Genji and hanzo speak japanese

>genji and hanzo speak japanese
>every other character speaks english with a hammed up accent
Is this Blizzard appealing to weebs?


Also Zarya and Mercy, and they only speak their native languages when you're playing as them or on the opposing team.

They only speak it a bit. They still mostly speak english with a shitty accent.

Hardly, given they couldn't even be bothered getting actual Japanese people to voice the characters.

stop being retarded lots of character speak their own language at times
everyone mostly talks english though, just like hanzo and genji do
>complaining about weebs on Sup Forums
get out of my board normalfag, Sup Forums was born for people with interests in jap culture ecc. ecc.
i'm sick of people like you
fuck off to whatever gaming-related subreddit best suits you

but they have Japanese voice actors for the Japanese dub, user

Japanese is "hip" language in english, duh. also speaks her own language sometimes

If mei doesn't say anything in Chinese I will never buy this game

She does. she sounds like a cute little monkey

she does.
everyone has some lines in their native language.
idk maybe lucio doesn't

What would Genji have to do to get his big bro to love him again? :3

The non-English heros speak in a combination of both as well. Delete your thread.

At least they speak correct Japanese unlike literally everybody in Mortal Kombat X

Several others also do not, torbjorn and reaper for example

>la vulve tisse sa toile
Que voulait-elle dire par ca?

>Mercy speaks German when ulting if she's on the other team, has multiple German voice lines you can get in loot boxes
>Zarya speaks Russian in several lines including when ulting if she's on the other team (recurring theme)
>Mei speaks Chinese when ulting if she's on the other team

The only non-English speakers without native lines are Torbjörn, Reinhardt and Symmetra. Oh and maybe D.Va, people said she has Korean lines but I don't recall any.


yes actually

I wonder why people create threads on games they have never played?

You forgot Pharah. also has a few voice emote in Korean. She also says something when she respawns. Also says an-yung for hello.

Anyeong :3

Not every Hispanic in the US speaks Spanish. Lot's of possible reasons why, but being Hispanic doesn't automatically mean you must know the language.

Who's the D.Va VA?

requesting mercy shrugging


And being Japanese doesn't mean you speak it. Also grass is green, the sky is blue, and your post fucking sucks.

Every character speaks their native language when on the enemy team. Also both Hanzo and Genji speak in english 90% of the time

Reinhardt doesn't have one

Symmetra's all English too, which is weird with how traditional she seems.

>Not wanting to hear enemy Reaper shout MUERE! MUERE! MUERE!

mercy dosent have a swiss dilect

How do you get good with Genji?

The difference being Reaper grew up in the US and Hanzo/Genji grew up in fucking japan

Zarya speaks Russian and Mei Chinese. Zarya's Russian sounds alright but still a bit odd for some reason. I don't know shit about Chinese but it sounds passable

Zenyatta does not speak Nepali.

carita con guiño ;)

widowmaker speaks french

Pharah doesn't (arabic)
Lucio doesn't (portugese)
Reaper doesn't(spanish)
Torbjörn doesn't(swedish)
Symmetra doesn't(hindi)

Reinhardt has one word in german

Not only does lucio not have any, he doesn't sound like a brazilian talking in english at all.


play this week's arcade of genji vs hanzo until your fingers break

>japanese can't speaks english.
>every other character speaks english.

Dash spam?


He's a robit. The Shambali order migrated to Nepal to make their monastery. Why Nepal? Because eastern spiritualist aesthetics.

I still love this character

but she's japanese

Git gud at reflections

pass it up

My nigga Zenyatta would be perfect if he had like 50 more health


>mariache reaper will never say AY AY AY
why live desu

when fighting spam double jump and right click in close quarters..

Wasn't there a picture of this one

reaper is American you dumb nigger. plenty of Hispanic is America don't even know spanish.

Torbjörn is the most boring, he's supposed to be swedish but there's nothing swedish about him att all, they could atleast have made him a cyborg viking or something, his accent doesn't even sound swedish or scandinavian either.

They're clearly sidestepping with Pharah the question of whether she'll be speaking Arabic or Coptic Egyptian.

Informal way of saying hi in Korean
t. Chink

hanzo looks like Mongolian archer than japanese yakuza samurai ninja whatever the fuck he is

How did that not kill Reinhardt?

Widow speaks french in the voice lines.

that dude looks like a irish dwarf

She should speak korean

I don't know if the charge can eat some damage, or if a full health Rein can just take the bomb, but that does seem a little fucky to me


All the voice actors are the appropriate nationalities though

I tanked the bomb once as Rein but I did have my shield up

Joli mémé, user.

the spray and emote makes this fucking perfect.

lucio does. he says let's break it down, it's similar to ebonics.

Proof is in the pudding, lads. Legitimate strategies from Reinhardt to counter D.Va's ult.

that's the point, you shit

Rein's shield does funny stuff. Like it will block another Rein ult for some reason.

Or play Zarya and shield up at detonation

she's fucking gook you idiot

>uses common musical term
>becomes slang in the American vernacular in the 1990's
>not even trying to use AAVE

If anything it's affirming his presence as a popular DJ

>pharah actives ulti

The game would get boycotted if this happened.

You can see Zarya putting up shields in the distance.

That seems reasonable, too

Another way to beat it might be Lucio or Zen's ult, or maybe Lucio could just use knockback

... same as hanzo and genji

Speaking about Zarya
Her accent seem wrong.
It feels like it`s a foreign person speaking Russian, who learned it from Red Heat.
Not too bad, but noticable.


I am always amused by the accent police in every fucking country. If someone isn't from where they are, they judge their accent much more discriminately based on no fucking criteria.

>person is from Russia

Blizzard might endless resources but why pay for proper VA if it passes for masses, proof this did.