I'm glad I didn't fall for the marketing memes and supported this SJW company

I'm glad I didn't fall for the marketing memes and supported this SJW company.

Other urls found in this thread:

rule34hentai.net/post/list/animated overwatch/1

>people actually still use hentai foundry

Jesus fuck where will I watch the webms at now you niggers HELP A FREIND OUT

You literally can't. Blizzard don't like it when people sexually objectify their fictional female characters.

I ditched HF after they put a ban on lolis. Glad to see I made the right choice.

So how does this work exactly, is there some dude in an office somewhere lurking hentai sites, waiting to drop the DMCA hammer on Overwatch shit?

Where do you watch them now? I remember there was a webm where they tagteamed sucking a big dick.

Or the mercy one where she's rubbing her face against a big fat cock


Just as soon as it starts fucking working.

Stop using shitty websites.

Wait. They'll try for a month or two but face so much backlash that they realize that its ultimately futile and give up.

They're only doing this because the models are ripped from their fucking game. Make your own models and they wont complain. This is an issue because some SFM people make money off their work.

Hentai foundry a shit anyway. They ban lolis and they cave to literally any legal threat no matter how unfounded.

there's still sfm on pixiv and tumblr

Here's hoping hundreds of thousands of accounts post porn on their twitter of their characters as that backlash.

It's a tough job but someone's gotta do it

rule34hentai.net/post/list/animated overwatch/1

They're taking them down there too . GOD DAMMIT

Search "overwatch hentai" and click the first one.

It's not that hard. Even the "removed" pharah one is still on there.

>still using hentai foundry

The only good thing from there is that Raquel story which stopped being updated for forever now.

Uhhh I got a virus warning.

Stop using shit antivirus.

If you're paranoid just use adblock to turn off the ads, that's where the warning is coming from.

It has nothing to do with social justice. Its a copyright issue ya fukin dip

nope, tumblr gets them removed too. Pixiv might be safe

Can anyone else confirm its only SFM videos being taken down?

Legitimately curious as to if a company has the right to take down -art- of their characters.

>on porn parody
it's not a copyright issue you mongoloid

It is when they're using assets ripped from the game.

It depends, if it could be reasonably assumed ot be damaging to their brand I think they could argue it.

adblock nigger

the fact they're asking site owners and that these faggots comply does not mean anything legally. Blizzard would have 95% chance to loose a trial, because porn parody fall under fair use

>models taken directly from their game without their permission
>implying anyone would be required to remove their videos if blizzard didn't have a legitimate cooyright claim

true, but they can't really prove that it's ripped and not a fan made model

>Being a gateway pedophile

No, they're not, dumb phoneposter. The moderator approval message appears on a lot of posts.

sfm arguably uses their assets, but everything else certainly falls under parady

Ellowas made his models himself. D.va everyone uses is his. So is Widowmaker.

Are they seriously trying to remove Overwatch r34 from the internet?

>anyone would be required to remove their videos if blizzard didn't have a legitimate cooyright claim
you're saying this as if these kinds of things were rare occurence

>company protecting their brand

Just the SFM stuff

No, they would win the trial 100% because it's Blizzard's fucking assets, end of story.

Draw Widowmaker porn in etch-a-sketch and they won't come after you. Rip their models from their game and use them for nefarious purposes and they have every right to make you cry.

They don't need to unless it's taken to court, which isn't something some admin for a cheap porn site will ever risk.

ye, most artists are taking a break from making content but have said they will be back in a few weeks

>because it's Blizzard's fucking assets
but we don't know that, and there is literally no way to prove it

>porn was the absolute best form of advertising for Overwatch
>probably the main reason it's so popular
>blizzard fucks it up

I don't get it!

They don't and they haven't. Go to literally any website where shit has been taken down (tumblr for example) and all the drawn art is still there.

SFM shit has to be taken down since it's literally ripped models. It's a new IP so they need to protect their copyright, notice how this is only Overwatch and not WoW.

so we agree it's basic bullying with false copyright claims, which is quite common, and a site owner abroad/anonymous/ballsy wouldn't care

All the hand drawn art is A OK so who cares. I can live without the SFM shit for awhile.

Game was released and it sold well, they don't care anymore.

>Blizzard's assets
I didnt know Blizzard made nude skins of their characters

>Apologizing for a company like Blizzard for free

why do people do this

Pharah already got a shitload removed.

>Blizzard don't like it when people sexually objectify their fictional female characters


Basically, yeah.

that doesn't mean it's not a copyright issue, it's just a copyright issue on dubious grounds.

>almost no lewd content of zarya outside of some futa-shit
gee, I wonder why?

>people making a literally living off of modified models from their game
>goes on for a solid year without blizzard caring
>kotaku goes and makes an article about it, it's retarded readers makes it rather large news
>blizzard forced to show their hand and can't leave people making money off their assets alone

Not surprised a memetale poster is literally unable to critically think

Have they actually proved that it's their assets or is it just the typical corporate muscle flex on dubious grounds?

Muscle chicks are a fairly obscure fetish, chubby is much more popular.

They don't. It falls very clearly under fair use.

Blizzard is basically bullying everyone into complying to avoid going into a long costly legal battle with them where they would easily push Blizzard's shit in but would likely go bankrupt in the process since they don't have the same resources Blizzard does.

>Trying to remove porn from the internet
Damn Blizz, I thought you were smarter than that.

>gateway pedophile
What kind of casual do you take me for?

for shame, the SFM ones were breddy gud.


nothing wrong with SFM

>implying all the porn wasn't a guerilla marketing campaign

Only people who are bad at videogames bought Overwatch.

It's literally designed for crappy players

>take copy righted material outside of fair use and DMCA laws
>complain when you get copyright claims on it

Blizzard sucks and hasn't made a good game, other than Diablo 2. Stop supporting these shitty western devs.

Are you asexual/autistic or just retarded? This is porn. Srs business.

The ripped models constitute a bit of a grey area because most of them are modified, but the fair use and parody bit kinda gets tossed out the window when you have people profiteering from this via Patreon

>ur autistic if you don't condone breaking copyright laws

This isn't even "parody" in any sense of the word

>Sup Forumswhentalkingaboutporn.jpg

Porn parody and likeness is under fair use faggot

You can't make money under fair use

This isn't even parody, theres nothing parody about it

Try making the argument that "it was fair use!" when you're bankrolling because of it on patreon

Its not fair use if you profit off of said material whether it be ad revenue or otherwise.

Are you sure it's not a deconstructed look at modern gender roles as told through an expressive medium? Pretty sure that's fair.

While you're at it, why don't you go scrub etsy and Amazon of non-parody work. By sending some dmca requests on poor impoverished blizzard's behalf

>Trying to stop R34

Oh boy.

>This isn't even parody, theres nothing parody about it
So Widowmaker having a dick is canon?

>Are you sure it's not a deconstructed look at modern gender roles as told through an expressive medium? Pretty sure that's fair.
Unless you were attempting to do that in some kind of educational fashion while also not profiting off it then I guess. Even then theres nothing remotely educational about it, its literally porn on a porn website. The argument for educational purposes is so far fetched, even then making any money off this throws fair use out of the window immediately.

Creator should have been smart and make a .sfm of a blue ball bouncing. Then open his patreon and tell everyone the money is for creating more of blue ball. All overwatch stuff was just sidestuff that isn't related to the blue balls he uses to make money.

>no guys, my erroneous fetishized porn is really "for parody" please ignore the video maker is making money off of it on a porn site.

That wouldn't pass in court as fair use and you know it, a judge would look at the intent, not at what ever you claim is the service

>japanese developers don't give a fuck about porn of their stuff
>artists sell doujinshi openly on the biggest animu expo right in the middle of tokyo
>western devs twitter about "please no porn of mah waifu" or simply sue the shit out of everyone

Seriously fuck western developers.

You're avoiding the point.
Yes, making money through Blizzard's models is bad but what part of this is not parody?

They only do this on english porn sites, right? Because I just downloaded a 1,2gb Overwatch package from some russian hentai forum with the help of a dictionary and google translate.

Good porn needs dedication.

International Copyright laws are super hard to enforce

Japan literally don't give a fuck the same way that when you see all those chinese knockoffs of apple products, Apple doesn't really do anything about it or can't do anything about it.

Because a judge or jury would look at the intent of the video in question.

Its on a porn site
Its porn
The creator of the video is profiting off of the content
the content shows no evidence of parody, educational use or anything especially when he's profiting off it
Therefore its not fair use and the copyright infringement claim is valid

>You can't make money under fair use

Then how do some people make careers out of it?

i never knew weird al was a jrpg character

>Therefore its not fair use and the copyright infringement claim is valid
Yes, I agreed with that already.

>the content shows no evidence of parody
You... do know what a porn parody is, right?

holy fuck this.

i swear they are being bombarded with uploads constantly and have too much shit on their servers.

takes me 20+ seconds to open a single page and chances are it just gives me a bad gateway/sites offline.

i want my fucking fap material!

Pay the creators to use their songs
Aka licensing

But it isn't an international case and Japanese copyright law isn't that different from US as far as I can tell. It literally is them seeing it as promotion of their products and expression of fan culture.

The whole "it is using the game's assets" is just bs, the high quality models like the D.Va with the removable suit are custom made and modeled after the games models. And that is basically the same as drawing a picture of D.Va getting fucked by a horsecock.

man, i like HF once because of how difficult it is to get accepted and they reject bad anatomy. But lately there is NO mod for submission, they literary accept MS Paint sketch since the loli is banned.

Majority of artist already move to Pixiv or more deeper underground, fuck HF.

Thats the gray area that people complain about. Many commentators on sports make money off of license agreements for other brands and copyrights however they most likely have agreements with the creators in question.

Youtube lets plays, reviews or otherwise are in that gray area that stems being for critique and a review. Remember a review is not a critique and a judge/jury would look at the intent of your video.

Google also makes contracts with the Youtube Content Creators themselves, so its more or less a disagreement between video game creators, the youtube creators and google's contract with the youtube creator.

The judge/jury would want to see the intent
What is the intent of the video exactly? Thats the big question. What was the intent of the creator when he made this video?

Aren't these models custom made?

This is pure, free fanart, Blizzard has no right to take these down.

>What is the intent of the video exactly?
To make people fap hence the porn parody?
I feel like you're too fixated on the "parody" word and ignore the "porn" part.

>ripping/using their assets for a sexually explicit video of their characters
>fair use
ok senpai

>To make people fap hence the porn parody?
So the intent was entertainment as porn? or entertainment as a parody?

Either way, if the creator makes money off of it, its certainly not fair use to begin with. The copyright claim would go to court you'd have to explain your intent fully and if a judge calls you on your bullshit you're fucked

is there a reason not to be using gelbooru?

because sankaku's booru is better