Does Sup Forums like racing games?

Does Sup Forums like racing games?

Other urls found in this thread:!EBEBACQL!X2veL1xFQf_GUPIwBh24wg


>mfw torgue races in Grid 2 while blasting Eurobeat out of my speakers

I used to back on the PS2. Burnout 3 is still my favorite. But these days its all about "muh realistic experience" and catering to the wheel and pedal fags.

Is Dirt Rally any good?

Only when there is a sexy girl LOL

Posting non-Initial D eurobeat 'cause these threads get repetitive

I'd drive that Nontan.

>tfw recently bought a 1985 MR2 AW11

There will never be anything besides Eurobeat that is allowed to grace my speakers.

Y-You also play Perturbator.. R-Right?

I've never heard this before. This is amazing. Thank you, user.

Car that after 1945 became a primary cause for death among Japanese population.

How tall is she?

Arcade-y ones, yeah.

Especially Daytona.

is initial d good for anything that isn't memes about eurobeat and drifting? like is there a good initial d game? is the manga good?

>driving a manual

Can there be a racing games thread without eurobeat?

Guess I'll make this a one-and-done thing then.!EBEBACQL!X2veL1xFQf_GUPIwBh24wg

>ruining your initial d experience with an autotragic

The anime is good
So is the manga
The memes are annoying and you faggot really need to stop this shit

>Being American

If you can't drive manually you don't deserve a licence.

Snow halation thread?

Only really playing the codemasters F1 games and iRacing sometimes.
I like track racing where everybody has roughly the same car.

>But these days its all about "muh realistic experience" and catering to the wheel and pedal fags.

But that's the best part, faggot.

Best game right here.

they're alright, I prefer Nozomi though

Subtract 1 and you got the best GRID game.

Substract another 1 and add Autosport to the title, and there you got the best GRID game.

Also, best song.

She is a Ver.Ka gundam model.

Are there any PC racing sims?

I would pay 60 dollaridoos for a Gran Turismo on PC.

Depends on how realistic you want it to be.

No, none at all.

Is this the eur-- oh nevermind >not super eurobeat


Initial D takeover

>running in the 90's
>makes you feel like you need to downshift

Get some fucking taste, holy shit.

The fundamentals are fantastic but the game itself is pretty stripped down. Multiplayer especially is very lacking compared to Dirt 3

She's a big girl.

>not the amazing vid version
you had one job

Don't like racing games, but Burnout and Split/Second were great.

I come in here hoping to hear about racing games. But all I get is eurobeat.

How come nobody talks about this?

No, but I do like buttholes.

Smooth 10 fps and great aliasing

>you will never have your car washed by underaged high school idols wearing swimsuits
I never knew how much I wanted this until now


Of course there has to be a fucking Trueno

>Be European
>Dislike eurobeat

Is there.... something wrong with me?

What is this, a psx game? Looks like shit

Honestly it looks like Dreamcast.

>what are swirlmarks
>what are scratches

Yeah, enjoy ruining your car's paint by letting a bunch of inexperienced kids wipe your car down with household towels that aren't even microfiber.

i dunno user, it looks like a 2016 pc game to me.

its an early version current tureno is a intial D look-a-like.


>Get some fucking taste
>posts meme grips

ooo, sadly mistaken. It looks like psx, but plays so well you wish you didn't make your initial impression off of graphics.

>death grips is bad because lol Sup Forums

Zero taste confirmed.

Try not to let memes dictate your life.

I just want a good street racing game.

With "normal" cars. No ferraris, supercars, etc

Just shitboxes, tuned shitboxes, older sportscars.

>mfw I'll be playing GranTurismo in VR this year


>Gran Turismo
>racing sim
It's only a racing sim if you've never driven a car at all and don't know what one feels like

>tfw replaying this game right now
Pro Street is so underrated

>all those qt race queens
i wonder if EA would have the balls to ever do this again

i like Beastie Boys and Electric Wizard too, but how the fuck they could make you want to downshift? EW is slow-tempo, doom metal, it'd make you want to go real slow or better yet go back home and light up a blunt

what you said is the equivalent of "I'm a dumb imbecile"

pc is currently the only system with racing sims


You will regret it the moment your rear end overtakes you.

Happy spinning.

same user, great taste

How is that related to vidya, you cancer?

Nfs underground 2 may be the answer.

Played it at release.

>Underground 2 was 12 years ago.

Any good racing game for PSP?
Burnout Legends with it's deal of only 4 cars per race really killed the game for me

>12 years ago


Fuck ... I remember I did all the chores in the house for a month so my mom gives me some money to buy the game. I only got 30 bucks and the game was 50 or something.
So I had to buy a an odd, greek version of the game that somehow got into one of the arab electronic pawn stores.

Worked fine though and I could play it in german

new game from Genki when