It's purely based on who sees who first and team work

>it's purely based on who sees who first and team work
prove me wrong

no arguments here.

is it gay tho?

Sometimes who sees who first, that's the same as every fps...

Obviously team work is important but there are many 1v1's when you take/retake a site

>see someone before they see you
>they shoot you


>Sometimes who sees who first, that's the same as every fps...
except that's what this is purely based on. you're literally dead if someone spots you..

>winning is based off who's better at the game

why are you missing? are you silver or something?

>see enemy first
>fire off a dozen rounds aimed directly at their head
>enemy slowly crouches and fires a single shot
>I die
>kill cam shows I did 7 damage to them

FUCKING UNINSTALLED. Hit detection and net code in this game are garbage.

that's not what I fucking said

>caring about netcode
>in 2016
keep dreaming

That's exactly what you fucking said because the better players will be more likely see the enemies first thanks to a better understanding of map design and contact points and the better players will have better teamwork.
Are you stupid?

The playerbase is SO retarded that ANY kind of unconventional and nonstandard strategy baffles their minds.
They dont even study their tactics themselves, just some random youtuber tells them to do so.
They also are bent on the fallacy of
accurate bullets>faster and more bullets with less recoil
They believe ak47 is a good gun, and not a chunk of fucking trash for gremlins that are 1.50 metres tall, and a carbon copy of STG44.
They confuse the m16a1 with the m4 carbine
Anti-cheat system is entrusted to the fucking players, who may indict someone wrongly.
First shots dont land 100% accurately from a standstill with any weapon in a game that endorses itself for (and only for) competitive e-sports.
The game won't live up to the legacy of css, cs16 or cscz, despite having a LOT of potential.

it's literally wrong place wrong time. if it's all about a better understand of map design wouldn't everyone be in the same fucking place every time? theres no way of knowing for sure so stop pretending its more than team work
you see someone first they're dead on sight

except it's one of the most popular fps' out right now and is literally using the same maps from 15 years ago. it's still a stop and shoot peek a boo sim just like the other ones

If they hit their shots yes. If they body shot you or hit your shoulder you can turn around and tap them.

It's no different to Call of Duty? That's why running around the map like a mad man with ump was so effective

im just saying it's based on aim instead of actually using the environment to survive like in an arena fps

also instead of using brains you're using your aim which is literally muscle memory based on how much you play

Crumb on the mouse mat

Yeah, seeing the enemy first requires correct tactics and positioning.

>Yeah, seeing the enemy first requires correct tactics and positioning.
the delusion, it hurts

>it's literally wrong place wrong time. if it's all about a better understand of map design wouldn't everyone be in the same fucking place every time?
It significantly increases your odds of being in the right place at the right time, which is the best you can logically do in a multiplayer game without wallhacks.
Have you never played a multiplayer video game in your life?

i purely play to get my 1c drops in the hope of getting a dragon lore or something

voice_enable 0

no one kicks me because i always topfrag

>get a chroma case 2 drop tonight

yay 20 cents! it all adds up lads.

Tornmonster please come and shut down this thread with your quality webms