>walk into Nipton
>talk to Boxcars
>he tells me his legs are crippled
>begin to shoot him with a 9mm pistol
>he gets up and starts walking towards me to attack me
New Vegas Thread
>walk into Nipton
>talk to Boxcars
>he tells me his legs are crippled
>begin to shoot him with a 9mm pistol
>he gets up and starts walking towards me to attack me
New Vegas Thread
Down with the Legion
Who /sneeringimperialist/ here?
>Mfw gunning down fiends and savages with my Trail Carbine
/fightthepower/ here, hope you fucking rot.
nice mods you got there
Looks fine in motion. Not sure why it looks so blown out and fuzzy there. Freeside areas in general look like shit.
If you aim at his legs in VATS, they are crippled. Having crippled legs doesn't stop enemies from moving, though.
if you vats him, you see that, in fact, his legs are indeed crippled
You misunderstood me there I guess. I really meant that it looks nicer than vanilla
Oh, woops. Not used to genuine compliments on here. ty
>give him meds
>get good karma
Post couriers?
>NCR Private Contractor who is in it for the money
inb4 tacticool
karma is divorced from individual morality
you're helping a cripple alleviate pain
you ease his pain
But can someone tell me why sneak attacking feral ghouls is good karma while open combat is karma neutral?
>Lol only 9mm
>Independent agent who wants to see Vegas and the Mojave stay free from bureaucracy.
I know that glorious feel my Imperialist brother!
Rebel scum!
Todd pls
What does he say if you're actually neutral or friendly to the Powder Gangers?
I'm so used to him saying are you fUCKING KIDDIN ME
euthanasia vs. murder
What if you're doing it just for the kicks?
motive doesn't matter, what matters is the deed
Tacticool or not, the mask/goggles combo is very handy in the desert.
If Obsidian ever does get the Fallout license again U'd love to see another game set in the Mojave with the current gamebryo engine, they'd be able to do some pretty wicked sandstorms.
thats what I thought too
I would have gone with the headgear including the helmet for the added dt but the green helmet would have been weird looking on a black jacket
The GRA challenges were a lot of fun. Especially the secret one where you eat all the important npcs to get a special perk
it's a shame the perk is pretty useless
Too bad Obsidian probably doesn't want to work with Bethesda again. I'd be salty as fuck too if my publisher forced me to rush my product and I couldn't get the bonus because of one point.
Obsidian have said they'd be more than happy to work on another Fallout game. It's a matter of Bethesda letting them now. I guess we'll see after all of FO4's DLC is out.
I think he just whines
I really prefer it when he's fucking pissed to see
>''What the fuck have you got against us, bitch?''
what do you think, asshole?
What's the name of the challenge
>Clear out powderganger camp
>Taking supplies gives bad karma
>tfw want to play through New Vegas again but I don't want to deal with the outdated combat & gamebyro in general
You are stealing the NCR property!
that HUD is so shit, i don't get why anyone would want to use anything but the DarNui, even in it's somewhat abandoned state (it gets fixed by tale of two wastelands though)
I don't like the default font.
NV isn't supposed to make sense.
oh god the tacticool cringe is embarrassing as shit
>why doesn't the player character do "x"
because its an rpg
you get to decide
>it's okay to steal from someone if they're a dick
In all seriousness though, the karma system in NV is fucked, I think primarily due to the faction system being more important. IIRC, some guy just started killing everything and everyone in sight and wound up with Very Good karma because of all the feral ghouls he killed.
Hi leafy
I love NV but the karma system is fucked and makes no sense
>murdering junkies is good karma
>stealing drugs from them is bad
that's why the game falls apart once you get inside the strip, you become a mery sue that is trusted by everyone and can do anything.
dont you like anime, user?
But he doesn't. You do. Nothing is stopping the player from stopping the main quest line at Benny.
Was James a robot fucker?
>trying to ride off the other post that points out how shit fallout 3 is
>except it doesnt make any sense at all
all the parties want the courier because he got into the lucky 38, where house is, the person they all want dead. after the courier shows initiative and drive by killing house the factions then realize that this is the guy who can do their shit without them having to send squadrons to places
they all trust you because no one else can kill house and they really need you to do it, and by the time you do it they figure you have your loyalties
house trusts the courier because he's too egotistical and vain to think he could fuck up twice in his judgment
robots are not reliable and would be too direct
caesar trusts you because he thinks he's god and you're just gonna listen to him, another case of egotism being the downfall
the courier doesnt leave because you keep playing
house doesnt even think of trying to form a pact with the brotherhood of steel because he sees them for what they are, a bunch of xenophobic technophiles who are never going to get anywhere with or without his help, it'd be pointless. he also knows that the brotherhood of steel wouldn't even consider it without asking for too much from house or even trying to destroy him because of what he is.
>why does a mailman give a shit about politics
Because politics affect everyone.
>why doesn't he just shoot benny and then leave?
Would make for a short game. Even then nothing is stopping you from ignoring the factions.
>why does house trust the courier
He doesn't, it takes time for him to fully trust you. At first he doesn't even want to explain what the Chip does until you hand it over.
>why doesn't house build a robot manservant
Because people generally don't trust robots.
>why does Caesar trust you to blahblah
He has a huge ego is why.
>without so much as an armed escort
Because Caesar doesn't want to expose his soldiers to technology. He's afraid of rebellion.
>why does House tell you to blow up the BoS
Because the BoS are a bunch of asshole raiders who wouldn't want House to have access to all the toys he does.
>wandering around Forlorn Hope
>see this
The "Why House wants to destroy BoS" is the most inane question of them all.
You'd look okayish as a hat.
IWS did that for me. Pretty annoying, had to restore some quests via console.
>it's another thread where Sup Forums pretends to still enjoy a 6 year old game that wasn't even good
I think that was just some generic trooper thankfully but you're right with how insane the spawns are. In that case I can understand it given that it's still in the overworld but the spawning sentrybots in McCarren is just silly.
nice try neckbeards eugenics childhating atheists
>Because politics affect everyone.
stopped reading there
how's it going, Todd?
>sentrybots in McCarren
Wow, it never done that for me. Only friendly "NCR Sentry Bots". The Hope-annihilating cazadores don't spawn inside the camp itself, they just spawn close enough to notice and attack troopers. Had spawns on maximum, so the devastation was real.
I think i'll just play as a rollan
>thinking politics don't affect you
The perk you get is "Meat of Champions". You get boosted SPECIAL when you eat someone IIRC
This was my first run using it and the only time I've seen it happen, but it might've been something else that caused it. I also had friendly bots earlier on, then later I come in and half the camp's been murdered by three of the bastards, and this was on fairly low spans.
i'll roll
Well, I just hope I won't run into that, then!
Any mods to re-invigorate the gameplay a bit? I enjoy the game a lot as an RPG, but lately when I try to replay, the combat just becomes such a dull slog, I can't bring myself to continue.
>why does the courier, who is essentially a mailman
couriers are revered by several people in the game, and you weren't necessarily always a courier. That's where the rp comes in
>why does he care about politics
again, it's an rpg and it's your character. You decide. Maybe he's an NCR patriot who is able to promote his country. Maybe he's an old alcoholic cowboy who just wants to get some caps by doing House's bidding and doesn't actually care about what he's doing. Maybe he's a fucking nutjob and wants to kill everyone and Caesar is the best way to do that
>why does House unconditionally trust the Courier
he doesn't you're and employee and he's an employer. He gives you directions and you do them. If he thought you were going to betray him, he would kill you and find someone else like he planned with Benny (except the only time you can betray him is to actually kill him, so you don't see this play out in game)
>why doesn't House just build a robot manservant
this isn't fallout 4, there are no synths. If House could make a synth to do what you do he probably would, but as it is, his securitrons are too restricted in function and discreteness, plus people don't trust them and by extension him as much as a real person in terms of diplomacy
>why does Caesar trust you unconditionally
this is maybe the only decent point in this post, and the only semi-answer the game gives is because he's arrogant as fuck
>why does House tell you to blow up the Brotherhood of Steel instead of forming a pact with them, or direct you to rob them?
this is actually answered in great detail by House himself in game. He has no use for them or anything they have--he already has everything they do, and they would never approve of his use of technology and are a powerful force that would always be against him
there was a mod that let you spend ap to go into superhot mode
Re-roll too boring for me
Play OG fallout?
Everyone brings up the combat but I can't even get myself to replay the game because of how shit New vegas and most of the beginning areas are.
Half of the places, with the dogshit visuals, look so depressingly shit. The strip is empty, nothing really that cool to do, I've done all of the boring ass quests so many times. How the fuck can you guys replay it so many times? I understand it's fun but it isn't that fun.
Don't talk to me or my son ever again.
It's as bad as the rocket launcher with a bayonet
>Half of the places, with the dogshit visuals, look so depressingly shit.
This is exactly what mods are for.
I made my game look bright and happy with pretty colors and removed all the garbage.
I've beaten this game three times but I've never seen this guy. Where is he?
Nipton, in the store to the left of YEEAAAAAAHHH. He gives you a quest to save some enslaved Powder Gangers.
Nipton General Store
you give a bandit drugs, slowly killing him from the inside
>kill him
>get good karma
Because the player wants to.
You could just, oh I dunno, just ignore everything and kill Benny, then that's the end.
Just close your eyes nigga hahahaha just walk away
tacticool fucking shit and also the most generic 'background' you can get
>with the current gamebryo engine
>young man who forgot who he was before getting shot in the head and doesn't remember the fact that he was raised by a cult that performed experiments on him as a child and gave him the ability to perform miracles AKA perks and now he has to relearn how to do them 2 steps at a time
>Soul patch
It's called Breakfast of Kings
That's not a GRA challenge, but GRA ties in very well with other challenges.
I have hitman's animation packs, but I can't seem to find the ones he did for energy weapons. He also removed his door opening animations.