Post-Impact Survival

>Post-Impact Survival
"While the main game will focus on living the life of a dinosaur, Post Impact Survival will be essentially a new version of the main map that takes place after the end-Cretaceous meteor impact. It will be a post-apocalyptic version of Hell Creek that will be much, much harder to survive in. Hell Creek was far enough away from the Chixulub impact site to avoid the immediate and widespread destruction often portrayed in documentaries, but the fallout and ash cloud spells eventual doom for all animals larger than a cat. Resources like edible plants, suitable prey and fresh water will become progressively harder to acquire, and the other animals in the ecosystem will become progressively more desperate to survive. Its only a matter of time..."

Yeah that's great and all, but what I want to know is how extensive they're going to go with the prehistoric life? Will they program in every reptile, every fish, every mammal, every dinosaur, from the Hell Creek formation and give each their own kind of interactivoty to REALLY make it feel like you're living the life of a dinosaur? Will you, say, be able to be snatched up by a pterosaur as a baby, struggle to escape as it flies off with you, and only get a game over when it eats you? Will I be able to hunt frogs abd fish? Will I be frequently bothered by insects?

I need to know this kind of stuff before I even consider giving them my money.

Other urls found in this thread:

So, what game is this?


It looks aight but I'm feeling a little tired of dinosaur games

Remember in like 2010 when everyone was clamoring for more dinosaur games and more open world survival games?

The Isle

>I'm feeling a little tired of dinosaur games
Name 4 decent, modern, and completed games where you play as a dinosaur.

Oh. Well, see you in a few years, then. Or not.

yoshis island


>not posting the webm

Needs a human running alongside it for size comparison.


Although I know the whole "Dinosaurs have feathers," thing is very probable, that looks like they took a standard t rex and put an extra layer of feathers on the outside.

Nah, it was mostly scales. I remember reading something about that not so long ago.

>feeling a little tired of dinosaur games

sweet jesus don't say shit like that, if anything we need MORE dinosaur games. It's been way too long since the golden days of Turok, Dino Crisis and the like.

All we've got now is zombies.

Obviously I don't remember where I read it, but this is the newest article I can find on the subject:

>Yeah that's great and all, but what I want to know is how extensive they're going to go with the prehistoric life? Will they program in every reptile, every fish, every mammal, every dinosaur, from the Hell Creek formation and give each their own kind of interactivoty to REALLY make it feel like you're living the life of a dinosaur?

Isn't this like one of the main ideas for the project?

I got offered a position where I could work with dinosaur bones in a museum and 'possibly' could go on excavations in the US

It's charity 8 hours a week but I ready work 40 hours a week.

What do virgins

why not dude, at least go with it long enough to dig up a dinosaur

Obviously go do it. What else would you do, shitpost on Sup Forums then masturbate onto an anime figure while crying?

You think too goddamn much.
If I can shoot dinosaur, they can have my shekel

Well, that and it also have to not be survival MMO bullshit

>read wiki on t-rex because generally curious about the evidence
>whole paragraphs on subject
>tiny sentence at the end states specimen found to have scales at the end
so is saurian just a hipster contrarian dinosaur game?

Do it nigga, get a new species named after you and shit

some dinosaurs had feathers, its believe feathers were used for body temperature regulation which is why small dinos needed them, large dinosaurs didn't and would have likely overheated.
There is some evidence that juvenile rex had some fuzz like a baby bird does, once again for body heat regulation. There is no evidence that fuzz ever became full plumage or that it even retained it into adulthood, likely shedding it as it got larger.

also there are some indications rex was a pack hunter that lived in small family units which is even more horrifying

that dino looks like Kookaburra bird

Nice bait.

Have they ever said ANYTHING about fish and amphibians and mammals and insects and giant prehistoric reptiles? If they have, please direct me to their statements.

Do it, an extra 8 hours is just like picking up another shift for a coworker but you're fucking digging bones instead of doing whatever it is you do.

I dunno dude, I just watched a vid from this guy, whom seemed really passionate about dinosaurs, advocating the project, he said something about them making all the other wildlife present in the area as well as the playable dinosaurs

Yes in actuality large dinosaurs most likely didn't have the amount of feathers Saurian is putting, so they're just a bunch of dumb hipsters.

you wanna link us he video?

If it was Trey the Explainer, you can fuck right off. Totally uninformed, biased, retarded autist.

yeah it was, I just kinda clicked the video

>passionate about dinosaurs

Sounds like he's just echoing what the dev told him in his interview, rather than doing his own research and reporting on it.

>tfw no parasaurolophus
m-maybe we can vote regular old saurolophus into the game... it wouldn't have that awesome trumpet though...


The devs have their own real dinosaur.