ITT: Your favorite games that aren't very good.
ITT: Your favorite games that aren't very good
This is my personal favorite game of all time.
That doesn't mean it's not flawed in several ways. It's still good, don't get me wrong. It just has its fair share of faults.
i only ever played ehrgeiz for the dungeon explorer shit.
Same here. I never got very far though. I remember getting fucked by that giant squid in the well.
wish Nintendo would throw this up on VC
Baten Kaitos Origins. Anyone else ever play that or the first one?
And also:
>Killer Is Dead
>Drakengard 3
>SIREN: Blood Curse
>The Path
>Shadow of Destiny
>Chocobo's Dungeon
That's because it was the entry boss for the third major zone. IIRC it went:
- Upper dungeon at the top of the stairs (sort of cathedrally with fountains and shit)
- Lower dungeon area further down (mostly mines/caverns with bears in them)
- Well (like 10-15 levels below the first two)
And then some other stuff after that. I remember getting Ultima Weapon, fighting a dragon or two and at least one T-rex. Never beat the game though, it got really tough.
You could totally cheese the octopus though with the normal jumping attack. Although at early levels your weapons would probably break before doing enough damage to kill it.
Apparently the final boss was a stupid phoenix that insta-kills your character so your partner HAS to revive them. It's not even the monster with the actual Ehrgeiz sword from the main game. So fucking disappointing.
I have played this game to death
Back when I was a child and even now
No idea why though
Deadly premonition is one of my favorite games. Compelling story, nice and bizarre characters, weird and fun dialogue, a huge amount of feels at times.
I would recommend it to anyone in a heart-beat. And yet, I never want to play it again.
Actually all of FROM's games aren't really good. But I do like them in a way.
It has like 100 different spells, but casting them is a chore. There are plenty of easter eggs and secrets everywhere, but you ain't gonna get any of them because you'll be too low on mana to use your spells to reach them. It even has a working multiplayer but good luck convincing anyone to play it.
>And yet, I never want to play it again.
yeah i feel the same
But... that game is good.
>Apparently the final boss was a stupid phoenix that insta-kills your character so your partner HAS to revive them.
Yeah, that was a pretty lame encounter. You walk in with your best equipment on your strong character only to get 1-shot out of nowhere, which forces you to re-equip your partner with whatever backup you have, and hope they're on par with the fallen character's stats.
the Rise of the Triad remake
gameplay wise no
I think they're good
They got tons of problems sure but they're alright
That alone is really lame, but the fact that you never even get the damn sword the game was about or the monster holding it was unbelievable. I mean, they had the damn thing modeled with attack patterns in the fighting game section, it woudn't have been hard to put it in.
It's like they intended it to be as anti-climactic as possible, a huge fuck you to the players. What the hell.
me and my brother both saved up together to buy a psx when brand new. we also clubbed together to buy games for it so 90% of our games were 2 player coop so we would never have to take turns. so we would just play kknd krossfire, special ops, army men, road rash jailbreak, warmes defcon 1, battle tanks global assault and pic related. to name name a few. then we got another psx 2nd hand and could do linkups of doom and c&c :3
I don't think I ever beat the giant octopus
Nigga it was a good game. It doesn't belong on this list.
>anything from titus back in the day
I'll agree it was bad.
The dungeon (crawler?) game was fucking great.
Didn't John St John do some VA work for this
>Evryone aged to 21 years old in the localization
That has to be one the laziest age bumps ever.
At least PAL versions didn't have the blondie ninja with her legs covered up.
I used to play the shit out of this game when I was little. Was a huge Digimon fan back then, still are.
I think Paul Eiding was the narrator also.
Tidus was a Japanese company?!!!
Have you played Cyber Sleuth yet? It's pretty good, although that's coming from someone who didn't know anything about Digimon until playing it.
I bought it for PS4 couple of months back but didn't have the time to play it yet.
You stole both of mine, damn.
Well you should definitely try it when you get the chance. The overall feel is pretty close to Persona/SMT, but hopefully that doesn't detract from the Digimon experience, and it seems to suit it quite well in many ways.
Alphamon is the best girl, incidentally.
Played this way too much as a kid.
still take it out every once and a while
Why the hell did this fighting game have a surprisingly fleshed out RPG bolted on to it?
Ya'll niggas don't know shit about fucking great games that had horrible controls and terrible translations.
Cousin and I would play this shit over and over. We only ever beat it once. I have a feeling there were quite a few mechanics and secrets we weren't capitalizing on though.
My and one of my best friends used to play that when we were little. The memories are overflowing now.
Mah nigga I have that game. Fine taste sir! And it is a good game I feel.
To be fair, it was a solid game hampered by shitty early 3D. I really liked multiple generations of characters.
Rise of the Triad only showed people cannot in fact deal with a cheeky old-school shooter. New Doom for all the praise it gets still benefits from all the safety net, modern conveniences.
Sure they are alright, but don't kid yourself.. They aren't exactly good games.
Just emulated and beat it recently. The game is JANKY as fuck but it does a lot right.
>two selectable characters that play drastically different
>good variety of guns for Grant, some unique kill animations with them
>raptor had a lot of moves he could do
That being said the game was kind of a mess, there's a map screen and two of the later levels only fit on said screen by like a margin of 3%, it's really odd.
I absolutely loved this shit as a kid. Midori was the best shit.
>First person platforming in an exceedingly fast and slidey game
>pretty much every enemy uses a hitscan weapon, making movement fairly useless
>most weapons are just temp upgrades
>pretty much all of them are rocked launchers
Dude, that game is horrible. Maybe the multiplayer is cool but the singleplayer was ass.
Akiba's Trip 2.
>best shit
You misspelled Kakurine.
I swear that had the loudest menu noises ever, and some really ridiculous requirements about frame timing in order to perform certain moves.
>oh hey an annie may girl and guns this could be fun enough for a rental
>three guns on cover
>get a gun
>get a second gun
>fuck yeah I'm building up my invent-
>first gun dropped
Game looks based, tell me about it.
Oni was great for its time. Terrible on PS2, though.
The epitome of "good bad game". That first sonic stage is pure goddamn fun though.
dude you are a moron this games melee combat was so fun and ahead of its time. anime setting is what it is but the gameplay is great. and after you beat the game you can play as an character in the game with their full moveset
if you dont live and learn you need to get the fuck outta here
Pepper for best girl.
I'm still holding out hope we'll get a sequel.
> this games melee combat was so fun and ahead of its time
This. In terms of unarmed combat mixed with gunplay, it was pretty much unmatched until Snake Eater.
Not allowing for things like Ifrit in DMC, I suppose.
Oni is one of those games that sounds amazing in principle but just exceptionally OK in practice somehow.
I'm not sure even to this day whether fightin' game combo/special mechanics mesh well with brawlers, but I know all the gimping of weapon power/availability to force the melees was just annoying.