What video games let me simulate epidemics?

What video games let me simulate epidemics?

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Plague inc or whatever it's called.

Sup Forums shit fuck off.

Jesus what a stupidly titled article. How the fuck does that have anything to do with ISIS?

Can't blame the good people so gotta blame someone evil for it.

>Implying you don't know about Pandemic
>Implying you didn't make this thread just to post this picture
>Implying it's not fake anyway



I mean I sorta get what they're saying, immigration greatly helps the spread of disease, but yeah it's mostly mentioned for click bait.

good times

>The horrific disease, which often attacks the face, is becoming rife in ISIS strongholds because the twisted terrorists are leaving bodies to rot in the streets and destroying medical facilities capable of treating it.

>Cutaneous leishmaniasis, spread by infected sand flies, was a rare condition until ISIS seized control of swathes of Syria, killing thousands of health workers.

I don't know how accurate that is but c'mon, the article itself explains why it mentions ISIS in the title. Try reading it for ten goddamn seconds.

because it's been found in ISIS strongholds, and it's made its way into Europe, they're suggesting that maybe some of the migrants are from ISIS

not that hard, brah

So this mysterious flesh eating virus appears as purple and deforms the skeletal structure as well? Cause I'm calling bullshit.

I wonder why can't we wipe the fuck out if this scum from Earth.

Has he been infected?

>muh extremes
Please sit down in Trump's electric chair for your execution.

>randomly capitalized words in title
>obviously shopped image

>wanting to be a bluepilled cuckfuck
m-muh safe boards! stay off muh vidya Sup Forums!

>wanting to spread shit in other boards
This is why everyone hates you

What's it like being a fag?

cuck off will ya?
You provide nothing to this board or in real life

Becasue even in ISIS STRONGHOLDS it does not mean all inhabitants are ISIS guys, in fact there is always the majority that is pretty much held hostage. These innocent is why they won't simply drop an atomic bomb on there.

Terrorists have
>indirectly cucked most of Europe
>destroyed pieces of ancient history
>murdered thousands outside of their country and inside
>indoctrinated weak willed people with fucked up lives to join only for some to realise how retarded that was too late
>now spread carnivorous Ebola

I miss Hussein.

You mean this is why everyone hates faggots like you that need a boogieman to blame all dissenting opinions that don't aling with whatever hugbox you're trying to create.

Neither of you fuccbois contribute to anything in real life. We don't have time for people like you. Both of you will be on Trump's list when his genocide starts.

It's easily cureable in non third world shitholes.

Hilarious, isn't it.

Are you saying the OP isn't a blatant bait to start a politics discussion in a board that is not about politics?


Other boards are not for Sup Forums shit. Fuck off. I don't care if your opinion dissents with mine or not, this isn't the place you inbred fuck.

What's the end-goal of "m-muh redpilling" anyway? What happens when everyone on Sup Forums hates brown people? What would you have accomplished?

Good goyim

All in the name of religion.


Common sense?

kill yourself meat waste

>yfw the white race will die sooner than later

That's actually kind of funny.

>capitalizing board handles
You need to go back, redditor

Hey guys check this 0

I'm not going to say Islam is innocent by any means but destroying artefacts that belong to your own faith means that they're misguided at the very least.

>post non-vidya shit
>get told to fuck off for posting non-vidya shit
>sperg out like a bitch
I usually just hide non-vidya shit but you guys are a hoot

Can we turn this into a Wikihow thread?

looks like someone got into the printer inc again


>no thread on Sup Forums about this

