>I average 16 eliminations per game with Widowmaker
>Still can't get a fucking PoTG
>The pain of having all three of her highlight intros unlocked but never getting to see them
>I average 16 eliminations per game with Widowmaker
>Still can't get a fucking PoTG
>The pain of having all three of her highlight intros unlocked but never getting to see them
Other urls found in this thread:
>I play a shitty scrub character and I can't get PotG
Wew lad
>That close to your target
>Instead of shoving your gun into her ear and pulling the trigger to reward yourself with the beautiful spray of your enemies crimson liquid, you instead fall into your own hubris
>Disregarding a perfect opportunity to snuff out a life, to reassure your own
>Denied oneself to see your enemy choke and squirm in their final moments, to pitifully rebuttal their demise as they dance the dance of death
>Widowmaker is on the right side of history, because kill or be killed is the only idea that makes sense
>16 eliminations
Better than you faggot
>four bastions in the match
>still get the play of the game as genji
You just need to step your game up famicon
POTG is always the highest points per second in the match. If you do well consistently then you'll never get it. How do people not understand this?
Notice how it's always kills in rapid succession or a big revive w/ mercy and then a couple pot shots with the blaster.
Probably the best potg yet.
Watch it there. Might cut yourself on all that edge. Wouldnt wanna ruin your 12th birthday
>16 eliminations
how does it feel to know that I usually get around 15 eliminations when playing as mercy?
You don't
16 eliminations is horrible for a class that exists solely to kill.
Dont worry you are my main target
also when I use her 0 tracers or genjis can kill me, pistol crits deals too much damage.
GOD DAMNIT, I want that Reinhardt skin.
>tab back
>kill 2
>get PoTG
>meanwhile see our junkrat kill 5 under 20 seconds without his ult
>he didn't PoTG
I don't fucking understand
Bloodhardt? Really?
The axe is pretty sweet, but that's about it. I'm leaning more towards Lionhardt or Stonehardt even though I keep destroying other Reins that use those skins, I don't know why.
I didn't know Reaper used Sup Forums.
>Get 3 kills with some nades and c4
>This happens
Got stonehardt too but I like blood for some reason. I guess the axe
>plenty of 10+ kill streaks with Lucio
>a team kill with Lucio right on the objective
>I've still never got PoTG with any character
Really? You look like a fucking mecha.
>Got two Double Kills as Reinhardt in about five seconds
>PotG was Toblerone getting a single kill and his turret getting 2
Mildy upset.
I've gotten in a couple times with her. Usually with ult up and you pop several headhsots in a row.
That being said I almsot always lose with her.
I already have Mechaqueen Pharah for my mecha needs, don't need another one.
PotG is reserved for some d-bag Reaper hitting Q.
>even though I keep destroying other Reins that use those skins, I don't know why.
Because people get those skins and think they're awesome and want to show off, but have no fucking idea how to play Reinhardt. So they get fucked over by his slow swing speed and other range issues, and have no idea how to Rein v Rein.
You know what pisses me off Zenyatta has the best highlight reels intro but good luck ever seeing one.
Oh really? Show a picture of your average eliminations on your career profile so we can see how good you are with Mercy and co.
>They Charge at me
>Jump and move to the left
>Turn around
>Charge into them
>Strike twice
Every time.
16 eliminations. Ayy lmao I get average 12 with Lucio let alone Widowmaker.
Bad news, user. If you're only pulling 16 eliminations, you're not very good. If you want to PotG as widow, you've pretty much got to kill three out of six people per fight. You should be getting 20 eliminations on a bad game, good ones should be pushing 30.
Kill the inevitable countersniper who rushed ahead of their main group. Pick off the healer. Then just pick off whatever, because the other team is crippled and yours should be able to push in and fuck them over. Pop vision to let your team track down stragglers and see where they're setting up the next push, rinse and repeat.
You usually won't get PotG unless it's the "Sharpshooter" one, and that's unpredictable as fuck.
—but when the other team has counterpicked a widowmaker, a hanzo, and a dva all dedicated to trying to kill you, their comp is shot to shit and your remaining five teammates should be able to keep them from doing anything on the objective even if you do die. That's when you've won.
But Reinhardt actually looks good.
>Strike twice
Strike once and flame. It's a much safer bet.
That said, it's shocking how many Reinhardt players don't realize the charge can go through his shield. If I had a dollar for every Reinhardt who tried to stop a charging Reinhardt with their shield, I'd be able to buy the fancy combo meal at Wendy's.
Every PotG is a Mercy coming in and pressing Q to res like 2 people who ultimately get killed right after.
>If you want to PotG as widow, you've pretty much got to kill three out of six people per fight.
Only one good fight counts.
I don't think I have ever seen a mercy POTG
POTG is always just bastion and people waiting into him.
>Strike once and flame.
I usually throw the flame at them while they're shielding.
It's hits way more often than it ought to.
m8 I will fight you.
>I don't think I have ever seen a mercy POTG
>Everyone is dead
>Press Q
>Mercy Play of the Game
>16 elim as widowmaker
I honestly can't tell if this a bait or joke thread. 16 elim on widow is insanely low. It's no surprise you haven't gotten potg.
If you're consistently on fire throughout the match, it increases your PotG chance. I think how it picks PotG is partly by looking at "heat" level and then singling out the biggest spike within a short time.
Show me a POTG with just one or 2 kills to back up your fancy claim or shut up.
>get a pentakill as Pharah
>potg is junkrat literally exploding himself and taking 2 people with him
potg is dps/hps, wake up you fucking casual retards
You do know that an elimination is just a contribution to a kill?
Well revives count like kills, so she would have to get like a simultaneous revive of 4+ people.
mah nigga. Best skin, best girl.
That's a pathetically low average I'm sorry to say
>16 eliminations
>a lot
I get around 20-24 on Zenyatta every game. They aren't hard to get; you just have to actually participate in kills.
How many of the five were JUSTICE?
If he was killing people casting/using their ult, then his kills were weighed heavier.
>He thinks that's hard
You realize Genji is meant to be a direct fucking counter to bastion right? You should've been having a fucking field say of course.
I should add 16 doesn't seem that low to me considering I play on console
How do I get good senpai?
"Cheers, love...lesbian undertones here!"
You know, looking at my W/L ratios tells a pretty interesting story.
>my W/L with lucio is 50/50
>my W/L with heroes like pharah and winston are more like 2:1
Usually I only pick lucio if I'm forced to. He's fun and all, but I hate playing support when grouped with retards. If I'm FORCED to pick a support character, my team is probably shit.
>My ult (sound barrier) is ready! Let's do this!
>group up with me!
>group up with me!
>group up with me!
>nobody groups up
I've never been madder.
PUGs aren't really well known for their team coordination. You shouldn't give them such high expectations.
It's called git gud.
Paragon is better than any of the 1000g Reinhardt skins
>I DVA ult for 5 person kill clearing the payload and ending overtime for team victory
>POTG was midmatch 76 killing someone and then dicking around
Dam sun.
Only thing make that better is a bulge in her underwear.
>playing Lucio on illios
>push 4 people to their death then get the killing melee blow on Tracer
>play of the game goes to bastion sitting there in turret mode shielded by reinhardt and powered by mercy as the entire retard enemy team just walks into it
fucking hell
>be reinhardt
>retard mcfucksticks behind me shoot aimlessly at random enemies while avoiding the healer and turrets
Paragon looks fine, but it just seems like an awkward compromise between Classic and Lionhardt.
Just kill like 3 in a row. This is mostly enough.
>roadhog literally going to the moon
>Play Widow
>Get PotG every time I do
git gud cuk lmao cant even reduce scope charge time properly i bet
>plays easy mode
>tells others to git gud
is there anything genuinely hard in this game
genji. hanzo and widow probably have the highest skill ceilings but they're not hard to be okay with
>hanzo and widow probably have the highest skill ceilings
>highest skill ceiling
>stand back
haha no.
I'm shit at aiming, is there a character that relies on melee or splash damage or something similar?
Do YOU NEGGROs still not know how PoG works?
>game looks in a 20 sec window for a peak activity of stats
>things that give those stats
1. deal a ton of dmg and/or kill a ton of enemies (so you don't even have to kill a person, if you just pump in your load as say Reaper or Bastion into 3-4 enemies) = shutdown
2. heal a lot/rez a lot = savior
3. push enemies of terrain
4. kill an enemy who is about to ult (McCree/Mercy come to mind)
5. save enemy teammate from death = savior (Reinhardt using his charge for DvAs ult/shield)
6. snipe an enemy who is in the air/about to ult = sharpshooter
7. a lot of dmg from support characters gets more stat points, then say Reaper
8. kills on the objective are worth way more (see Mei ults) - even more when the enemy team is about to win
= Not a perfect system, but if you understand it, you will understand those hilarious PoTG were Torbjörns turret just does a lot of dmg in a short amount of time, even so he is dead. There just happened anything else with more stat points in this game.
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I average 20 with tracer git gud
>being salty that good widows / hanzos exist that can land headshots left and right
like, chill out, my dudes. im sorry that your waifus don't have much to offer highly skilled FPS players.
You literally admitted that widows and hanzos are easy.
That's what you get for being a no-fun Widowmaker.
Also 16 is fucking embarrassing. I get at least 20 whenever I'm playing an offensive hero and I'm mediocre as fuck.
when? they are easy to play at a basic level. they're not easy to play at a level where they can carry entire teams.
>PotG as Reinhardt
Im downloading this game now, hope to soon be having fun with the rest of you
>tfw playing le nice ass smugberry
Best girl and objectively best hero if played well. Why is she so perfect?
You play them 10 rounds are you are already good with them.
Judging from the fact that you seem to think you are hot shit despite such a low average, I'm guessing your aim isn't what is letting you down but being too static and not using the map and adapting to the situation better; you should be more active
Am I supposed to be impressed by this. That's like saying there's 4 Mei's in a game and you shit on all of them with McCree
She's also getting most certainly nerfed.
I-Is it ok to play as Widowass no matter when?
>get PoTG because the enemy team was literally retarded
>they don't immediately leave
I fucking would if I was that torbjorn. He could've ripped that D.va apart if he spent more time shooting and less time babysitting his FUCKING TURRET HOLY SHIT I HATE TOBLERONE SO MUCH YOU SHITTER STOP PICKING HIM AND THEN JUST AFK-ING YOU HORRENDOUS KEKOLDS GET ON THE POINT AND DELAY AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Paragon isn't even the best skin of its cost.
Is Widow the most smug western waifu ever
Who cares? There's no penalty for losing.
DEFEAT and the knowledge that you let your team down is punishment enough :(((
Just played as Widowmaker, usually playing Reinhardt and got 16 eliminations. What the fuck, OP.
Too fucking true.
And when he gets PotG, it's just headshotting with discord up on 2-3 people near objectives, which isn't even enjoyable to watch.
Some classes aren't meant for PotG. My sweet multi kills with Pharah are usually spread too thin without an ult, and there is usually a Hanzo or turret class that gets the play regardless.
Fuck the team, you aren't playing competetivly, just have fun
>Only seen Lúcio get PotG a single time
>It was for two, arguably 3, kills pushing people off a ledge
not fucking fair
Until ranked mode comes out, play anything you want at any time.
Jesus Pharah is so beautiful