Until what

Why is there no price listed?

Yeah, just look at how excited this thread is

Me on the left

I'll pirate it desu. I don't want anyone to know I play this *unzips*

Kill yourself you hypocritical secondary

I can't wait!

I have no idea what that means

Buy it for support and play it pirated then. Either that or grow some balls.

How long til I can torrent this game so I can pay $0 for the 4 hours of gameplay I end up actually playing

Pretty cool. Now if Atelier came to PC my life would be complete

1 hour

Finally, the wait has paid off.

How long until the models are ripped for SFM? 2 hours?

>mfw you will finally be able to play as best girl

I loved the 3ds games, but the roster always felt lacking once i knew what i was missing.

>best anything
If you still like her after playing the game you explaining to do

SV models are shit though.

Did you hear about buttons?

I sure do love seeing pc faggots shit on a game and a system for years then turn around and praise said game they were shitting on since its on their platform now.

They're good enough.

It's $30 and comes with all the DLC for free (roughly $80 in DLC if you bought it for the Vita version).

>pcucks getting this excited over 3 year old Vita ports

M-master race, r-right guys?



Should have bought a better handheld buddy

You know what's truly said? You console warriors with your retard bullshit EVERY FUCKING THREAD. Holy shit we are all tired of it.

What are the chances of this never getting worthwhile mods?

>buying a Vita
>paying $50 for this game
>paying another $100 or so for all the DLC
>implying I play every game on release

I have a fucking huge backlog, so why would I care? I can just play the games I already have while I wait for stuff like this to happen.

You don't deserve to have good threads and circle jerk about a game you were shitting on moments ago.

I doubt i wont like her. She was made for me :^)

I got SV back in February during a sale. Enjoy bros. it's much better than EV

>1 person equals entire Sup Forums population

This never gets old

A couple year old port, then next a simultaneous with one of the newer games.

>it's much better than EV

Why the fuck was EV such a goddamn disappointment?

>slower than SV
>adds nothing to mission variety
>adds none of the improvements SK2 had
>no weapon skins like SK2
>no unique tag-team attacks like SK2
>5 hair colors per character instead of 15 like SK2
>story is fucik-all in terms of importance
>no Yoma (except mentioning one and never seeing it)

Please, you talk as if those people didn't corrupt every single thread in this board with your console war autism.

Speaking of autism, why are you referring to me as if you knew who I was? Are you talking with voices in your head?

I got mine from the same sale and wish I'd had just waited til now instead. I'll buy it anyways though to support potential future PC releases, and dat silky smooth 60fps + DLC

>I'm innocent I swear
Yeah I totally believe you

Price? I thought it was going to be some percent off on release?

>Wanting to support devs shitting on their original fanbase by selling out to pirates and frugal jews who won't pay more than 10 dollars for a game

30 dollars/28 euro with 10% discount for the first week


I believe it is 30 but it's 26 for the first week.

Expect a mediocre brawler that plays like it belongs on a handheld, and this is coming from someone who likes SK. Unless you're in it for the mods, I'd wait for a price drop. Don't say nobody warned you.

If I had to guess, they were trying to appeal to the crowd who wanted more fanservice instead of a serious story, while still reusing some SV assests. Why did they make the gameplay somehow worse it's beyond me.

$30, there's supposed to be a 10% discount at first.

>that plays like it belongs on a handlheld
I wonder why is that?

>mom walks in

>nerfed Ikaruga

Glad I skipped it.

user, Takaki-san has always wanted to spread the messsage of happy boobs to everyone.

Whether you like it or not, this includes PC users.

I'm just saying, expect what this game actually is.

Let the mods begin

Something quick and cheap to make back cash from SK2's poor sales. It sucks since even though SK2 was kind of a mess its the only game in the series to feel like it had some kind of budget. With having boss fights that aren't just player characters controlled by AI and actual cutscenes.

is there a nude mode already?

Butthurt Vita owner detected. Bought SV a year ago with some DLC, played it for 10 minutes then never played it again. So uncomfortable playing on the Vita...

someone post the mirai in a box pic pls

But how big will it be?

At least her Shinobi Heart story as KP Kamen is fun but it ends the same fucking way as her story in SV and Dekamori

Lying hypocrite detected

Eh, Takaki personally confirmed SK2 made a profit, but "not enough" as Marvelous expected. I'd imagine it didn't do too hot due to the complete lack of fanservice, no Yumi, and so on.

From what I understand, Ikaruga is still pretty good thanks to a thing called dash cancelling.

I know you said and so on, but I'd say the major thing that killed it was no advertising.

I was mad about this too at first, she's my favourite after all. But she was fun as hell to use after all when I got the game. Don't mind that nerf too much. Its still fun.

>muh "backlog" strawman

In that case don't by any games ever until you complete it. Oh but you're false flagging. Retard

How can anyone hate her when she is so much fun to use?

>those 2 seconds pauses after attacking
>that wow it's nothing story
>characters are even more flanderized than SV

Why are Vita owners so aggressive regarding previously exclusive games?

I think SK2 is a near universal improvement on its predecessors. Still flawed but there was clearly some passion put into it. Haven't played EV but hearing that it's basically a slower SV with virtually none of SK2's bells and whistles is a bit disheartening.

Yes, her dash attack is insane but you need to level up a bit to unlock it. Her ninpo arts are still lacking.

I freaking hate to fight against her when there are multiple Senrans to fight.
She always stands back and stunlocks you with her stupid rifle.

Stop shitposting retard. Most people on Steam buy games but play them much later when they have time. Because we have a job, unlike you kiddo.

>Why are people mad that their device gets shit on and people scream no le gaems then cream themselves when a vita game they want to play comes to their system

torrent when?

Don't forget:

>Crimson Squad has ZERO relevance in the story (you could remove them from the game and the plot wouldn't change)
>Homura has a grand total of two missions in the entire game where you play as her
>Hanzo school gets shoved further into irrelevance, to the point that Asuka isn't even really the MC
>more Yumi wankery

Not to mention, as you pointed out, the characters all got butchered. For example, Burst and SK2 have Katsuragi trying to redeem her parents so they can come out of exile. In SV and EV, she makes zero mention of them, and only talks about how much she loves boobs.

Idk, I feel like her ninja arts are still doing a good bit of damage.

So is this a musou style game?

>fun to use?
Certainly not in SV and EV.
That final battle was just unfun.

happy boobs bring a message of peace and joy

curious to know if KB+M controls will be okay

So what's left after Takaki finishes Uppers?

Make SK3 or something?

It's a 3D beat 'em up. There's no missions or land capturing like in Warriors games. You just move to an area, kill the mooks, and advance and repeat until you get to the boss.

Probably. Marvelous has already told him Uppers is his last chance before they shove him in a closet and force him to make yearly releases of SK.

Given that Uppers has had two price cuts already (6900 > 4900 > 3500), got delayed twice due to a lack of pre-orders, and most retail stores refuse to stock it (due to lack of pre-orders), he's fucked.

Not him, but I thought Ryoubi was fun to play with. You're right about that final boss though. EV's final boss was ass because it was tedious as fuck.

What the fuck were they thinking giving Ryoki all that goddamn super armor? And if that wasn't a kick in the balls, that's not the real final mission.

Yes she is. She doesn't do as well in open fields but in inclosed spaces, she is a beast and can fuck shit up big time.

Yumi was my favorite in SV, but EV RUINED her.
She is no longer cold or a lawfag, she only care about being a wife or cute.
The ice melted.
I am now a #Kaguramissile

how much until nude mods?
I already have estival.

>their device gets shit on
Why the fuck do you even get hurt by what I think about the Vita? Also, something is wrong when the system has been living on life support from "ebig indies" and shallow but fun japanese games.

I call it musou-lite. No field management of any kind, just mowing down waves of peons with flash and spectacle until you reach the big bad at the end.

That's probably why he posted on his English twitter about wanting to bring uppers westward, to help salvage some money from it.

I have no clue about Senran Kagura.
Is the gameplay actually good or is this a game you only buy for fanservice?

Man I LOVE all big tit senrans,my favorite though is the blonde one with funny eyes! I don't know her name so hopefully you guys can help me, post pics so I can recognize her face!

Disappointing, I feel like it would be better as a sidescroller.

Hopefully there will be crack, I want to try if game runs of my toaster. Or maybe get it now and play once I upgrade.
Not being able to upgrade when you have the money is hell.

Two posts above you, man.

Marvelous will likely deny that. They already denied Valkrie Drive coming to the west due to shit sales. It had 40k first week sales, even with shittons of advertising, an anime, and so on. To compare, SK2 had 58k first week sales, and it had zero advertising and bad sales conditions (released at a bad time, overpriced, etc).

goodbye Senran Kagura threads.

gonna be a shitshow instead of just posting pics and fapping together

>Its another game from japan on PC
Why should I even care to pirate? After all these years I havent even finished recettear

Yep. Senran Kagura: Yumi Versus. It'll be about Yumi taking control of the Hanzo school after Asuka gets injured during a fight.

The 3DS ones are sidescrollers, are harder, and arguably have more content. They have less fanservice though.

The 3DS games actually are more in line with sidescrolling beat-em-ups. It's the PS games that are more like stripped down musou games. Personally, aside from Burst's framerate I think they're better for it that way as well.

So who's maining sweater Snek?

just fucking great
now the boards going to be flooded with 'LE HOMETOWN XDXD XD WHICH SENRAN WOULD U KAGURA XDDDD' ect instead of being contained in a few threads because less people have it
this shit happens every time a game gets a pc version

oh and don't expect any comfy or fun thread of this game anymore, the more is never the merrier

just look at overwtch

They do nice damage, but lack the range area and crowd control some of the others character have.

So don't.

Pc fats ruin another series and will deny it until the end of time.
Rinse and repeat.

The VD anime it's totally unrelated to the game though

Although the girls in the cover appear for a brief moment in the final episode