What is it about speedrunning video games that attracts eccentric people?

what is it about speedrunning video games that attracts eccentric people?

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eccentric =/= being a faggot

>legitimately frightening webm
ffs, spoiler that shit OP

>lost so hard it turned him into an insane creepy faggot

>mfw taught it was a jpeg instead of webm and it started to move

Based John Fucking Numbers

Dancing alone in your house isn't very eccentric, people do that all the time


Is psychological treatment in the US that expensive?

Wearing women's clothing and eating estrogen pills is, though.

well, transitioning takes a few years.
Wonder if he'll get an operation later on.
If he stays more or less like this till the end i don't give him a high chance of survival.

John Fucking Numbers, look what you done did. This is all your fault.

It's a complete waste of time that has no purpose since it eventually comes down to just breaking the game in the most efficient manner. The rules are also entirely self imposed so it's complete mind games to prove something to yourself. Add all that up and you get the sort of people that wouldn't mind counting fence boards for entertainment right after they're done with speedrunning.


Any sort of medical treatment in the US is sky-high. "First world country" my ass.


Someone post pic of how he turned into this mutant creep

It's something that literally rewards autistic focus and it's not uncommon for people with one (un)diagnosed mental illness to have another.


All medicine is expensive, so that we still pay up the ass even with insurance so really we're just giving more money for less. It cost me 2,000 even after insurance just to fill some cavities.

It's seen as a frivolous medical expense. Or at the very least a branch of medicine that is unnecessary.




>Cosmo's friends and family are going to keep encouraging this behaviour until the day he kills himself
>They're then going to blame nasty bullies for his death and not his clear mental problems

>not spending money to fix your teeth first

Christ, transpeople are fucking loco.

>this is the mentality of WR speedrunners
I don't think anyone was suprised. But still funny to see.

Ugh, Cosmo is a sick fuck.


I don't mind transvestites.

But what the fuck, fucking creep.


So was he just always a woman or is he mentally ill? I'd probably argue in all cases it's the latter.

I'd say you can only go up from this point but who knows.


Would you fuck me?
I'd fuck me.

Would you fuck me? I'd fuck me



I should too desu, girls love a pretty clean face. I'm just lazy

more proof most speedrunners are legit autists and narcissistic(highly ironic considering all the buttplug and fag teasing cosmo is doing) and that werster and goose are the only speedrunners names I bother to remember

Erry tiem.

>tfw I thought it was a jpg and got freaked the fucked out by it.


>yfw this creature had a gf and a wr at one point
and you've had neither

Is that The Law?

What is a narcissa

Jesus christ that was like watching a horror creature reveal itself. I can't believe I used to communicate with this freak when he ran WW

>at speedparty
>look over and see this vain bitch looking at you
>she slowly moves into the bedroom, looking back briefly as she disappears into the room

What would you do?

>go from fun loving speedrunner to depressed buffalo bill tranny
>streams are now about showing off buttplugs and suicidal emo poetry
>surprised when he loses support
Delusions are strong in these people.


you mean shut-in aspies who lack the intelligence required to understand common human social behaviour and slowly (after watching countless "you are special" dreamworks movies and some minor attention from other internet junkies) started to delude themselves into believing that they are not the idiots they were their entire lifes, but actually highly intelligent. and once the idiots believes himself a genius, you see yourself drowning in lolcows.

see chris chan for a good example.

...I got invited to a party?

You know, I feel like I'd be much more comfortable as a /u/ girl than a straight boy, but it's stuff like this that makes me happy with what I have

>Getting angry at a guy you used to like just because he changed gender
Bunch of children, all of you.

How long until the inevitable "nobody loves me"-fueled suicide?

Nothing, because I would assume she meant it for someone else

His personality changed completely too. It's not only about the tranny shit.

I actually saw it stream this morning, I went in and the first thing I heard was "gender is so arbitrary, pansexual and asexual are the only things I understand"

Left instantly.

I give it 3 months

It's a speedparty, they dont really have high standards

Who is she?

>changed gender
He still has male chromosomes.

Where does he get the money?

This. I respect chris-chan more than cosmo because atleast chris-chan stays true to himself while cosmo seems completely off now.

Are speedrunners highly competitive or do they share hot new infoz about the greatest skips?

gender =/= sex

If he was clean and had no hair down there I'd do his butt doggy style desu

I wouldn't fucking mind if it was just a standard transsexual, but Cosmo legit became super creepy and weird at the same time

Fuck off, tumblr.

that's pretty fuckin grim m8

Fuck off retard.

It's considered very bad form to withold information about anything.

>think "I should watch a speedrun I haven't seen yet"
>Youtube "Half-life 3 speedrun"
>Realize Half-life 3 isn't out

>projection: the post

>changed gender
You mean changed personality entirely right? Emo suicidal poetry, talk of buttplugs, etc.

>The rules are self imposed
Name rules that aren't

Inb4 existential crisis

Who cares as long as they are cute?

not to be that guy but gender and sex are seperate
>inb4 tumblr

None of the scientific laws if you wanna get all pedantic up in hizouse

Physical law

Then what is gender?

>m-muh social construct

Ignore these stupid faggots.

noun: gender

the state of being male or female (typically used with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones).

You win this round anonihilist

sup reddit

>Implying we aren't in a simulation of our own design

>doesn't speedrun anymore
>whines on twitter all day to fag enablers like pic related
>expects to still have massive twitch audience and support
>despite our pleas, won't drop the phase and get back to speedrunning

If he would just drop all this shit and get back to being Cosmo and speedrunning, this would all be forgotten about in a month. I'd even be happy for him to keep the painted nails.

Cosmo i know you're reading this. Come home. This is killing your mother...

Yeah because plebbit is such a hotbed for people who don't believe this pseudo-science mumbojumbo right? Kill yourself.

>showing off buttplugs
This is fake right?

Trannies still look like men. You can't change bone structure with pills.

But whst makes your gender if its not your genitalia or genetics?

Nick Bostrom is that you?

If you believe that thing in the OP to be even in the same realm as the definition of the word "cute", then my man you are more fucked up than hand-holding scat guro fursuiters.

you sure seem to know a lot about reddit

Reddit has tons of subreddits where you can openly say shit you could be banned for on Sup Forums

They also had semi-cp subreddits like dead children and shit but they got banned

>implying that would even matter
Any real knowledge of that would be entirely extrinsic from the simulation/our perception, assuming it's a perfect sim
You can Bostrom argue all you want but a concrete proof will never exist

(typically used with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones).

these twitter enablers of his sure are some pretty ladies

Gender is to sex what nationality is to genetic lineage. "What are you?" and "Where do you come from?" can appear to mean the same thing for most people, but not always.

And lot of women look uglier than men.

If it's cute, I'll fuck it

Theoretically speaking. There are nice ones with toned butts

What do you do when your genitals contradict your genetics? There are XY people who develop as women and identify as such without once knowing their genetic makeup.

if you're under 25 and/or begin hormone treatments at a young age bone sturcture can change

So nothing its just whatever you claim to be?

Fuck off degenerate and take the plebbits with you.

Literally 90% of the speed runners are just chill people that have a niche gaming hobby they enjoy. You can't shit on people for how they like to enjoy their games.
The other 10% are people like Cosmo/Narcissa, Chibi, and the sperg that made suicide jokes during that Crash Bandicoot run at AGDQ.
This 10% is the same with any weird 'nerdy' hobby. Magic the Gathering, Gundam Model building, 40k, etc, its just something that you have to deal with in life.