Dos Sup Forums think this could become a large esport?
Dos Sup Forums think this could become a large esport?
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It already is. This thread is stupid.
Yeah, this is where EVO is being played this year.
Gee I hope not, a party game as an e-sport! What next? Competitive Mario Kart?!
It already is
I know, I'm so hyped.
This is now a Melee thread.
EVO top 8 predictions?
i love it, but no.
the reason the biggest are so popular is because of how easy they're to get.
all of the big eSports are free or very cheap on PC and require very low specs
Some faggot ICs main who wobbled his way in
>Some faggot ICs main who wobbled his way in
Only wobbles or maybe Fly could make it in top 8 at EVO. This isn't the free regional where the only good peach main is Armada and maybe non-suicidal M2K.
Chu did it last year
M2K is going to get knocked into losers by a slightly above average player because of trash BO3 format since M2K doesn't adapt well. When M2K is in losers he mentally gives up so rip M2K top 8 dream.
Chu has meme magic at his side. it's like when Abate made top 8 at big house.
That SoPo though.
>it's like when Abate made top 8 at big house
don't remind me.
I'd say it's getting there.
Then again, I don't watch e-sports so I don't know how common choke chants and airhorn spams are.
On a side note, GOTM this year was hilarious.
post shannondorf pics
It's 2016 stop complaining about a character who needs wobbles to even be able to compete you fuckboy.
shannon a cute!
Wobbles didn't even wobble at DH Austin and he still did pretty well, and he was just going for swag on top of that. ICs can do well without wobbling, wobbling shouldn't be banned, but it's gay as fuck and for players that hate fun.
Is her twitter gone
Wobbles did it as a self imposed restriction initially for swag but now does it to explore options outside of wobbling. Even Fly admits that it's optimal and he should go for it more often.
Shame about those eyebrows
yeah looks like it. too bad i didn't save any pics
but i gots plenty of neha
I like this timeline
She's not that attractive stop posting her every thread pls.
sorry user if you wouldn't hit this you're probaby homosexual
>esports shit
Go away neo-Sup Forums
Hope we see more of Chu's meme magic this year.
how does one man become such a living meme
I'm still looking for the set where he wobbled somebody, his opponent paused to SD, and then kept on wobbling him anyways.
Those aren't trolls at all.
Melee General then eh?
shield drop tech, perfect ledgedash options
>favorite matchup
marth fox
>how long have you been playing
almost a year
Probably gonna get knocked into losers by Lucky or some shit then lose to Plup and geth 7th but its better than nothing.
>That time he stopped playing in his stream so he could teach trig
Marth Fox? Like to play with your Marth? Why not Falco Fox with your Falco? Falco poops on Fox.
Fuck off abate is legit as fuck and deserved it, he was playing phenomenal at BH5.
That's also the best he's ever going to do at a tournament that actually matters unfortunately.
yeah he got like 7th at Fight Pitt IV which was in his backyard and the best player there was Colbol. Nig's just not really that committed to melee anymore.
Abate? He's trying out other characters right now, I believe falco and falcon. Their trash but still he seems pretty commited.
yeah but he announced his 'retirement' from melee a few months ago and i don't think he'll be traveling anymore. maybe EVO but i don't know what else.
Holy fuck source? I don't remember this shit at all. What a absolute shame, no luigi even compared and he seemed like a cool person.
No, unless Nintendo or a major company sinks the money in to make a tournament series with continual support that doesn't fall apart eventually like MLG did. These events are still pretty much community run although I wouldn't say it's a bad thing.
face book /stephen.abate.7/posts/1054032651334044:0
No because it's not a serious fighting game.
>DD distances with Marth and how to utilize lasers better
>falco dittos and marth sheik
>year and a half but only like 1 tournament cause every tournament is too far away
>tfw the sweedish fuckboy shittalks your main
he's such a fucking douche on twitter
those tits hnng