing someone for speech therapy. I want to do my best to pursue a career in theatre (fucking stupid I know) so it would definitely be worthwhile
Girls with quiet voices and weird accents are cute, if people are going to focus on your voice anyway it's not bad to have something unique.
I remember back when game grumps mentioned some AVGN rip off who did a review of some Mickey Mouse game I had decided to look it up. It was pretty awful, but I don't have the link to it anymore
I don't know user, I got teased a lot for it before. I think it's an accent that sounds better on guys. Irish, by the way. Between the thick accent and the quiet voice it's hard to make me out at all.
Also yeah, it was a contributing factor. Over text I just tell people I'm a guy to avoid that whole situation. I've had some real bad experiences befote I learnt that lesson.
Go for it, man. Helped me a lot. It's pricy where I live though, so I recommend googling someonline exercises if you're strapped for cash.
I don't really want prople to think I'm cute. Just normal. I'd want people to focus on the points I was making, and if my voice is weird people won't do that so much.
It's in this thread, user
Ah irish, yeah i could understand why you'd get embarassed with that, it's easy to make fun of it.
I personally don't find it that bad, i think scottish or british accents are way worse but that's just me.
Ehy, at least you know english. I'm italian and the shit i hear from some of my countrymen online is downright embarassing, not even counting our shit accent.
If i were you, i'd keep on pretending to be a guy, much easier that way to avoid creepy orbiters.
I think you should work on your problems with your voice IRL, that shyness will bring problems man.
ah, so it is. and it's still as bad as I remember it.
>or british accents
Which british accents? There's a million of those.
not them but a good 90% of them sound like shit
subtle is best
>less than 100 subs
Looked the fucker up and he's got 120,000
>"We're not historians"
Holy shit
How did any of this shit have to do with Hillary Clinton what the fuck
The best part is he has no friends so he has to play all the parts himself
The stupid faggot who hangs out with GAAAAAYYYME THEORY?
I feel for you. I don't buy into the whole "gamers are misogynist" thing at all but I can imagine for female youtubers and streamers who want to do it legitimately for the games people would focus more on the fact that oh shit it's a girl.
Speaking of which why did that Strana chick just stop making videos
I love Derek. His enthusiasm is infectious.
Are there any other legitimately good channels out there other than SBH and Matthewmatosis? MM doesn't upload nearly often enough and I almost feel like his recent stuff has gone downhill. There have so be some underrated YTers out there.
I'm not sure it matters considering he was right about that specific point.
You idiot, people like girls. What will bother people is the lack of confidence because it is very frustrating. Otherwise people will literally make up excuses to justify liking you.
>I don't really want prople to think I'm cute. Just normal.
Impossible if you are a girl. People find girls cute. It is nature, something utterly unavoidable.
It's not like they're necessarily fantasizing about you either, people like the way women talk. You can't do anything about this.
Most of them
The worst offenders being London and Liverpool
London accent is gone within a generation as the city is now around 10% white English. East London is something like 0.5% white English, so Cockney is pretty much already gone.
I hope you're happy.
What leader were they talking about?
cultural enrichment actually did some good for once
gaijin goomba is a fucking retarded weeaboo. He has the most PC channel in all of youtube just under sarkeesian.
Yeah, I get a lot of potato comments and things like that. Bullied a lot in school for it, probably why I hate it now.
I'm friends with some Italian girls, accent is adorable in my opinion. I wouldn't be embarrassed.
It's the plan. Sometimes I slip up and make a comment about not replying because I was fixing makeup or something, but usually I can pass it off as a joke.
My shyness causes me a lot of grief, but what can you do? I started cosplaying to get over my fear of crowds and talking to people, so that's a step forward. Mostly people still know me as "that quiet girl" though. Doesn't help that I have one of those faces that looks like I'm about to burst into tears all the time.
Maybe it's adorable on girls, i sound like fucking Mario.
Well the decision to start cosplaying is good, that will help.
Don't worry user, it sounds like things will get better if you keep it up, you are trying to change and that can bring nothing but good things.
Keep up the good work bro!
>Quiet voice
>Cute accent
>Sad face
>Chill personality
You sound pretty waifu tier to me user. If you don't want attention I'd avoid youtube, even just your voice. People like me would get an unhealthy attachment.
... Sauce??
AVGN doesn't really hate everything. He just reviews low hanging fruits that are easy to rip apart. He pretty much set the standard for annoying reviewer personalities who aren't actually reviewing the game
>I was fixing makeup or something
Tell them you're into glam rock
If you can find something more cringe inducing than this, I'll be fucking impressed:
>Starts out like an even worse "Moiny Crafta"
>He takes the act out into public
Actually, he does talk quite a bit about backgrounds and games themselves. Not only that, he also picks "legit good games" like Ninja Gaiden and still hates them, it's part of that character.
this is some Everything is Terrible level shit
I don't get how people still defend Nostalgia Critic, this guy totally missed the point with "Last Action Hero".
I don't know, haven't met an Italian dude. I'm sure it's fine. I sound like a walking stereotype to myself as well.
I'm doing my best. Anxiety is a pain, the more you let it win the harder it is to improve.
Thanks for the head's up, I guess. No intentions of ever doing Youtube now. I might try some written articles though.
No joke, I have said that before.
Laughing at shitty sprites and screaming at a hard enemy isn't a review. AVGN's videos are just overly truncated Let's Plays with a few skits thrown in.
Disregard that I suck cocks.
I didn't notice you said "AVGN Knockoff"
You're giving him a little too... eh... little credit? They're not of course direct reviews with scores and shit but they're still more than laughing at sprites or screaming at hard enemy.
Actually, I just posted Jaakko for fun. I like him.
Open dohr never gets old.
Source on the image?
Has "pwning n00bs" become "reking skrubs"?
You're right, he was totally right to punch King Evil Monkey until he exploded. Totally a guy we should be listening too
Only it's been replaced with that god awful "I ain't done nuffin wrong bruv" accent. God awful.
Nah man, AVGN is a pretty solid reviewer. Mostly for context and controls. It is a comedy show first and foremost but whatever.
Its the awful knock offs that suck