Patch 1.21 improves graphics?
Patch 1.21 improves graphics?
Yeah, water definitely looks better and storms maybe, although the latter could be just my imagination.
Hi guys, I want to get into Witcher. Is it like TES series given you can interact with every NPC and do quests for them? What are the similarities and differences?
Oh man, they have as much in common as doom and Farcry do. Completely different games. Go check out a YouTube video or two of it to see.
It's a dfferent time of day, dumbass.
It's a complete different region too.
So every patch they make it a little bit of how it was before it was downgraded for consoles?
Less customisation, infinitely better writing and quests, better world and npcs, combat is equally bad. Horses cant run up walls but they run against trees every couple seconds.
>less customization
He said TES, not skyrim specifically. Morrowind customization is way beyond what witcher offers.
i know that
both pictures are from 1.21 patch
Play the witcher if you want to have content which is written by writers. Don't play Witcher 1, it sucks dick.
Play TES if you want a single player MMORPG (With the exception of Morrowind, they actually wrote lore for that.)
I read that B and W uses a new type of foliage. Its likely they impleneted that to the whole game
can a toaster run thies
phenom x2 and 6950
No it's not, you fucking retard.
>don't play TW1
what a tremendous faggot you are.
Something has definitely changed
Shadows now render like in GTA with an invisible line past which the shadows become much less sharp, which annoys me to hell
Also when you cast igni, there are no fire-y outlines on the ground (at least not every time I use it) but some strange yellow flames that persist.
The performance is also little bit wonkier
Had to crank down most settings to "high" and disable AA for it to not drop frames like crazy (memecard here)
The shadows have always been like that for me and the igni effects were downgrsded a long time ago
Ah, figures
Why though?
Haven't touched the game since 1.11
Play them in release order.
you can skip TW2 if you want. It sucks.
>Don't play Witcher 1, it sucks dick.
You suck dick, faggot.
TW1 is the only GREAT game in the series. Every other is consolized to hell and back.
It also disintegrated Roach's tail.
Yes you moron, lighting engine is highly improved and higher quality assets and textures were added.
Stay on funnyjunk faggot
I don't know, the ember on that torch looks low res to me.
>Greatly zoomed in on object that was not meant t obe seen that close
Nice nitpick
oh shit does this mean I need to fuck with my ini again to get a crazy range on shadows?
>Don't play Witcher 1, it sucks dick.