SGDQ 2016

Let's hear it, runs you're most looking forward to.

Any autists here actually showing up?

This is just stupid. Skipping it.

literally what

>reading threads dedicated to making fun of you being a tranny WHILE you're high

Why even smoke. That can't be comfy.

shouldn't his medical condition and being pumped with various performance enhancing drug disqualify that faggot from any event? not even marijuana cause it's more of shooting himself in the foot, but if he's depressed he might be under several substances forbidden for altering his concentration, reflexes and endurance. Unless they open a "drug assisted" category for his next performances.

Does the speedrunning community actually forbid drugs?

Or does that count as tool-assisted or something.

>performance enhancing drug

Are you completely fucking retarded?

I already know the answer.

when all his enablers are so masculine, why does he try to be so feminem? He's made it clear he wants to keep the sausage.

Some people use marijuana or alcohol or whatever to have fun. Some people use it to have any joy in their life because they should be getting actual help and instead self medicate because they fell for the "WEED MAKES EVERYTHING BETTER, NOTHING WRONG CAN HAPPEN WHILE ON THE WEEDS" meme.

This deranged male is one of the latter camp. Truth is, one of the side effects of marijuana is it ups pre-existing paranoia. Not only that, it CAN up your heart's BPM. If you, like this schizophrenic-in-denial, already HAVE paranoia, then it's a recipe for having a bad time.

Use drugs to amplify pre-existing fun. Don't use them to try and feel "normal".

Here is a picture of Kat Dennings for sitting through my rant.


You can instantly tell he's being pandered to by activist faggots who don't actually care or want to ever have to deal with him by the 3 retweets/151 likes ratio

3 2 1 delete

So not only is cosmo mentally ill, he's a druggo as well?

>not posting a picture of her with the same tits but 10 years younger in 40 year virgin

Anyway..... I think you kinda missed my point. He is obviously over sensitive to everything, my point was why get high and read thousands of people hating on you on Sup Forums while HIGH. If it was me that would be the last thing i would be doing, period... without even bringing weed into the picture.


and who might this knockout be?


damn straight, she'd knock you out in one punch

>23 minutes ago
top kek

I found a glitch that takes 5 minutes off of a run of a game that's being played that I recorded as a perfect TAS that I'll put out as soon as they do the run so they feel dumb. :P

No one believes you

It's too institutionalized at this point. Was fun when it was a sort of ragtag gathering of like minded people. I usually just tune in for the F-Zero runs now.

you will never get respect for getting the record if you hid it, if you share it you will always get mad shoutout hoyp

either way, no one believes you

The only runs worth watching are the mario maker runs. Literally you are an autist if you actually watch someone play a game fast.

>i'm shit but it's ok if you did it in mario maker because i'm less shit at that but still really shit

Ahh. I see. You and I are in agreement, then friend.

And yeah, she was hotter then, but the skin tight dress is hot as fuck.I'm a sucker for that kind of stuff.

watch her in 40 year old virgin, she's a knockout

steve carrell must have just been wanking to her tits every night, that's how he went for those 40 dates or whatever without fucking her mom.


Hang on, he comes here? Despite the fact that we make fun of him constantly?

>some people still believe that marijuana doesn't cause sexual perversions
>my friend from college has been smoking weed everyday since graduation
>now he decides he's bi and gets a tattoo to advertise this to everyone

i hope he eventually realizes he made a mistake and goes back to the way he was

one time when i was a useless pothead alone at home after school i was laying in the bath and literally came without even touching it. It's a hell of a drug in the right mind. Now it just gives me crippling sadness.

The original both creeps me out and makes me laugh like a madman at how perfect the emote is.

same, and until he loses the sausage, the hope can remain.

I'd give it another 3 months. If he doesn't come home by then then he's gonna need an actual job.

that's WHY he comes here.

TotalBiscuit syndrome (addicted to reading shitposts about yourself).

He'll feed off the discrimination lawsuits when no one hires him.

he's like DSP though, he would never allow himself to be in a position where you or i could come into say a burger king, see him and take a picture or something.