Why are african americans so good at fighting games?

why are african americans so good at fighting games?

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Because they like to play them.


They are sociopaths.

fighting games have always had a racially diverse cast, and that attracted a racially diverse playerbase

Stop making nigger thread.

Because it's the only gane they could afford for their consoles or they're so poor they only played in arcades with quarters they'd find on the streets.


they like memorizing complicated bullshits

Because they like fighting

Is this the guy that went all rapey on a girl?

>you will never live in a time when it was appropriate to have seperate leagues for whites and blacks
>Black people will never leave Melee

>Why are non-white people so good at fighting games?



>so good at fighting games

No WE WUZ has won EVO if I remember correctly.

Who was in the wrong here?

Realistically, because arcades were a big part of inner cities and many black people grew up with arcade games. It ended up disseminating to younger black folk.

No, that's known shit head Noel Brown


Isn't the MK champ a nigger furry?

As a basketball american myself, I like them because of all the stupid bullshit the characters do. I like kung fu movies for similar reasons.

Blacks in the FGC are probably weebs or turboweebs.

is this guy unbanned from Twitch yet? I like watching him bitch when he loses. It's worse than DSP.


Go away /r9k/


>tfw you don't got that god gene

Oh right he's the one who raped that asian fatty.

I love how much Low Tier Fraud wanted to floor Viscant after he lost and got shit talked about him to his face, pure justice.

>no job
>leech off wellfare
>spend all money on vidya and electronics
>play games allday

They aren't any better at them than other people. They just like to play them more and to that I don't have the answer. Just look at any of the fightan game competitions. It's equally all types of the best fightan game players. Not predominantly blacks, or any race for that matter (except for maybe asain).

> Early/Mid 90s
> Poor/Working class Blacks couldn't afford home consoles
> Arcades would often monitor/throw out groups of Blacks out of suspicion
> Only experience with games are arcade cabinets found in stores/laundromats/movie theaters
> Most of these cabinets were fighting games, as fighting games were mass produced
> Younger guys would idolize/look up to their older brothers and try to adapt to their interests; i.e. fighting games

> Late 90s/Early 00s
> Poor/Working class Blacks couldn't regularly afford new vidya
> Fighting games and Wrestling games would show up in bargain bins moreso than other games due to them being mass produced

Pretty much that. There's a reason why it's always poor/hood-nigga-ass Blacks like fighting games, and middle/upper-middle class Carlton Banks types are always weeaboos and into RPGs/VNs.

Why're you describing NEETs?

oh shit you're right some of my first games i ever got were bargain bin fightan on the PS2 and 1 and i never realized till now user.

blacks are NEETs

Not sure about being GOOD at fighting games, but the reason they like them is the same reason why they enjoy DBZ, thug culture is all about beating the shit outta each other niggas. Fighting is what they've grown up with and it's all they know.


You also described Sup Forumsirgins and robots to a T though.

Snake Eyez has won evolution.

got bodied in the rematch the other month too


>snakeyez blaming 8 frames so he doesn't lose sponsorship

LTN started off by calling him a jobless crackhead

Despite Viscant working two jobs and voulunteering at a charity

LTN works at fucking MacDonald's, complains about shotos and thinks he's going up in life some day. He even bitches not to stream unless someone buys his dumb t shirts for 20 dollars.

While at the same time nice its a shame all the beef is gone and LTG is all chummy with him.

Monkeys are great climbers so they have more dexterity in their fingers

It allows them to call on their savage and primal instincts.

>Why are blacks good at fighting games?
>Sup Forums predictably gets off to the word nigger

What about asians though? Most FGC's if not dominated by a black dude is being run by an asian one.

Sup Forums really loves this guy...

LTG becomes an admirable character when you realise his entire online persona is an elaborate act to be 'the bad guy', and that he puts loads of effort into essentially making himself a figure of internet hate to entertain and make money. Must take a lot of guts.


I don't believe it's an act.

exclude the shills and nobody knows him

He's probably not completely different deep down, but it's difficult to imagine anyone genuinely being that much of a cunt.

It's a bit of both. It's more of an enlargement of his personality.

I mean I guess technically you can count SSF2T:HD as winning an Evo.. but it sure as hell doesn't get into the league of winning in something like SFIV.


Why can't you just say niggers?

Only Capcom games because they involve more guessing. Look at Tekken/KOF/GG and you'll see more white/jap/hispanic that far outweigh the black portion of the community.

>clapistani fighting game scene
good joke

Maybe he's just practicing his acting

Post mike ross

Kids in asian countries grow up(or used to) playing hardcore strategy games like Go and practicing martial arts. An asian kid with a half-traditional upbringing won't even bother with a game that isn't deep, it just won't interest him. Fighting games appeal to both strategy and the desire to beat people to death, perfect for an asian.

>>> Poor/Working class Blacks couldn't regularly afford new vidya

But these fucks are clearly middle class

>Playing shitty Tekken 6 online
>Against Eddy
>Getting my ass beat because my reactions or moves won't come out in time
>Black guy laughing the whole time


Ltg has gotten his ass kicked by damn near everyone in the past month. Viscant, g, nuckledu, packs, smug, etc. It's too bad he got banned before the train kept going.

Get your concentrated fix of sodium chloride:

There's at least four of these now.

they aren't. Every other form of brown and asian beat the shit out of them in FGs. Even some whites are starting to get ahead of them in certain fgs. Literally the only good basketball americans fg players I can think of are dieminion, snake eyez,lordknight and sonicfox.

How can one be so consistently terrible with Nash?

Cuz they're usually good fighters

Niggers are at least

Kys Sup Forums basement dweller


do you agree with him, Sup Forums?

If you think white people are even close to minorities in fighting games you are actually retarded

Why is the guy spammed everyday


Hes pretty sexy

No rsi

That's it




They're not any different than anyone else when it comes to fighting games. It's just more accepted in black culture to play them so they gravitate towards them more than other genres.

Watching angry viscant never gets old.

Mad about LeBron going to the finals again?

nothing better to do

Is he even worse at SFV than at SFIV? Kinda feels like it.

I actually want to post seriously on this topic for once.

1.) Fighting games are one of the few scenes taken seriously, which means you see more of it.
2.) Because of this, you also see the most black people you've ever seen in any scene ever.
3.) Because of point 2, you then believe that the FGC is riddled with black people and that they have a special liking to fighting games.

It's not true, every scene has black people in it but due to the exposure competitive fighting games get you just happen to see them. maybe because you live in some shitty small town with nothing to do but post on Sup Forums all day. I don't know I'm just guessing.

>black coworker
>I owe him a favor so I agree to let him come over with his computer so I can fix it
>he's playing my roomate's copy of Killer Instinct while I do some incredibly simple bullshit for his computer
>not much of a gamer to my knowledge
>"ayy yo user-dizzle, check this out"
>does whatever the ultra-perfect super duper infinite combo is
>tfw you not born to execute slam dunks, touchdowns, and infinite combos

Why is every stereotype about niggers so true

From what I can see yeah. For a guy who bitches about footsies he sucks at it and just resorts to run away booms like it's vanilla 4.

Honestly, I have no idea what you're getting at. He shows you a combo so he's a stereotypical nigger?

Probably because black people who play games are turbo weebs, and fighting games are the weebiest competitive games out there

Well LTG joke thread aside, has anyone else noticed this trend?
>there are a lot of really good black arcade type fighting game players yet all the top of the top players end up being asians
>there are also a lot of really good black Smash players but again all the top players end up being white / hispanic

LTnigGer got his ass handed to him for the second time after calling out Viscant. Then the nignog immediately resorted to threats of physical violence because that's black culture for you.